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  1. #1
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    synthol - Thoughts on permanent growth

    Interested to hear anyones opinions on synthol. Is it possible that it stretches muscle fascia allowing for permanent growth in that area? Personal experiences and any scientific studies/theories?

    Please do not reply to this thread if you are going to tell me synthol is bad or mention greg vallentino.

  2. #2
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    It has a place in BB. Ive used it once, in my tris and bi's. It worked well in my tris and has stayed for approx 6 months now. I didnt want to use very much because of all the horror stories you hear about. However, if you USE not ABUSE it then its an excellent product, same as most things in life I guess?

    jing jai

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Synthol does help certain muscle groups get larger, many BB's use this when competing and they need to bring up a lagging bodypart, if use correctly and not abused the results are good and IMHO it does stretch the fascia, results normally last around 18 months depends on which product you use,

    Its very easy to abuse this product because after a few weeks you see a difference and with some BB's who struggle and have tried a life time to get big arms then suddenly they have them, its very easy to start shooting everywhere and anything,

    Ive seen and Ive had good solid results using this product, Ive seen arms of 17ins go to 20ins and still look hard and veiny, i wouldn't advice any newbie to look at this product, only advance competing BB's who need an extra inch on lagging bodyparts

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    I have had problems developing biceps. Everything else grows but them. I spoke to an experienced BBer who suggested my muscle fascia in that area was thicker than in other areas of the body making it difficult to develop them. I am considering synthol for this body part alone. However I would only consider it if after much research I believe I can get SAFE and positive results.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I have had problems developing biceps. Everything else grows but them. I spoke to an experienced BBer who suggested my muscle fascia in that area was thicker than in other areas of the body making it difficult to develop them. I am considering synthol for this body part alone. However I would only consider it if after much research I believe I can get SAFE and positive results.
    I struggle with my bi's as well. I tried it but it didnt do much if anything in mine. I didnt want to use too much as it was my first time so i guess this is one of the reasons forte poor result?

    jing jai

  6. #6
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    I dont think I'd ever turn to this product. It's like injecting your muscles with tanning oil, and it's hell for your body to try to process, plus I'd think it'd be easy for infection with it? At least if you take a bad shot of test or eq the stuff dissipates, but synthol is thick, may stay trapped in there for quite awhile. I've heard 4 yrs is how long it'll stay trapped in a muscle. And I dont care who says what, it'll take away from your hardness, it's a bunch of oil. I'd much rather have arms that are behind an inch or two but hard and defined than a ballooned up swollen look.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I dont think I'd ever turn to this product. It's like injecting your muscles with tanning oil, and it's hell for your body to try to process, plus I'd think it'd be easy for infection with it? At least if you take a bad shot of test or eq the stuff dissipates, but synthol is thick, may stay trapped in there for quite awhile. I've heard 4 yrs is how long it'll stay trapped in a muscle. And I dont care who says what, it'll take away from your hardness, it's a bunch of oil. I'd much rather have arms that are behind an inch or two but hard and defined than a ballooned up swollen look.

    How can you pass such judgemens if you have no first hand experience of the product?
    It doesnt take hardness away, they dont look swollen and bruised and they do look defined.
    As PB said, if dont have some positive input then please dont bother.


    jing jai

  8. #8
    BigMaus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I dont think I'd ever turn to this product. It's like injecting your muscles with tanning oil, and it's hell for your body to try to process, plus I'd think it'd be easy for infection with it? At least if you take a bad shot of test or eq the stuff dissipates, but synthol is thick, may stay trapped in there for quite awhile. I've heard 4 yrs is how long it'll stay trapped in a muscle. And I dont care who says what, it'll take away from your hardness, it's a bunch of oil. I'd much rather have arms that are behind an inch or two but hard and defined than a ballooned up swollen look.
    Please bro!!
    If you know what you are doing its the number 1 shizzle for lagging muscle-groups.
    Like Xtra said, use not abuse.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg

    How can you pass such judgemens if you have no first hand experience of the product?
    It doesnt take hardness away, they dont look swollen and bruised and they do look defined.
    As PB said, if dont have some positive input then please dont bother.

