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Thread: tobacco use

  1. #1
    blackshirts's Avatar
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    tobacco use

    this my be a stupid question will tobacco use affect a cycle? i chew (a can a day) i try to read all new questions that are posted before asking any but i have not run across this one yet. i have learned a lot form this site just what to make sure know everything before starting my first cycle. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nicotine is a pretty potent fat loss agent as well as an anti-estrogen. It won't inhibit your gains at all, and in fact, many bodybuilders use the gum or a patch during contest cycles...I worked with a figure girl who used transdermal Nicotine too. And then there's the tons of powerlifters I know who enjoy their Copenhagen...

  3. #3
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    but it does'nt fit into a healthy lifestyle and smoking too much will hinder your cardiac performance.

    that aside i like to light up a cuban now and then


  4. #4
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Ehh, good topic, i guess you can say if youre using gear, you should try and stay away from other drugs such as nicotine as much as possible. Keep that lifestyle clean. With that being said however, i LOVE my kodiach mint, in fact, ive been known to pack a fat lip while hitting those deadlifts ., I do like to give myself a few days in between though, just to make sure i dont get addicted

  5. #5
    bbplaya21's Avatar
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    in the woods.......
    Copenhagen Snuff and Long Cut is the shit. I go through a can every 2 days.

  6. #6
    ecivon is offline Member
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    There's just no way to justify using any kind of tobacco product, including chew, for any enhancement potential at all. It just seems so counterproductive to a healthy lifestyle. Whether or not nicotine can actually reduce bf, or provide any weight loss characteristics remains to be seen. Studies have shown that tobacco products, or the use of them, does alter the fat cells in the body and that quitting the use of tobacco will trigger these fat cells to store more fat, thereby dramatically increasing bf.

  7. #7
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    the only thing i could see smoking hurting is oxygen intake. yes the chemicals it releases arent good blah blah blah but some people smoke end of story its not healthy but i dont think it will kill gains by anymeans. jus seems wasteful as the effects arent 100% known and the consequences of smoking are deffinate

  8. #8
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    i thought i read somewhere that cigarettes are a vasoconstrictor,meaning less bloodflow,that couldn't be good.

  9. #9
    Pac8541's Avatar
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    a catbox full of shit
    I'm trying to quit a 20yr Copenhagen habit and its kicking my ass. I haven't had any complications to my health yet, or at least none that I'm aware of, but I'm tired of my gums receding and I'd really like to be able to kiss my beautiful wife for as long as possible. So, I'm quitting and it sucks because I really enjoy it. Damn.

  10. #10
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac8541
    I'm trying to quit a 20yr Copenhagen habit and its kicking my ass. I haven't had any complications to my health yet, or at least none that I'm aware of, but I'm tired of my gums receding and I'd really like to be able to kiss my beautiful wife for as long as possible. So, I'm quitting and it sucks because I really enjoy it. Damn.
    Just curious, in those year you chewd, how much would you typically go through on a daily basis?

  11. #11
    pwerfll1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbplaya21
    Copenhagen Snuff and Long Cut is the shit. I go through a can every 2 days.
    hows your gums

  12. #12
    valcon's Avatar
    valcon is offline Associate Member
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    i dont know about the chew ,but i have had to many friends and family to die of lung cancer and heart desease , at a early age

  13. #13
    pwerfll1's Avatar
    pwerfll1 is offline Banned
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    quit that shit

  14. #14
    Pac8541's Avatar
    Pac8541 is offline Associate Member
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    a catbox full of shit
    Just curious, in those year you chewd, how much would you typically go through on a daily basis?
    A can would pretty much last me a week. I didn't take huge dips like some guys do but there was usually one in better than 70% of the day. First thing I did when I got up and usually the last thing I did before turning out the lights. I probably took a dip about a dozen times a day.

  15. #15
    Hack72 is offline Junior Member
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    I chew a can a day also and have no side effects during my cycles. On a side note I also have no gum damage as of yet, keeping my fingers crossed.hahha.

  16. #16
    Apex's Avatar
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    I read somewhere, years ago, that smoking 1 cigarette prior to working out reduced your "in the gym" performance by 20%. I can't site the source, but that quote has always stuck in my mind.

  17. #17
    blackshirts's Avatar
    blackshirts is offline New Member
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    thanks for all the info, now it's time for a dip.

  18. #18
    Pac8541's Avatar
    Pac8541 is offline Associate Member
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    a catbox full of shit
    Fvck. And I'm jonesin' bad this morning too......

  19. #19
    bbplaya21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwerfll1
    hows your gums
    i think its in the family cuz i have perfect teeth. no cavities and str8 white like they were just bleeched. no receding gums lines or anything unlike most my friends. My cousins have been dipin for over 20 yrs and still have yet to have any problems with there gums or teeth.

  20. #20
    hddp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac8541
    I'm trying to quit a 20yr Copenhagen habit and its kicking my ass. I haven't had any complications to my health yet, or at least none that I'm aware of, but I'm tired of my gums receding and I'd really like to be able to kiss my beautiful wife for as long as possible. So, I'm quitting and it sucks because I really enjoy it. Damn.
    Ive been on nicotine gum for 3 years, it literally does not have much in the way of negative side effects. Even have flavors that taste like normal gum now. I love it and know others that have been on it for a long time. Only thing left except some coffee for me. Have not had anything besides nicotine or caffeine in over a decade. Got to hold on to something I guess.

  21. #21
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
    KeepingItBalanced is offline Associate Member
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    I thought one of the best turning points in my training (before the dark side), was when I quit smoking and diping all together.

    Although, when I was smoking two packs a day, I could run better.... odd.

  22. #22
    Jason865's Avatar
    Jason865 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackshirts
    this my be a stupid question will tobacco use affect a cycle? i chew (a can a day) i try to read all new questions that are posted before asking any but i have not run across this one yet. i have learned a lot form this site just what to make sure know everything before starting my first cycle. thanks
    tobacco is the #1 killer in America as far as drugs go , don't think I need to say more.

    I chewed skoal for 20 years and quit over a year ago.

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