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Thread: Clomid/Clen/ECA Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Clomid/Clen/ECA Question

    Lots of posts but not focusing on the answers I'm looking for. If I injected my last deca/sus shot on oct 23....I should start clomid on the 21st day following. Which would be nov 13 at 300mg day one, 100mgs/day for 10 days, and follow up 50mgs/day for 10 more and then I'm done. Yes Or No....

    Clen....Start @ 2/day increase to 6/day, two weeks on two weeks off with ECA stack during off weeks, repeat cycle twice or three times and then my clomid should be finished, Clen will be finished, eca will be finished.

    This will be 21 days waiting for start of clomid. 21 days on clomid equals 42 days.

    Start Clen NOW and run it along with ECA during break for the full 42 days....Yes Or NO.....

    ...Then...I can think about my official cutting cycle-- winny eq, fina, prop test...

    Am I inline with your professional opinions???


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Yes on the clomid thing 3 weeks after last shot, 300 day 1 100 days 2-11 etc. You can do the clen/eca thing anytime, you don't have to wait for the cycle to be over or the clomid therapy. I would begin right after the last shot of deca or maybe a week after but I would run it with the clomid.

    Winny fina eq and prop....................did you read my cycle in the cycle forum??? Copycat, lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    YEP...busted....5/3 looks like an a cycle for the more advanced BB...Yea I am looking at you advice...You answered the Parabolan/Tren/Fina question for me quite nicely also. I may just buy the TT Labs Tren 75 though....only because I have no experence with converting implants or pellets into what I need. I will run:

    eq 600/wk week 1-10,
    dbol 40 mg/d week 1-4,
    Test cyp 400mg/wk week 1-8
    Test prop 600mg/wk week 9, 10, 11, 12
    Tren 225mgs/wk week 9, 10, 11, 12

    What do you think...Should I run the Test Prop thoughout instead of the Test Cyp?

    Oh Yea..thanks for the info on this thread...I will be following that regiment clomid/eca/clen with cardio begining monday...Changing my workout now to include it....Lets see how long it will take to shake this fat I gained with the Deca/sus....wont be doing that cycle again...thats for sure...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Personally I would run the prop throughout instead of the cyp b/c I like the lack of water retention that comes with using propinate. Also by sticking with the same test throughout you don't have to play the guessing game with your blood levels. I am thinking when you switch to the prop at the end you will get a spike in blood levels which is not necessarily bad but I think it is better to have an even concentration throughout the cycle instead of having a roller coaster effect.

    If money is not an issue then by all means go with the tt labs tren. I have seen if for $170 for 20ml but if you make it, 20ml would only cost $70 or so. Maybe a bit more if you don't buy in bulk but either way it is cheap. If you want to under go the conversion process just shoot me a pm I will be able to walk you through it step by step. It is a VERY simple procedure.

    Also with tren it is best shot ed. If you do 225mg/w then I would suggest doing 1/2cc a day or the next best would be 1cc eod. Surprisingly though giving the same dose (75mg over a two day period) the daily dose of 37.5mg will be more effective than 75mg eod. Again this goes back to the rollercoaster effect with blood levels. the daily injects will keep levels constant where as they would waver on eod injects. hope this helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Looks good. It's really up to you how you fit in the clen/eca but the way you've set it upo is good. I'd maybe try aiming to start clen along with clomid as that can be the most crucial time for retaining gains, or that next 2 weeks or so anyways.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Okay, I'll stick with the Prop...I was wondering about the levels of Cyp when switching...I know from reading that Cyp's half life is quite long compared to Prop..that would cause a significant spike in the overall Test blood levels for a couple of weeks, maybe not a good idea. Plus it would make it easier.


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