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  1. #1
    scrappydoo is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005

    Thyroid meds question

    Sorry if this is the inappropriate section.... my wife has an underactive thyroid and takes Eltroxin medication. Im wondering if i took a pill a day of hers if it would up my metabolism and burn some extra about 13%. Or will i kill myself?

  2. #2
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrappydoo
    Sorry if this is the inappropriate section.... my wife has an underactive thyroid and takes Eltroxin medication. Im wondering if i took a pill a day of hers if it would up my metabolism and burn some extra about 13%. Or will i kill myself?

    Eltroxin is t4 which is a very mild thyroid med. If you used a pill a day that wouldn't benefit you at all unless you're already hypothyroid to begin with. You have to take larger amounts than that for it to do anything. First of all you should read up a little more on thyroid meds before using anything.

    Also, it would be pretty difficult to kill yourself with it. The only real problem you could encounter is being hyperthyoid to begin with, which could lead to some adverse effects. Thyroid storm would be a major problem, however that usually occurs in a very small percentage of users and the majority of them being women. The only other way to encounter it would consume massive amounts of thyroid meds, and I could only imagine how much that would take or who would be dumb enough to even take that much to begin with.

  3. #3
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
    nandro_shagg is offline Associate Member
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    careful bro, i used t3 i think its called, cytomel , better do u research and watch yourself man i blame my ignorance for a trip to the ER with deadly low levels of potassium which left me paralized completly for about 2 days and in ICU for almost a week. Yeh it worked like u wouldn't believe but bro if u can't answer that question with your own knowledge, RUN like hell from the shit. I dont know about T4 but the cytomel I was taking, the advice I had was to take 1/wkly and increase 1 each wk..for i think either 4 or 6 wks? dont remember now...then taper off the same way....just be careful bro

  4. #4
    scrappydoo is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005
    i know im not touching t3 because that sheds muscle as well. But id take a link to any T4 info. Thanks for the info so far guys

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