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  1. #1
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Talking Ultimate Cycle or what?!? Good bros share insight!!

    Sup bro's!?! This is an upcoming cycle that will be done later on in the new year, but I like to plan ahead and I had some free time so why not get some opinions on it..

    Weeks 1-4 T-bol 60 mg ED OR Drol 50-100 mg ED
    Weeks 1-10 Test E 500 mg EW
    Weeks 1-8 Tren E 400 mg EW
    Weeks 7-12 Anavar 80 mg ED
    Aromasin - Start through Pct

    aromasin/ nolva/ proviron / creatine-NO stack

    1) I have used Tbol 2 times with very good success. Do I stick to that or do I try out DROL? The only thing I'm scared about is the horrible bloat on drol. I am thinking that with the aromasin and with a clean diet and cardio 4 x a week it would be kept to a minimum. Its just I hear drol strength gains are unreal so I am kind of leaning to that.. BUT on the other hand I like the pumps and lean gains tbol offers so this is still up in the air! who the hell knows LOL!!!!

    2) The test/tren that will be used is a blend of 250 mg test enanthate and 200 mg of tren enanthate.

    3) I just read somewhere that aromasin was not good to use in conjuction with tren. I thought that it would suffice?? Am I wrong? I do not want to use letro through the cycle. I was thinking of also incorporating poviron, but will save that for pct. So is AROMASIN ok to run through out while using tren?

    4) Hows my PCT? (I do not like using clomid)

    was at a solid 220-> cut down to 200-> and then down to a VERY lean 190.. I am now around 200lbs. This cycle will not be started for months so stats will be different by then. I am 6'2 and 22 years of age.

    BUMP for any answers, opinions, or info that I should know. I am welcome to any info! thanks very much brothas

    Oh yea this is all fictional- im just very bored and want to learn

  2. #2
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    well for starters i've never used tern or tbol yet but from what i know tren e should maybe be extended to 10 weeks,since it is a long ester,and maybe think about extending the test to 12 for tbol vs abombs,the gains like u state will be lean and dry,where the gains with a-50's will mostly be all water,and not any real gains in terms of muscle.

  3. #3
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Yeah, why not keep the test for 12 weeks?

  4. #4
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    I had great success with test e for only 10 weeks, but maybe i will switch it up for 12 weeks..

  5. #5
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Hey bro, just curious as to what your goals are for this specific cycle?

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    imo DROL >>>>> than TBOL by far.. i love drol actually gives u visible str/size results. and its NOT ALL JUST WATER but the water does help alot w/ big lifts.

    in honesty i would drop var and run win at the end but thats just me, var has never done anything for me except make my gf horny.

    i have also read that u shud never run the same orals back to back .. switching it up is the way to go and i belive this fully!

  7. #7
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would run HCG at 500mg ed along with that pct.

  8. #8
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    imo DROL >>>>> than TBOL by far.. i love drol actually gives u visible str/size results. and its NOT ALL JUST WATER but the water does help alot w/ big lifts.

    in honesty i would drop var and run win at the end but thats just me, var has never done anything for me except make my gf horny.

    i have also read that u shud never run the same orals back to back .. switching it up is the way to go and i belive this fully!
    Hey tai! Thanks for the input friend. I am leaning toward the Drol as well.. about the Var.. yea it is pretty mild but the 2 weeks I did try winny it really took a toll on my joints and var works pretty well with me, but maybe I will give it another shot.. I was thinking about Halo, but I think drol to halo would be a little much. I know the whole liver thing is exxagerated but maybe halo and drol are to much.. anyway thanks for the iput bro.. this is my first time with tren so I want to be cautious..

  9. #9
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Hey bro, just curious as to what your goals are for this specific cycle?
    hey bro.. I will be Lean Bulking..

  10. #10
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    I would run HCG at 500mg ed along with that pct.
    I was thinking about this as well.. BUMP for more opinions is HCG is a must??
    thanks bro

  11. #11
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Looks like a great cycle Lift. I would go for the Drol too and see how you do with that since you already know what T-bol does for you.

    have you run Tren before? If not I would go with Ace instead of E , but I am sure you already knew that.

    Good luck with it!! Good to see you back on here !!

  12. #12
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Looks like a great cycle Lift. I would go for the Drol too and see how you do with that since you already know what T-bol does for you.

    have you run Tren before? If not I would go with Ace instead of E , but I am sure you already knew that.

    Good luck with it!! Good to see you back on here !!
    SMAN whats going on good bro!!
    I think I will incorporate the Drol instead of the tbol.. switich things up a bit.. Yea Im hoping for this to be my best cycle yet.. btw looking real big in ur avy bro!! keep up the good work! thanks for the input!