    I don't need first hand experience. What about this product is anabolic ? Your just sticking oil in your muscles to make them bigger. Sure it may stretch the fascia, but there are other products that promote tissue growth and that alone would stretch your fascia, alot more safely than synthol. Let's talk in terms of real muscle growth too, some guys with 23" arms abusing synthol still have trouble curling w/ 135 lbs on a barbell. It's not bringing up lagging bodyparts, it's swelling them like a balloon and making you think you have muscle that isn't there

  10. #10
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    Bla bla bla, change the record, open your eyes, what you see if ABUSE not USE. Same as anything in life ranging from alcohol, hamburgers and AAS.

    jing jai

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg
    Bla bla bla, change the record, open your eyes, what you see if ABUSE not USE. Same as anything in life ranging from alcohol, hamburgers and AAS.

    If you abuse winstrol your still going to look hard and shredded(w/ proper diet of course) if you abuse Anadrol your still going to be big as hell(w/ some sides of course) if you abuse synthol your going to be swollen and puffy. So how does it work in small amounts?

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I knew this would bring out the people who have no idea what they are talking about, if any of you have any knowledge in competing BB you would know that the top 10 Mr O's are full of the stuff, Jay uses bucket loads just look at his biceps, it is widely used and some do abuse it and thats were all the bad press comes from,

    There is a big place for synthol in BB but its not for the newbe BB who hasnt tried everything else to bring up a lagging bodypart, its for advance bb who need that certain bodypart bringing up to the same size as the rest of the body,

    I know many bb's who use this stuff just to get an extra 1-2 inches on his biceps or tri's to match up before a big comp, even everybodys hero's use this stuff, come on get in the real world,

    we can all post stupid pics up and i agree with you they are stupid abuser's who have no idea how to build muscle tissue but i can post the last top ten Mr O's and they look good to me so there is always the extreme's to this product thats why you have to be educated to understand what your taking and what for,

    And for the people who have commented who have never used it or even understand competing BB, go and research and stop looking on freaky pic sites.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    If you abuse winstrol your still going to look hard and shredded(w/ proper diet of course) if you abuse Anadrol your still going to be big as hell(w/ some sides of course) if you abuse synthol your going to be swollen and puffy. So how does it work in small amounts?
    I used it once on my arms, they lack in size towards my shoulders. I used a small ammount on bi's and tri's. It helped with the fullness on on triceps, they dont look puffy, abnormal, undefined or anything else associated with synthol.
    They just loko normal and a little bigger than they were, nothing drastic or stupid. IMO its fine if used in moderation afetr you have exhausted every other avenue!

    jing jai

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I knew this would bring out the people who have no idea what they are talking about, if any of you have any knowledge in competing BB you would know that the top 10 Mr O's are full of the stuff, Jay uses bucket loads just look at his biceps, it is widely used and some do abuse it and thats were all the bad press comes from,

    There is a big place for synthol in BB but its not for the newbe BB who hasnt tried everything else to bring up a lagging bodypart, its for advance bb who need that certain bodypart bringing up to the same size as the rest of the body,

    I know many bb's who use this stuff just to get an extra 1-2 inches on his biceps or tri's to match up before a big comp, even everybodys hero's use this stuff, come on get in the real world,

    we can all post stupid pics up and i agree with you they are stupid abuser's who have no idea how to build muscle tissue but i can post the last top ten Mr O's and they look good to me so there is always the extreme's to this product thats why you have to be educated to understand what your taking and what for,

    And for the people who have commented who have never used it or even understand competing BB, go and research and stop looking on freaky pic sites.

    I will do more research on this, but how can you get it into each muscle or make sure it takes to each muscle evenly? What if one bicep looks differnt than the other?

  15. #15
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I will do more research on this, but how can you get it into each muscle or make sure it takes to each muscle evenly? What if one bicep looks differnt than the other?
    You have to do at least 12 to 16 injections at one sitting. BB today,
    freak tomorrow.

  16. #16
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    Synthol is an intermuscular fatty acid that bodybuilders are now using to give increased size in small muscle groups. It is actually a synthetic oil that is injected right in to the muscles. The way that this product works is that it becomes encapsulated between the fasicles (bundles of muscle fibers). Upon repeated injections, a huge bolus of the oil accumulates, adding volume to the injected muscle.

    Side Effects
    As far as side effects are concerned, injecting any significant amount of fatty-acid material intramuscularly can be extremely dangerous. When you jab a syringe into a muscle without any knowledge or regard to nerve distribution, you may hit a nerve and possibly cause permanent paralysis of groups of muscle fibers within that area. And besides the increased possibility of developing abscesses, there is also the possibility you might inject the fat into a vein or artery and cause serious tissue damage downstream. If this stuff is accidentally injected into a vein or artery, it could be transported into the lungs, possibly causing a "pulmonary embolism" or perhaps even into the brain, causing a "cardioembolic stroke." It's also known that injecting fatty acids into the system can lead to a condition where blood clots can develop, resulting in coronaries and strokes."

