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  1. #1
    Ryler's Avatar
    Ryler is offline Junior Member
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    Injection Question....

    Hey guys, I injected my left glute with a 23g 1.5 pin... Question is I put it in and it made the left side of my ass start twitching pain or anything when it happened. I stopped, pulled it out, threw a new needle on and injected right side but I wonder is this anything to worry was twitching big time. Obviously I hit a nerve but doesn't that bring pain? Any advice just so I know if it were to happen again, thanks Bros!

  2. #2
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Sounds like you hit a nerve but you did the right thing by pulling it out personally I wouldnt have changed the pin but it wouldve been slightly dulled so you did the right thing. No it doesnt cause pain just like you said... twitches like crazy lol. There is no way of knowing exactly where the nerves are, If you divide the glute into quarters its the top outer section (gluteus medius) which has less nerves and is the correct place to inject.
    Last edited by beuleux; 12-30-2006 at 07:04 AM.

  3. #3
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Sounds like you hit a nerve but you did the right thing by pulling it out personally I wouldnt have changed the pin but it wouldve been slightly dulled so you did the right thing. No it doesnt cause pain just like you said... twitches like crazy lol. There is no way of knowing exactly where the nerves are, If you divide the glute into quarters its the top outer section (gluteus medius) which has less nerves and is the correct place to inject.

    I believe that hitting a nerve does cause pain, I say that because I have done it, and it hurt like hell. It did twitch also though. You might have just grazed it or somthing, but when you really nail one YOU WILL KNOW IT.

  4. #4
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter
    I believe that hitting a nerve does cause pain, I say that because I have done it, and it hurt like hell. It did twitch also though. You might have just grazed it or somthing, but when you really nail one YOU WILL KNOW IT.
    LOL... Ive had the twitches plenty of times, you mean theres more to come. oooh I cant wait

  5. #5
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    Yeah, twitches are no big deal - you can start over if you want, though I never do, never been an issue.

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