Lots of posts but not focusing on the answers I'm looking for. If I injected my last deca/sus shot on oct 23....I should start clomid on the 21st day following. Which would be nov 13 at 300mg day one, 100mgs/day for 10 days, and follow up 50mgs/day for 10 more and then I'm done. Yes Or No....
Clen....Start @ 2/day increase to 6/day, two weeks on two weeks off with ECA stack during off weeks, repeat cycle twice or three times and then my clomid should be finished, Clen will be finished, eca will be finished.
This will be 21 days waiting for start of clomid. 21 days on clomid equals 42 days.
Start Clen NOW and run it along with ECA during break for the full 42 days....Yes Or NO.....
...Then...I can think about my official cutting cycle-- winny eq, fina, prop test...
Am I inline with your professional opinions???