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Thread: PCT SUx!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    PCT SUx!

    Well, I know I'll get slammed for this, but for my bros who are intestered please read and respond....the rest of ya, sorry for wasting your time.

    Started PCT Friday (making today day 5)
    1,000hcg on day 1
    500 hcg everyday since and will go for another week to be safe.

    20mg clomid each of 5 days and .25-.5 of armidex everyday too. Along with a spray of AIMF.

    IGF-L at 50mcg for 5 days thus far rotating inj. spots.

    I have cut cardio down to 20 minutes THREE tmes a week which is huge for me, but my appetite is suffering.

    I ate a lot this weekend, mostly proein though, but a good xmas dinner last night with all the fixings......

    I am so friggn tired I don't know what to do. I am training today, tomorrow of thursday, friday and saturday, but yesterdays chest sesssion was hell, lethargic and weak. I did cardio today but didnt at all the last three days so I knew I had to be heavier. I was friggn down 5lbs to a mere 153 at 6'2.....abs are visible, but who cares. I feel pretty shitty. COnstipated and really damn weak.

    Diet wise I bet I had 300g of carbs friday
    200g sat and sunday
    and maybe 250 yesterday

    proein has been in the 300 range. I cut back on my overall meal sizes but still feel like I am eating the same, just more spaced out. For example, instead of 1 cup of oats at 7am I have 1/2cup at 7 and 9, etc.....I also have taken out the apple preworkout and added 1/4 cup oats with a blend. Severe stomach cramping and just an overall state of blahh....any thoughts? What effect is the IGF havin on me if any? Is it keeping me lean? Making me lose weight? Keeping me hard? Wuick look at my diet, is it the food consumption thats making me tired? I know I can't overtrain on pct and I wont, so I guess I should go high rep for this month? Correct? Use it as a deload? Wont that jsut burn MORE cals? Thanks for the help!

    7am PRO CARB FAT
    1/2 cup oats 6.6 30 3 155
    4 oz turkey 25 0 1.5 175
    6 egg whites 21.6 1.4 0.3 110
    53.2 31.4 4.8 440

    6OZ FLANK COOKED 42.1 0 10 261
    1/2 cup brown rice 1 25 2 120
    1/2 cup back beans 8 25 0.8 150
    51.1 50 12.8 531

    6 oz tuna 52 0 6 275
    1/2 cup oats 6.6 30 3 155
    0 0 0 0 0
    58.6 30 9 430

    6 OZ CHICKEN 52 0 6 275
    1 TBSP OLIVE OIL 0 0 13.5 119
    52 0 0 19.5 0 394

    2 scoop blend 50 6 6 250
    1/4 cup oats 6.6 20 0.4 75
    56.6 26 6.4 325
    TRAIN (445-615)

    virtago or dextrose 0 50 1 225
    1 scoop whey 30 4 4 125
    POST SUPPS 0 0 0 0
    30 0 54 0 5 0 350

    4 oz all white meat turkey 16.68 - 1.00 116.73
    spinach 0.8 10 0.2 60
    17.475 10 1.2005 176.725

    shake 50 5 10 300
    1/2 cup dry curd 20 1 2 100
    1tb pb 7 6 17 110
    1/2 scoop blend 10 3 2 60
    1/2 cup egg whites 16 1 0.5 80
    53 11 21.5 350

    368.98 206.40 - 68.70 - 2,946.73

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Long Island
    maybe your getting sick or ate something bad. stomach virus was just going around here. everyone in my house got it... same symptoms

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    damn bro, 153 @ 6'2" ??

    in all honesty, you have no business taking any type of steriods

    thats probably why your hating pct, you were no where near your natural potential before using and you body is coming back to reality fast

    please do yourself a favor, and after this pct, stay natural until you reach 185 lbs at the very least!!

    from the looks of it, you bf% is very low, but you gotta give a little to take a little. eat more! just eat lots of healthy proteins and complex carbs and keep eating! you will gain very minimal body fat from this, and over time, gain the size you need. hit up the diet forum, good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I PROMISE! I am done...until at least 200lbs......thought Id try a low dose at 250mg for 20 weeks but it ereally did nothing at all.....I am reducing training, reducing cardio, focusing on strength, mass, and health.....pure and simple/

    Do you think my diet looks like enough cals and overall carbs? I reduced it a tad during pct and have switch to a pw shake of dextrose to see how it effects me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    i did my 1st cycle at 160lb and gained 20 and im about 2 do my 2nd and gain another 20 and ill be much faster than natural..

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