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Thread: My Mass Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Vancouver, Canada

    My Mass Cycle

    Hey guys, I just finished my pct from my contest in november and I'm ready to start my new mass cycle. I weigh 215 right now, bf not to sure, 5'10 height. I've done many cycles in the past. so heres my cycle, let me know what you think

    Week 1-4: Test prop: 300mgs/week
    Anadrol: 50 mgs/day
    Tri Tren: 150 mgs/week
    Deca: 450 mgs/week
    Andropen: 550 mgs/week

    Weeks 4-12: Tri tren: 150mgs/week
    Deca: 450mgs/week
    Andropen: 550mgs/week
    Nolvadex: 10mgs/day

  2. #2
    What are your stats? Age, height, weight, cycle experience etc

    A few points

    • Is it not a bit soon to start another cycle?
    • Those doses seem kind of low
    • How often are you planning of shooting? To get 300mg of test prop a week that would be 42.65mg ED, sounds like a pain in the arse to measure. I would up it to 50mg ED or even 75mg ED
    • Why run tren and deca in the same cycle, most would chose one or the other.
    • I would usually run deca longer than 12 weeks to get it’s full effects, say 14weeks
    • I would up my test does because 450mg of deca and 150mg of tren ain’t gona be kind on the wee man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Good luck with your cycle, but as graeme has stated I also think your test is too low, but since you've done many cycle already you may have done similar in the past and know that this dose works well for you?

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