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  1. #1
    frezhman's Avatar
    frezhman is offline New Member
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    Dec 2005

    Question Dbol + Sust/Test e?

    Hi again.. I had planned to run the cycle next wk, beginning of the new yr...

    sust250 x 20vials
    dbol 10mg x 70caps
    nolva 20mg x 120caps
    clomid 50mg x 40caps

    wk 1-11: sust 250mg e4d
    wk 1 -4: dbol 20mg ed
    wk 1-17: nolva 20mg ed
    wk 15-17: clomid 300mg-1st day of wk15, 100mg-wk15&16, 50mg-wk17

    However, my frenz juz got his hands on 10 vials of test e only for me. Im wondering can i use both sust & test e at 10vials each for the cycle?

    Or is it better to juz to stick to sust.

    thx for any answers or comments.

  2. #2
    BOBBY D's Avatar
    BOBBY D is offline Member
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    Apr 2005
    if this is ur first cycle, i'd go w/ a nice test e & dbol cycle.. reason being, sust is great but it is used as frequent injections like once a day or every other day, to take advantage of the test prop. thats in it..

    trust me, if this is ur first cycle, u would see good quality results from test e & dbol.. test e. will give u some bloat aswell as dbol, if thats a concern, but as for sustanon , it hardly bloats u at all.

    look more into it, ive used both testosterones in my past & i like both, but brothers here would recommend teste. for ur first as well..

    for eg.

    1. TEST E 500mgs/week, injected bi-weekly at 250mgs (monday) & 250mgs (thursday) *** this helps regulate blood levels

    2. dbol 30-40mgs, everyday for the first 4 weeks as a jumpstart.

    good luck.
    Last edited by BOBBY D; 12-28-2006 at 09:20 AM.

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