    The bottom line is it really is not worth the dangers, pain or cost to use.

  17. #17
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thanks for the guys who posted facts and first hand experience.
    As for the other guys what did you not understand when I requested no synthol slagging and no greg ****ing idiot valentino!!!

  18. #18
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    did you guys not read the first post on this thread?

    beast was asking for info and personal experiences. he specifically stated no bagging and no greg valentino incidences.

    beast, IMO it seems that with the proper administration and compkete understanding, synthol can work to be a major advantage to someone like yourself with a stubborn lagging muscle group.

    i know the frustration as i am too ashamed to take my shirt off because i have the chest of a 7yr old girl but the traps, delts and arms of a viking. proportionally it looks rediculous.

  19. #19
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    best of luck in your studies and your possible use of synthol

  20. #20
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thanks mista, I will keep a log as usual if I decide to use it!!

  21. #21
    briansauras's Avatar
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    I was just curious, how many times do you need to inject it?
    Can your muscles actually look normal and full not lumpy like when you inj 2cc in delts. Just wondering how u would get it to spread out evenly....

  22. #22
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    I was just curious, how many times do you need to inject it?
    Can your muscles actually look normal and full not lumpy like when you inj 2cc in delts. Just wondering how u would get it to spread out evenly....
    yes of course your muscle can look normal after treatment, its the abuse what looks stupid not the use,

    i wouldnt recommend this treatment to anyone until there have tried every possible other avenues to build muscle, once this as been done then synthol can help with lagging bodyparts to bring up to par with other muscle groups when competing,

    example would be you would inject the lower bicep, middle and top for size and not an uneven look

  23. #23
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    omg i see alot of retarded pics.. SYNTHOL doesnt cause INFECTSIONS and the ABNORMAL SHAPES in most people like GREG are from "IMPLANTS" not SYNTHOL im so sick and tired of the ignorance surrounding this product..

    firstly it is an amazing product for lagging body parts but at same time the pain it puts on the local area due to stretching of the myofascia is UNREAL i assure u i have used it in my arms (i have even hard of power lifters using it to aid in muscle growth) and it was nice to see some immediate size but the pain inhibited my lifting by quite a bit.. the size was noticeable for a long time and is a great asset to PRECOMP ONLY in all reality otherwise u cant train like you should and its more of an impediment than a blessing.. such as 2-3wks out from a show blast ur lagging body parts w/ it. but for real muscle..? it may help in allowing the muscle to grow but once again PAIN!

  24. #24
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Attachment 76872

    Look at this amazing body. Guess i a

    Why dont you throw up the pics of all the bb'ers that use it and look great? Beasts question was legit..this crap isn't.

  25. #25
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    I just want to know if i can inject it in my penis???....that is my only lagging body part.....LOLOL

    Just be careful with it beast and let us know how it works for you

  26. #26
    nofear is offline Junior Member
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    Beast please be careful! I have a friend who tried that and hit a nerve and now has no feeling in that area of his arm. I would research needle size and anatomy, specifically illustrations of nerves. Good luck.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    I just want to know if i can inject it in my penis???....that is my only lagging body part.....LOLOL
    I'm laughing so hard I think I might cry...............

  28. #28
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    If you abuse winstrol your still going to look hard and shredded(w/ proper diet of course) if you abuse Anadrol your still going to be big as hell(w/ some sides of course) if you abuse synthol your going to be swollen and puffy. So how does it work in small amounts?
    Dont get me wrong, I've never done Synthol...

    But its obvious you know **** all about it.

    Try researching it, not looking at Greg Valentino...Who, I myself believe, didnt even use Synthol or Site Enhancing Oils (SEO's). Look like implants.

    Spend some time over at It has many before/after's of Synthol user's and is owned by Big A, who is an IFBB and has written an articel on SEO's. I'll find it for you...

