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Thread: lab work and no insurence

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    lab work and no insurence

    hey guys I have done four cycles( iam 22 yrs old) and have never had lab work(i know this is bad)
    I want to get it done but have a few quick questions

    #1 what is the name of the test that i need to get done( i want to check liver, kidney, cholesterol levels etc.(the one you fellas get
    #2 I don't have insurence. what kind of money am i looking at?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    There are several labs you can look up on line ie... google search. Blood work will run you 150.00 to 600.00 depending on how extensive.

    Just because you don't have insurance doesn't mean you can't see a good doctor though. I looked up doctors that specilize in sports medicen. I just called a few and asked them what they knew about performance enhancement. Wasn't long before I found one that specialized in it. Runs me 60.00 cash per visit plus blood test ran 535.00 on everything (kidney, liver , blood pressure, cholestorol, freee test, hormone, estrogen .............) We talked cycles, safety , hgh script if you want it. Now I have a base to work from and a great resource I can be honest with. Nice to able to just call the doc when your worried about side effects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thanks iron giant. that is alot of money though. but it is definately worth the peace of mind if it must be done. I don't know how I can afford that without insurence. how do you guys pay that off? do some docs allow payments?

    if I was to just check liver, kidney and cholesterol what do you think i would be facing?

    again, thank you Irongiant

  4. #4
    sometimes the lab is billed differently than the doctor is... you can pay for the visit and make payments to the lab.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    los angeles
    HEY MAX I work at a clinical laboratory and i take my own blood and get it tested for all kinds of shit. are you possibly in the los angeles area, cause if you are i can hook you up for free for anything you want, liver, chem panel , cbc, hepatits, autoimmune, hormones you name it. let me know bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    I'm in the LA area, if you could hook me up with some lab work that would sure help my budget. I was considering testing some levels mid cycle and deffinately post cycle. Let me know.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    los angeles
    Yeah sure,
    just let me know what you need tested so I can get the appropritate tubes to draw you, and when you need it by the way are you a hard draw, cause if you are I may need to get different needles (butterflies) so I can draw from your hands instead. I have to be a little shady cause you know since I am not charging you I have to make up a request form and put it under a fake doctor so the laboratory doesn't find out.

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