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Thread: Best Liver and kidney protection tips

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Best Liver and kidney protection tips

    These are some tips from just reading nutrition books and stuff like that for liver and kidney protection for your cycles

    1.Drink 1 to 2 tall glasses of filtered water on a empty stomach with squeezed lemon juice in it The juice from lemons cleans the blood and cleanses the liver
    2.Get Organic non sweetened Cranberry juice,its sour but it actually works unlike the garbage sugered down brands,a 10 ounce glass in the morning and one in the night is good
    3.Buy some cranberry extract,a good not cheap brand and take 3 in the morning and 3 in the night,
    4.Get 2 liver supplements,one with a combination of good liver stuff in it like Liver X or Liv 52 (ect),and the second supplement a good milk thistle brand.
    5.Drink about 4 liters a day,thats about a liter every 2 to 3 hours
    6.Take a good multivitiman to keep the nutrients your body needs back in your body
    Anyway I hope you find these tips usefull

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Very good tips


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gottibme
    These are some tips from just reading nutrition books and stuff like that for liver and kidney protection for your cycles

    1.Drink 1 to 2 tall glasses of filtered water on a empty stomach with squeezed lemon juice in it The juice from lemons cleans the blood and cleanses the liver
    2.Get Organic non sweetened Cranberry juice,its sour but it actually works unlike the garbage sugered down brands,a 10 ounce glass in the morning and one in the night is good
    3.Buy some cranberry extract,a good not cheap brand and take 3 in the morning and 3 in the night,
    4.Get 2 liver supplements,one with a combination of good liver stuff in it like Liver X or Liv 52 (ect),and the second supplement a good milk thistle brand.
    5.Drink about 4 liters a day,thats about a liter every 2 to 3 hours
    6.Take a good multivitiman to keep the nutrients your body needs back in your body
    Anyway I hope you find these tips usefull
    yeah i just got liv 52, and was shocked there was no milk thistle. like wtf? so now i gitta buy both. youd think the liv 52 ppl would freakin add some milk thistle to the combo after all this time. liv 52 i guess has been proven to work in med studies apparently but has a buncha herbs i never even heard of. maybe the amount of milk thistle they would be able to add and still keep the same pill size wouldnt be significant. oh well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    I use th Vitamin Shoppe Liver Protection with thistle and some other stuff in it.

    The lemon juice/water thing is a good idea. I heard you can add cyan pepper and honey and heat it and drink it like tea

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    The lemon juice/water is good for you - 'cleanses' your body, is supposed help/assist with weight loss.

    My wife and I have been drinking it first thing in the morning for the past 6 months or so. Just warm up a cup of water for 30 sec. in the microwave, until it's very warm. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and drink away.

    It's also a good idea to rinse your mouth a couple of times with water afterwards as there is some possibility that the acid from the lemon can eat away at your tooth enamel.

    30min. later, we have our breakfast.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by finny
    The lemon juice/water is good for you - 'cleanses' your body, is supposed help/assist with weight loss.

    My wife and I have been drinking it first thing in the morning for the past 6 months or so. Just warm up a cup of water for 30 sec. in the microwave, until it's very warm. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and drink away.

    It's also a good idea to rinse your mouth a couple of times with water afterwards as there is some possibility that the acid from the lemon can eat away at your tooth enamel.

    30min. later, we have our breakfast.

    do u have to drink it in water
    wouldnt it be just as effective to squeesh half a lemon on your chicken and rice (not necessarily in the morning)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    do u have to drink it in water
    wouldnt it be just as effective to squeesh half a lemon on your chicken and rice (not necessarily in the morning)
    The key here, on an empty stomach and the best time seems to be in the morning as you fasted for 8 hours or so.

    Another great 'cleanser/detoxifier' is to make juice out of 4 carrots and 1/2 medium beet - it tastes pretty good, kind of sweet from the carrots. I used to drink it everyday between meals, but now I'm slacking off a bit. Sometimes it's difficult to squeeze things in in between 6 meals. Will start again today and stick with it.

    I believe things like that help to boost and 'cleanse' your system, especially when using AS. Overall, it's also good for your health. I used to read some of those 'live long and healthy' books. These are the couple of things that I pickup up from them and put to use.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    For liver protection & overall detoxification -

    N-Acetyl Cysteine 1000mg/ED


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    yeah Liver X by MRM has that already in it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Apex
    For liver protection & overall detoxification -

    N-Acetyl Cysteine 1000mg/ED

    I agree with NAC

  11. #11
    milk thistle

    Best I haev read about. Look em up.

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