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  1. #1
    getpaid's Avatar
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    Thinking of adding Winny?

    My current cycle right now is: Test E 500mg/wk 1-12
    Equipoise 500mg/wk 1-12

    Right now I am about to go into my 10th wk, and I was wondering if I should start Winny at 50mg ed for next four wks and then start my PCT when I am through with the Winny. Or should I just wait for my next cycle? I currently have put on about 22lbs of lean muscle thus far but when I am done with this cycle I am looking to get very lean and I thought the winny would help kick start my cutting.My current stats are: 6ft 222lbs and bf I'm guessing around 13% don't really have a clue .Anyways please give me your opinions..Thanks

  2. #2
    getpaid's Avatar
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    Last edited by getpaid; 12-26-2006 at 10:16 PM.

  3. #3
    getpaid's Avatar
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  4. #4
    getpaid's Avatar
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    11 views and no replies, come on theres gotta be someone who can help..I guess next time I need to have a more exciting title for my thread

  5. #5
    chaznad is offline Junior Member
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    im gettin ready for my test /eq cycle,, how many mg's per each /week?

    also what have you noticed in gains, strength, hardness, vascularity?

  6. #6
    getpaid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaznad
    im gettin ready for my test /eq cycle,, how many mg's per each /week?

    also what have you noticed in gains, strength, hardness, vascularity?
    I did 500mgs per/wk with both, 250 mgs every 3.5 days..
    And yes I have been very satisfied with my gains, my strength is through the roof( just got up 405lbs on bench today,and yes I am tooting my own horn), and I am hard as a rock, but I'm not real happy with my vascularity..I'm sure that will come more when I start doing cardio and cutting up...
    Last edited by getpaid; 12-27-2006 at 12:35 AM.

  7. #7
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    do it. 50mg minimum. i ran 80 good stuff.

  8. #8
    getpaid's Avatar
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    So you took 80mg ED for how long? How did your joints feel after you were off?

  9. #9
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    I have don't winny yet, couldn't help u there with constructive suggestion, however based on the profile of winny I read... an injection is recommmended to be far superior to oral ingestion. So if u decided to go winny, go injection.

  10. #10
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    fvck injection i hear its a bitch. i ran 80mg for 6 weeks i've got 2 weeks left so technically 4 so far. only sides were pumps and dry skin no joint pain at all

  11. #11
    getpaid's Avatar
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    I'm convinced..Thanks for your input...

  12. #12
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by getpaid
    My current cycle right now is: Test E 500mg/wk 1-12
    Equipoise 500mg/wk 1-12

    Right now I am about to go into my 10th wk, and I was wondering if I should start Winny at 50mg ed for next four wks and then start my PCT when I am through with the Winny. Or should I just wait for my next cycle? I currently have put on about 22lbs of lean muscle thus far but when I am done with this cycle I am looking to get very lean and I thought the winny would help kick start my cutting.My current stats are: 6ft 222lbs and bf I'm guessing around 13% don't really have a clue .Anyways please give me your opinions..Thanks

    Sorry you haven't had great responses here but this is what you could do.

    If you could extend your Test E by 2 weeks that would be better so you could stop the EQ at week 12, run the Test to week 14, and start the WInny week 10-16 then PCT

    4 weeks may not get you the results you are looking for. You can run the winny anywhere from 50-100mgs ED and split it up two or three doses per day if you are taking oral, if Injectable you can do all at once or twice a day would be better

  13. #13
    vecchio82's Avatar
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    I enjoyed Winny alot, I did daily injections of 50mg into my quads for 5 weeks at the end of 500 Sust/wk cycle. Hardened me up and the vascularity is still here! That was 1 1/2 years ago by the way....

  14. #14
    getpaid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Sorry you haven't had great responses here but this is what you could do.

    If you could extend your Test E by 2 weeks that would be better so you could stop the EQ at week 12, run the Test to week 14, and start the WInny week 10-16 then PCT

    4 weeks may not get you the results you are looking for. You can run the winny anywhere from 50-100mgs ED and split it up two or three doses per day if you are taking oral, if Injectable you can do all at once or twice a day would be better
    Thanks that was kind of what I was thinking of doing but wasnt sure.Just had a few questions: I know that you are suppose to run test a little longer than EQ but I just dont know what the reason is for it . Also I know a lot of people run test cycles longer than 14wks, but I've heard its harder to bounce back to your natural test levels the longer you stay on test cycle, so how aggressive would you get with your pct ? I have all the nolva and clomid I need...Anyways, any help you could give I would appreciate it..

  15. #15
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  16. #16
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Reason for running test longer then ...say Deca or EQ, is because of the esters of those compounds. They stay active in your system longer than Test E so you cut them short to make your PCT timing match up.

    I would stop the EQ at least one week before the test
    Two more weeks of Test will not hurt you unless you see that you gains have stopped.
    as far as PCT, I always plan on at least a month long run but then have enough to run it longer if you feel you haven't recovered.

  17. #17
    getpaid's Avatar
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    That makes sense...the only reason I was going to take it longer is I've been reading that it really takes EQ about 12wks to see results which I feel is true because I am just now starting to see a little more vascularity and my appetite is increasing, But anyway I will run it two more weeks and start my Winny this week and see what that does..Thanks for the help

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