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OK yea, i live in Australia and what i hear, i'm too scared to order anything from overeseas which i cant cause my address is flagged already due to a order siezed but some1 ellse can recieve for me. Ok my first order was siezed which flagged my address but i had not recieved a seizure letter until a cpl of months, i made another order of sachets which came in but this was before the siezure letter from the old package and it was opened and cleared.
Than after all that i new i was flagged but i made another order which was sent to my mates place but i made the payment through WU and i get a phone call which 1 of my family members picked up and told me "they said your under the suspicion of ordering drugs, please refund your money now" they found out cause they are even watching my WU transfers.
Now from what iv been reading around ahwile back they siezed a large qautity of AAS at a airport and they tracked it were it was going to and raided his house and found some AAS of his which was old from previous cycles.
Can they actualy raid u if they catch you order through customs but its not in your possesion? and even if they give the order the all clear and its known to be AAS in it can they raid u later on?