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    omg i see alot of retarded pics.. SYNTHOL doesnt cause INFECTSIONS and the ABNORMAL SHAPES in most people like GREG are from "IMPLANTS" not SYNTHOL im so sick and tired of the ignorance surrounding this product..
    firstly it is an amazing product for lagging body parts but at same time the pain it puts on the local area due to stretching of the myofascia is UNREAL i assure u i have used it in my arms (i have even hard of power lifters using it to aid in muscle growth) and it was nice to see some immediate size but the pain inhibited my lifting by quite a bit.. the size was noticeable for a long time and is a great asset to PRECOMP ONLY in all reality otherwise u cant train like you should and its more of an impediment than a blessing.. such as 2-3wks out from a show blast ur lagging body parts w/ it. but for real muscle..? it may help in allowing the muscle to grow but once again PAIN!
    At least someone agree's. Big A first stated this.

  30. #30
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    Article by Big A (IFBB):

    Here's my SEO article again to help educating those interested.

    Site Enhancing Oils, or 'synthol' as commonly known, are possibly the most controversial subject in bodybuilding. That is because there is a huge amount of miseducation and ignorance on the subject.
    I first published the article below on the internet in early 2000, and since then it has been reproduced on countless websites and I have become as a the world most authorotive person on the subject, even consulting in the latest book on the subject written by the 'inventor' of the original SEO, Chris Clark.

    In 1996 Chris Clark invented the first SEO (Site Enhancing Oil) and named it 'Synthol'. A quick phone call from brystol-Meyers, who hold the trademark rights on the 'Synthol' name, forced Chris Clark to change the name of his product to PumpNPose. However, the name of synthol was stuck with the bodybuilders.

    The most popular now are Synthol/PumpnPose, Syntherol, EsikClean, Nuclear Nutrition Site Oil, Cosmostan and Liquid Muscle.

    Synthol/PumpnPose is the original product. As such, it charges a lot of money and it's the most expensive variant as it relies on it's name to sell it - the cheapest found is $149.95. There must be a lot of fakes out there since the inventor of it, Chris Clark, charges a wholesale price of over $100 per bottle (and that's for large quantity), so there's no way that some outfits can retail it for $100. The only official distributor for PnP is www.**********.com

    Syntherol is my favourite simply because is the only one that I know of that is made by a real pharmaceutical company, so guaranteed sterile, plus it hurts less and the results seem to be better - don't take my word for it, ask around! It's the same formula as Synthol/PumpnPose, with added silica, which is a safe way to make the gains more 'permanent'. It's very refined, so it flows freely through a 28gauge needle, unlike the others which need as much as 21gauge needles to go through properly!
    It's also the number 1 best selling Site Oil in the world, so they must be doing something right! And Synthetek (the maker of Syntherol) is the only company to offer a double money back guarantee and they never had any complaints from any customer from anywhere in the world! By far my choice, plus, it's cheap - $129.95.

    EsikClean - same formula as Synthol, but it has colagen added. That makes it a very bad choice to use in my opinion. When you use site oils, the biggest problem is the formation of scar tissue. You don't want any scar tissue build up when you use site oils. Scar tissue is colagen buildup due to the trauma caused to the muscle by sticking a needle in there. As such, I would not help the build up of scar tissue in the muscle by injecting colagen. So, that's a bad choice. $100 per bottle www.**************.com Plus these are the people that counterfited Chris Clark's PnP and Synthetek's Syntherol, so one wonders how 'genuine' they are. Their associated websites are www.*******.com, www.********.com, www.*******.com, www.*********.com, www.*********.com I strongly recommend that people stay away from them!

    Nuclear Nutrition Oil - is a very good product, which works quite well. It's exactly as Syntherol, plus the addition of a small amount of prohormones. I am not a big fan of prohormones due to the reason that they will give you more side effects than benefits. Also, because of the prohormones, you cannot import it into countries like Canada or Australia, where prohormones are illegal. Still a good product - $149.95 www.****************.com

    Cosmostan is another one that I recomend that people don't use. It has two anabolic steroids added to it. Because the SEO oil is a very long chain fatty acid, it will wrap itself around the steroid oil, as such not allow the steroid oil to be dissipated timely and for the body to assimilate the steroid. Also, both steroids contained in it are esterified, as such, they would have absolutely zero effect on localised growth as all esterified steroids have to travel to the liver first. Also, because of the steroids contained in it, it is illegal in most places in the world and women cannot use it. On top of all this, it also contains collagen, which as previously mentioned is an extremely bad idea as collagen primary causes scar tissue, exactly what should be avoided during SEO use. I am not sure of the price (never been interested in this product). Available from www.********************.com

    Liquid Muscle - same as PumpnPose, but at $199.95 per bottle. However, I can't find too much about it and about who makes it, as it seems as a small outfit and as such I have trouble trusting it 100%, especially when I am supposed to inject their stuff into MY body. They do advertise all over the bodybuilding magazines in the back sections, but that doesn't mean much. www.************.com

    There's a ton of other brands, but the above are the most well known. The other brands available, I personally would not trust since they come from very small outfits, so you don't know whether they are sterile, properly manufactured or most likely just mixed together in somebody's 'bathtub'.

