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  1. #1
    TheMachine is offline Junior Member
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    Question Newbie: Some clen and T3 questions

    1.) Can anyone refer me to a good T3 cycle? I searched but couldnt find any.

    2.) Can I take Clen and T3 doses together in the morning?

    3.) Exactly when should I take Taurine?

    4.) Does one spray of T3 equal 25 mcg?


  2. #2
    TheMachine is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    Bump, please help!

  3. #3
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMachine
    1.) Can anyone refer me to a good T3 cycle? I searched but couldnt find any.

    2.) Can I take Clen and T3 doses together in the morning?

    3.) Exactly when should I take Taurine?

    4.) Does one spray of T3 equal 25 mcg?

    Originally Posted by KNOWNasJOE
    Im not sure if this is the right forum but since the Clen FAQ is in here I figured I mind as well post it. I am finishing my cycle this week (friday) and want to start Clen/t3 with my PCT. I am 6' 223 lbs and last time I checked (at 216) I was 7.7% BF. I am probably around 8.5% more realistically and I dunno what it is now that I am at 223. I appear to be roughly the same so Ill just say 8.5%. I read the Clen FAQ and will dose as suggested but what about the t3?

    *Copied directly from Clen FAQ...
    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg

    This was Briansaurus reply

    I was thinking going to day 14 at 120mcg. How to dose t3? I will be dividing into two doses...first in the morning and one at 4pm.

    I was going to try 2 weeks on 1 week of ben at night for a week then continue.

    Opinions? Suggestions? Your cycle preferences?
    I personally dont like clen for fatloss. Ive had better results with a thermo in combo with t3. But the doses look fine. If you are doing 2 on/off there is no need to taper back up since you should know your tolerance by 2nd time around. If you have trouble sleeping you can add 25-75mg ben before bed. But there is no reason for you to run it 2on 1 off if you are using it as an anti his for the clen. It is used every 3rd wk if you are using clen 6wks straight.

    As far as t3, you can start at 25mcg-50mcg and up the dose every 1-2days to asses your tolerance. prolly somewhere around 100-125mcg. 50mcg every 12hrs or something

    4. t3 is 200mcg/'ll have to experiment and find out how many sprays fill a 1 ml container (alot of those plastic sprayers vary in volume delivered)
    Last edited by ebjack; 12-21-2006 at 11:32 AM.

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    1. the usual protocol is to slowly up dosage to max desired dose, run max dose for duration needed then SLOWLY taper down again.
    day1 25mcg
    2 25mcg
    3 25mcg
    4 50mcg
    5 50mcg
    6 50mcg
    7 75mcg
    8 75mcg
    9 75mcg
    10 100mcg
    ect ect....
    I would not personally go over 150mcg and many would say that dose is still very high. When coming off follow similar taper.

    2. yes
    3. does not matter that much, i use pre and PWO.
    4 spray is very innacurate IMO. Measure with a slin pin instead.

    I would not run t3 without AS as it will waste muscle as well as fat. Check out my clen faq in sig for further clen help.

  5. #5
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006
    If you have never taken Clen or T3 then you might just start with clen. Clen is pretty strong all by itself.

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