  13. #13
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    hey bro.. I will be Lean Bulking..
    IMO if one is planning a lean bulker, i believe that an 8 week cycle w/ faster acting aas compounds will suffice. Reason being that a lean bulker IMO is wanting a good amount of mass say 10lbs w/ as little fat as possible, and this can easily be achieved w/ an 8 week cycle.

    Any longer will IMO be a waste, as you start your cycle you set a diet for calorie intake that will provide you to gain those 10 lbs as lean as possible. Now any changes to that diet say higher cals will provide more mass but will bring fat as well, lower cals and you might loose mass.

    Since you want to stay as lean as possible w/o gaining fat, your basically stuck with the same planned diet for the full length of the cycle but your mass gained wont rise or fall thus making those extra weeks of the cycle a waste. See where im going w/ this?

    Just saying IMO if you can gain the same amount of mass from an 8 weeker than a 12 weeker, why not run the 8 weeker.

    Not trying to sound like a d*ck bro and im not trying to bash on your proposed cycle as these are not my intentions. Just trying to give you something to consider.

  14. #14
    James444 is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=Liftnainez] "I was thinking of also incorporating poviron, but will save that for pct. "

    I thought Proviron is never supposed to be used PCT, but during a cycle to combat estrogen. Is it OK to run as a pct?

    Im using it right now but when my cycle is over I was planning to use clomid.(200mg first day,150mg second day,down to 50mg for 4wks.

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    Hey tai! Thanks for the input friend. I am leaning toward the Drol as well.. about the Var.. yea it is pretty mild but the 2 weeks I did try winny it really took a toll on my joints and var works pretty well with me, but maybe I will give it another shot.. I was thinking about Halo, but I think drol to halo would be a little much. I know the whole liver thing is exxagerated but maybe halo and drol are to much.. anyway thanks for the iput bro.. this is my first time with tren so I want to be cautious..
    honestly halo is more loving on my system than drol, drol rapes my cholestrol, bp and liver more than halo but thats also because i run drol higher than halo to see the same results. so MG to MG drol is NOT as evil but it requires more MG of drol (for me) to see same results as w/ halo.
    my liv enzymes were more elevated from win than from halo but there are also alot of other factors in there too but still i dunno.. liver is a very resiliant organ and can handle almost anything.

    first time w/ tren i would run a DHT oral for sure.. kick tbol to the curve.
    its far more synergistic to combine a dht w/ nor groups than gaybol.

  16. #16
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    u really dont need hcg its not going to do much for ya at all in all honesty.. all u need is a SERM and AI i would go for nolva/aromasin combo and eat TONS of O M E G A fatty acids to ramp up endogenous test production. \
    best cycle yet.. yeah drol+tren = OMG FUN!

  17. #17
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would replace t-bol with halo in the beginning.

    Halo is my absolute favourite oral. Wonderful drug, the strenght I got from "only" 40 mg a/day was crazy...

  18. #18
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    I would replace t-bol with halo in the beginning.

    Halo is my absolute favourite oral. Wonderful drug, the strenght I got from "only" 40 mg a/day was crazy...

  19. #19
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Whats werd tai?

  20. #20
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    I hope you guys mean 500iu not mg's of HCG .

    I would go the 12wks,could only be a good thing

  21. #21
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Whats werd tai?
    its a form of hip slang meaning i concur.

  22. #22
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    honestly halo is more loving on my system than drol, drol rapes my cholestrol, bp and liver more than halo but thats also because i run drol higher than halo to see the same results. so MG to MG drol is NOT as evil but it requires more MG of drol (for me) to see same results as w/ halo.
    my liv enzymes were more elevated from win than from halo but there are also alot of other factors in there too but still i dunno.. liver is a very resiliant organ and can handle almost anything.

    first time w/ tren i would run a DHT oral for sure.. kick tbol to the curve.
    its far more synergistic to combine a dht w/ nor groups than gaybol.
    Very interesting.. Thanks for the input once again.. Im going to do some more research on halo.. That woud give me the lean dry gains tbol would but times 10 ( im hoping lol).. yea the liver is a pretty powerful organ.. I would run a dose of 30-40 mg of halo for weeks 1-4..thanks again bro!

  23. #23
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    u really dont need hcg its not going to do much for ya at all in all honesty.. all u need is a SERM and AI i would go for nolva/aromasin combo and eat TONS of O M E G A fatty acids to ramp up endogenous test production. \
    best cycle yet.. yeah drol+tren = OMG FUN!
    thats whats I was thinking.. yea my cycle is still up in the air..
    its btw tbol,drol or halo.. prob either the drol or halo though.. drol+tren does seem fun though! lol

  24. #24
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    I would replace t-bol with halo in the beginning.

    Halo is my absolute favourite oral. Wonderful drug, the strenght I got from "only" 40 mg a/day was crazy...
    thats for the input vitor.. yea i have been reading great things about the strength gains on halo.. seems like a great compound to use..

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