    Site oils can be used for two purposes - to increase the size of a muscle or to shape a muscle.

    To increase size, lets use the biceps for example. You need to inject in EVERY head of the muscle, while rotating the shots daily within that head. This is the only way to ensure that the added size keeps to your natural look/shape of the muscle. The quickest way to get a muscle up to maximum size is to do the following regimen: 1ml for 10 days in each head of the muscle. 2ml for 10 days. 3ml for 10 days. If you do both, the biceps and triceps simultaneously, you can add up to 3" on your arms in those 30 days.
    Now, this is VERY IMPORTANT!!!: you HAVE to massage the area that you just injected SEVERELLY! You have to make sure that there's no lump forming. The muscle should always be soft. You should NEVER have a lump. It is also a good idea, to inject just before going to the gym, so as soon as you get to the gym, you should do a couple light weight, high reps sets for that muscle, to get the blood moving. This again will minimise lump formation. You have to keep in mind, that as soon as lumps form because you did not massage, scar tissue will form as well. You want to avoid scar tissue at all costs. Also, to minimise scar tissue build up, use VERY small needles, like 25g or 26g, inch or 1inch long (depending on the injection site) and inject VERY slowly. If you find that you cannot keep with the lump build up, but you are due for another shot, wait until, by massaging, the lump goes away (it should not be more than a couple of days) and then resume from where you left off.

    If you have all the size you wish and just want to shape the muscle, as adding a peak on the biceps, then inject the spot, in the peak of the muscle, with 1ml every day or every second day until you obtain the peak that you desire.

    What I recommend to people that are just starting out using these oils is to use 1ml per head of muscle per day, or every second day, for a week or so and see how they react to it. That way they can judge how many ml they can use per muscle head and how often.

    Where to inject - BICEPS - inner and outer head. You can feel the `split' in between the two heads of the biceps when you feel with your other hand. Inject on each side of that. If you want to increase the length/thickness of the bicep, inject more in the inner head (closer to your body). If you want to increase the peak, inject more in the outer head.

    TRICEPS - You don't need to inject in the outer/horseshoe head, unless it is really lacking behind. You inject in the middle and rear heads of the triceps. Generally, at the back of your arm, the upper portion is the rear head and the lower portion is the middle head, as the two heads overlap each other somewhat.

    DELTOIDS - just inject straight into whatever head is lacking in size.

    CALVES - Natural calves, no matter how big the are, have a `flat' look to the muscle. So you want to keep that look, you don't want to have your calves looking round like someone stuck an air hose in there. So, you inject in multiple shots, on the outside edges of the muscle. That will make the calf go outwards, while keeping the flat, natural look.

    QUADS - With muscles this large, you need to do multiple daily injections. Where in the biceps you use 1ml per head per day to begin with, on quads you need to start with 1ml per site, 7 sites per quad. That is to avoid the `lumpy' look and keep the quad uniform. Again, to keep the natural look of the thigh, you should inject in the `peak' of the outer quad, injecting along the crest. If the teardrop is lacking, then just inject straight into it, rotating sites daily. I personally don't recommend quad shots, especially teardrop, due to the very high amount of nerves in the area.

    PECS - pecs are a very large, 'flat' type of muscle. As such, the injections have to cover the entire area of the muscle, to 'lift' it at the same time, otherwise a lumpy look will result. I recomend three rows of three shots per pec per day.

    I strongly recommend that you get some anatomy charts and study the muscles and the nerves that are in the area that you want to inject.

