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Thread: Clen Cycle

  1. #1
    some_gurl's Avatar
    some_gurl is offline Female Member
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    Question Clen Cycle


    so pretty well every cycle i read on here states 2weeks on, then 2 off

    but w. mine the directions stated....

    week1: 30units 2x day.. 2days on 1 day off..

    week2: 60units " "

    week3: 100 units " "

    week 4& 5: xtralean only, 2caps 2x /day.. 2 on 1 off..

    what do you think about this?
    do you think it would actually be better going for 3weeks straight...and spreading it out to 2x a day?
    illl prob chnage the dosage to what i read in the women forums though.

    it is liquid clen , non pill form.

    Thank you!!
    Last edited by some_gurl; 12-22-2006 at 05:03 PM.

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Beast???...where are you mate?

    He's the clen king...I'm sure he can help guide you through this one.

    Very knowledgeable fella. Especially with clen.

    Good luck,


  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Have you ever ran clen before? What are your stats?

    That dosage increase is not something that any female should try. Marginal increases in dosages of clen are the best way, and 10-20mcg's will allow you to figure out what the max dosage you should be taking.

    I run clen at my peak dosage from day one and never increase it due to the certain side effects that take over at 180mcg's for me.

    I think you should do some more research, especially if you aren't sure you are going to run it at a typical woman's dosage yet...

    Have a concrete plan on how you think you should run it and then circle around with us to sign-off on the plan.

  4. #4
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    bump for the beast!

  5. #5
    some_gurl's Avatar
    some_gurl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    Have you ever ran clen before? What are your stats?

    That dosage increase is not something that any female should try. Marginal increases in dosages of clen are the best way, and 10-20mcg's will allow you to figure out what the max dosage you should be taking.

    I run clen at my peak dosage from day one and never increase it due to the certain side effects that take over at 180mcg's for me.

    I think you should do some more research, especially if you aren't sure you are going to run it at a typical woman's dosage yet...

    Have a concrete plan on how you think you should run it and then circle around with us to sign-off on the plan.
    thnx for the advice.

    ive been researching it for a few weeks now.

    ill prob do the dosages suggested in the women forum.. im just not sure about the 3week thing.
    i was planning on doing 2 this whole time... :S

    but b4 i start ill post again. ill prob start after the new year so i dont have to have xmas and new years distracting me from the gym and eating right
    Last edited by some_gurl; 12-22-2006 at 09:01 PM.

  6. #6
    daem's Avatar
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    If you have enough clen , try the 2 days on 2 days off approach in your first cycle to see how it goes, and then try a 2 week straight cycle.

    See which one gives you the least sides and compare with the results you got. You could also experiment with a new diet during your clen run and see if you can learn about your body to get dialed in for a future photo shoot without worrying about missing.

  7. #7
    some_gurl's Avatar
    some_gurl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    If you have enough clen , try the 2 days on 2 days off approach in your first cycle to see how it goes, and then try a 2 week straight cycle.

    See which one gives you the least sides and compare with the results you got. You could also experiment with a new diet during your clen run and see if you can learn about your body to get dialed in for a future photo shoot without worrying about missing.

    that is a good idea. but u would have to do a couple cycles to see which proves better results.

    id rather just do one that is proven better statistically. low on funds...

  8. #8
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    The dosage schedule that came with your clen would not be the most effective way to use it IMO. You are right in suggesting that running it straight through would be a better option. Many females report that they are very sensitive to clen and suffer some uncomfortable sides at higher dosages. For this reason I would suggest you try 20mcg on your first day just to make sure you do not get sick. If all is well then bump up to 40mcg day 2. If all is well still then bump to 60mcg day 3. If you feel the clen is working (shaky hands,increase in temp) then stay at this dose, if not then bump to 80mcg after a couple more days. Keep bumping every 2-3 days until you find a dose that suits you. Stick with your preffered dose for the whole time you wish to stay on. During the third week (and every third week you stay on) take 50mg of benadryl every night to upregulate your receptors (this will help the clen to work more efficiently as you wil become tolerant over time). Check out the clen FAQ in my sig for more info.

  9. #9
    some_gurl's Avatar
    some_gurl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    The dosage schedule that came with your clen would not be the most effective way to use it IMO. You are right in suggesting that running it straight through would be a better option. Many females report that they are very sensitive to clen and suffer some uncomfortable sides at higher dosages. For this reason I would suggest you try 20mcg on your first day just to make sure you do not get sick. If all is well then bump up to 40mcg day 2. If all is well still then bump to 60mcg day 3. If you feel the clen is working (shaky hands,increase in temp) then stay at this dose, if not then bump to 80mcg after a couple more days. Keep bumping every 2-3 days until you find a dose that suits you. Stick with your preffered dose for the whole time you wish to stay on. During the third week (and every third week you stay on) take 50mg of benadryl every night to upregulate your receptors (this will help the clen to work more efficiently as you wil become tolerant over time). Check out the clen FAQ in my sig for more info.
    THANK YOU!!!

    i read your faq a while ago it was awesome.

    just wasnt sure about running it on and off during the week,

    i will do what i originally planned to do (what you just suggested)

    thnx again.

    have a good xmas!

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