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  1. #1
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    HRT and growth cycles

    Is it possible to go on HRT and also incorporate a few growth cycles per year. maybe increase the dose for short 30 day blast, PCT and back to hrt for 3 months and repeat.??
    I'm 35 and my test is in the low end of the range. The thought of HRT doesnt really bother me, but I would still like to put on size, not just up my test levels to feel better. Of course I'd like to stay healthy and keep my blood panels in check. Is this at all possible?

  2. #2
    vermin's Avatar
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    This is aka "cruising" and there are a lot of threads/discussions on this topic.

  3. #3
    big jd is offline New Member
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    I was wondering if anyone has ever went on jintropin and in what doses????

  4. #4
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big jd
    I was wondering if anyone has ever went on jintropin and in what doses????

    Hi - this is called "thread hijacking" and it is not polite. Also, Jin is HGH not AAS, so you should ask about it in that section - though I'd suggest searching and researching first.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizeguy
    Is it possible to go on HRT and also incorporate a few growth cycles per year. maybe increase the dose for short 30 day blast, PCT and back to hrt for 3 months and repeat.??
    I'm 35 and my test is in the low end of the range. The thought of HRT doesnt really bother me, but I would still like to put on size, not just up my test levels to feel better. Of course I'd like to stay healthy and keep my blood panels in check. Is this at all possible?
    Yes its possible to hrt and do growth burst short cycles but there would be no need to do pct, just link the short cycle together with a hrt dose and prime before each cycle, the results will be amazing if the correct prime is done and the right compounds used and designed

  6. #6
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Yes its possible to hrt and do growth burst short cycles but there would be no need to do pct, just link the short cycle together with a hrt dose and prime before each cycle, the results will be amazing if the correct prime is done and the right compounds used and designed
    Hey Marcus, I've been following your threads on primeing and short burst cycles and am very intrigued. My test is on the low end of the range and may make a decision on hrt but dont want to give up going for size. I metioned PCT after the short bursts to bring your body back and reduce any sides. I would assume that if after your short burst you went back to HRT doses that perhaps your cholesterol or any other sides might not adjust back. Although i could be wrong? I guess I would like to still be a bodybuilder and not just an HRT patient, but yet still keep my self as healthy as possible, maybe ai just want my cake and eat it too!
    Any thoughts?

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