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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    can HGH counter the effects of test on collagen syn?

    i know test inhibits collagen synthesis, as does pretty much all other gear. however, i know HGH dramatically increases the col syn. now, what i'm wondering is if the two are taken in conjunction with each other, which effect is stronger of the two? in other words, will col syn be inhibited but not quite as dramatically as without the HGH, will col syn increase cause of the HGH, or will they kind of balance each other out?

    reason i'm asking is cause i've considered doing "cruising" between cycles to prevent the dreaded pct crash, along with several other reasons. however, everyone i know who has done gear year-round has had numerous joint problems because of the tests inhibition of col syn. i'm trying to find a way around that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    interesting question I must say affront I don't have the answer to all of it myself. But speaking of joint problem, it seems to me it is inevitable when you start lifting more weight with or without proper lifting technique/ or with or without supplement compounds including all kinds of roids. Thee only advise I currernt made up for myself is extreme caution to avoid (joint) injuries thru using appropriate lifting technique/ knowing my max weight/ supplements/ backbelt for squats/deadlifts and knee/wrist bands for barbell curl just to mention a few. if you'd like to maintain a progressive workout you gotta have all the right gear. Let me know when find all the answers to your question cause I'm considering hgh in my next cycle....

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