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These are some tips from just reading nutrition books and stuff like that for liver and kidney protection for your cycles
1.Drink 1 to 2 tall glasses of filtered water on a empty stomach with squeezed lemon juice in it The juice from lemons cleans the blood and cleanses the liver
2.Get Organic non sweetened Cranberry juice,its sour but it actually works unlike the garbage sugered down brands,a 10 ounce glass in the morning and one in the night is good
3.Buy some cranberry extract,a good not cheap brand and take 3 in the morning and 3 in the night,
4.Get 2 liver supplements,one with a combination of good liver stuff in it like Liver X or Liv 52 (ect),and the second supplement a good milk thistle brand.
5.Drink about 4 liters a day,thats about a liter every 2 to 3 hours
6.Take a good multivitiman to keep the nutrients your body needs back in your body
Anyway I hope you find these tips usefull