    How do Site Oils work? To begin with, they do not stay in the muscle for 3 to 5 years. They get dissipated within months. However, during this time, they have stretched the fascia of that muscle. The fascia is a great constrictive factor in muscle growth. The more stretched the fascia is the more the muscle will grow and the more it will have that `popping' look. Site oils stay in there long enough for the fascia to stretch. As they dissipate, the `space' left by them is replaced with new muscle tissue growth. That is the reason why when x-rays/MRIs where performed on some of the people that have 25"+ arms, there was no oil found in there. The oil dissipated and it was replaced by real muscle.
    The principle is the same as the one behind site shots with steroids, but it works at a much a larger degree, because the Site Oils take that much longer to dissipate.
    As well, this is the same principle behind fascial stretching. Howver, it is much more efficient with Site Oils. Best example is to imagine a baloon. You can pull on it and stretch it as much as you want, and you will stretch it a bit. But if you fill it with a liquid, you will be able to stretch it to a much larger degree than just pulling on it from the outside. This is the best way to compare the efficiency of fascial stretching versus using Site Oils.

    Pain - obviously, any site shot hurts. The pain will minimise the more you inject, until it will not hurt any more. Site Oils hurt, but not as much as site injections with, lets say, Sustanon or Testosterone Propionate . However, as I said, they will hurt less and less the more you use them.

    Dangers - Site Oils are safe, if certain precautions are taken, same as when injecting anything else. You always have to aspirate . Always! You DO NOT want the oil to go in a vein. Always massage the area after the shot so scar tissue build up doesn't occur. And most importantly - USE COMMON SENSE! If you have 16" arms, don't think that you will have 23" in 5 weeks! Because if you try that, you will end up with deformed looking muscles and you will be the laughing stock of the world. On a side note, people like Greg Valentino have implants, not SEO's in their muscles. It is physiologically impossible to look like these guys do with SEOs. Hopefully that puts that myth to rest.

    Site Oils are there to help you break past a plateau. If your genetics indicate that you are 242 with 5% bf, but you only have 18" arms, then Site Oils will help you bring your arms in proportion.
    All that I am saying is that Site Oils are there to aid the work that you do in the gym, not replace it!

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    *Cleaning thread...*

    Ufa, If you do not have personal experience to add then don't post.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  33. #33
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Apparently some people dont read too good^^

  34. #34
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    beast if i may ask, why do you want to take the synthol route? i know you said your bi's are lacking comapred to the rest of your body but what exactly makes you want to take snythol?

  35. #35
    rafael is offline Associate Member
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    out of does one inject / use this stuff....i know what it is...but im unsure of how its applied. is it one shot? several...what kinda equipment is needed? ( im not intrested in doin this...but is good to have)

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by rafael
    out of does one inject / use this stuff....i know what it is...but im unsure of how its applied. is it one shot? several...what kinda equipment is needed? ( im not intrested in doin this...but is good to have)
    some muscles require several injects at different spots of the muscle, i.e calves, chest.

  37. #37
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by rafael
    out of does one inject / use this stuff....i know what it is...but im unsure of how its applied. is it one shot? several...what kinda equipment is needed? ( im not intrested in doin this...but is good to have)
    Did you not read post 30#, or is that a stupid question.

  38. #38
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    ha i like BigA but i think he is a bit of a SELLS man as well lol
    but yeah they do have the best synthol LOL'
    and i would like to add that the continued strecthing and ED shots = OMFG pain out the ass k thnx

  39. #39
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    great posts swifto, thx buddy.
    As stated above I have tried and tried to get biceps to grow, they are stubborn and will not grow at all. Everything else is getting bigger except bis. I am not looking into synthol for temporary gains (although I am competing in April so would be useful!) but rather as a way to stretch muscle fascia and get permanent size on bis. If anyone has any other suggestions for Bicep size please let me know. I am still undecided about synthol use but I am keeping an open mind.

  40. #40
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    great posts swifto, thx buddy.
    As stated above I have tried and tried to get biceps to grow, they are stubborn and will not grow at all. Everything else is getting bigger except bis. I am not looking into synthol for temporary gains (although I am competing in April so would be useful!) but rather as a way to stretch muscle fascia and get permanent size on bis. If anyone has any other suggestions for Bicep size please let me know. I am still undecided about synthol use but I am keeping an open mind.
    if ur going to use it.. get ur mind set LIFE IS GOING TO SUCK for 30-40days!
    ur looking at 2injects in each BY every day in each hed or just inner hed if u really want peak but not near as effective.. and great pain for first 2 weeks FOR SURE... if u dont keep up the consistant Stretching of the myofascia ur wasting time pain and money.. since ur workouts will be hampered.

    so its one of those ALL or NONE things personally my bi's suck but the pain in the ass of utilizing synthol properly is even worse LOL so try it see how it goes and report in. i promise u wont end up a freak or disfigured LOL u dont have enuff funds to buy enuff synthol to do that @!

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