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  1. #1
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    Should I be concerned

    Can someone help interrupt the tracking information I have for my product. Below is the log for my shipment. I was wondering if it was just sitting from the holidays or should I be concerned when it says “held customs”.
    Pick up date 25 Dec 2006
    Destination XXXXXXXXX
    Delivery Date
    Time Location Status
    2006 Los Angeles Held Customs
    2006 Los Angeles Consignment Held For Inspection By Government
    2006 Los Angeles Consignment Held For Inspection By Government
    2006 Los Angeles Consignment Held For Inspection By Government
    2006 Los Angeles Import Received
    2006 Los Angeles Import Received
    2006 XXX Shipped From Originating Depot
    2006 XXX Consignment Received At Transit Point
    Last edited by MajorPain; 01-01-2007 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #2
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, I would be concerned. It's likley you will just get a siezure letter. But if it comes to your door, DO NOT SIGN FOR IT!!!!!!! Turn that thing away. Chock that one up as a loss bro. How much did you order? Was it a big box?

  3. #3
    djack99587's Avatar
    djack99587 is offline Associate Member
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    what does not signing for it do? just qurious in case i ever find myself in that situation.

  4. #4
    rhino1's Avatar
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    They can only prove your possession by your signature. Don't sign...say "im not expecting any packages"....close the door...chalk it up as a loss.

  5. #5
    king6's Avatar
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    Yeah, signing for it proves that you accepted it into you poesession. I would be pissed off enough as it is, at the fact that my package got snatched up, let alone if they tried a controlled delivery. I would probably sick my rottweilers on them.

  6. #6
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    I'm not for sure how big the package would be, first time ordering. It had three bottles of Test E and 200 iu's of GH. So are you saying if the package comes do not accept it or will I just receive some type of letter? If they come to my door with a letter I understand do not sign anything right. Should I contact my supplier and will they reship something?

  7. #7
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPain
    I'm not for sure how big the package would be, first time ordering. It had three bottles of Test E and 200 iu's of GH. So are you saying if the package comes do not accept it or will I just receive some type of letter? If they come to my door with a letter I understand do not sign anything right. Should I contact my supplier and will they reship something?
    E-mail a copy of the siezure letter to you supplier, and they should resend or cover half of the purchase. And no, DO NOT SIGN FOR ANYTHING!!! By now customs has looked in the package and knows what is in it. If it's just 3 bottles of test e and some HGH, then likley it is just a siezure letter. However if you are in a state were posession is a felony, then they might do a controlled delivery. In that case don't accept anything or sign anything. Now if it just ends up in your mailbox, it might have one of those transmitters in it. If that's the case cut open the package from the middle and get ready to do some flushing.

  8. #8
    Ufa's Avatar
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    This looks Federal not State. Call attorney ASAP. Go on vacation.

  9. #9
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    Ufa are you serious? With that amount how worried should I be? Should I start wiping my computer and be aware of anyone coming in my house for a search. Can some of the AR vets respond to this post, I would like to hear all opinions? Today is a holiday so I’m assuming nothing will happen today but what should I be expecting. At this point I’m not worried about the product just my ass.

  10. #10
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Last edited by Ufa; 01-03-2007 at 09:19 AM.

  11. #11
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    Ufa thanks for the help. Anyone else in the US ran into a similar situation and if so any advice? I live in a small town and sent money WU. The problem is there are only two WU places in the town so it wouldn’t be hard to figure that part out. I can live with a letter but not the visit. Not for sure how to explain that to the family. Anyone else, would like to hear from you guys.

  12. #12
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    i would definitely be concerned. hopefully it will only be a letter

  13. #13
    Wizeguy's Avatar
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    I dont know much about this situation but please keep us posted, I'm curiouse to see what happens. Good luck!

  14. #14
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPain
    Ufa thanks for the help. Anyone else in the US ran into a similar situation and if so any advice? I live in a small town and sent money WU. The problem is there are only two WU places in the town so it wouldn’t be hard to figure that part out. I can live with a letter but not the visit. Not for sure how to explain that to the family. Anyone else, would like to hear from you guys.
    Posession is the key to everything. If you don't accept the package, then you should be fine. Alot of times they will issue a warrant to search your house only upon taking posession of the package. But these are extreme conditions. You only have a couple of vials. The amount of money it would cost them to set up a controlled delivery and a stakeout, far out weighs the benfit of busting you for a personal amount. I don't think they will even bother. They most likley will just send a letter.

  15. #15
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    I will keep posting as this unfolds. I guess I have made up my mind definitely not to accept the package regardless if the shipping info changes. I just cannot believe my luck, first time ordering and looking forward to my first cycle. At this point I’m not even thinking of contacting the supplier because I don’t really know where else to ship it to if they would resend the package. I do appreciate everyone’s input and will keep bumping this today to see if anyone else has any input.

  16. #16
    djack99587's Avatar
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    i wouldnt just write off the package, i would wait to see if package comes to your mailbox, if you have tracking was this a package you would have to sign for anyway? i cant see them taking the time to try and bust you for a small order

  17. #17
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    These are questions I’m asking myself as far as signing for something or them just delivering it and leaving at my door. I’m just concerned now that if it is delivered and maybe I don’t have to sign for it I’m setup for something later by just bringing it into my house. The shipping company is actually someone I am not familiar with. This is their site that I’m going to when checking tracking So after it leaves their I’m not for sure who picks it up, UPS or regular postal.

  18. #18
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    set up a PO box and have your source resend it. you may not even have to send them the seizure letter since you have tracking data that says it's help at customs.

  19. #19
    djack99587's Avatar
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    never heard of that company, maybe youl luck out and what you see on your tracking info will just be there way of showing you that your package is going through customs.. personally if they just left it at my home or made me sign for it , i think i would if it was a very small order like you said. i dont think they would take the time and money to set you for a very small bust

  20. #20
    Gearhead007 is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by Gearhead007; 09-27-2007 at 02:38 PM.

  21. #21
    HOLLYWOOD's Avatar
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    Do not sign for it! And to be safe, move or get rid of any gear that you might have in your house.

  22. #22
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
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    Don't take my word on this bro but I don't think they need a signiture if they have suffecient effidence that you did infact authorise the order...maybe by credit card perhaps, and i would NOT format your hard drive if your in that big of shits, get about a 50+ lb magnet from the back of a speaker and leave by ur comp...they come in throw that bitch on the HD, feds got ways of recovering info and shit but a magnet erases the shit stains of ur comps boxers if u get what I'm sayin...and if its delivered without anything happening or a need in signiture, let the delivery man leave it on ur doorstep, mailbox or whereever for about an hour, after that go outside to wash ur car or some shit, look surprised stair at the label a little bit and bring it in ur house, write "return to sender" on it and lay it around ur house for a few days without opening...anything happens say u were too busy to take it to post office...nothing happens, hit the gym...

  23. #23
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    Although I’m still concerned I will keep checking the tracking to see if it is updated tomorrow. I was thinking the same thing on customs running slow, that is the main reason I placed the order when I did. With the holiday rush I was hoping it would pass through easier. Like I said before this is my first order and really don’t know if I’m reading the log right. Also someone mentioned that getting the package without a signature, if not required, and then just keeping it in my house for a few days with a note on it. I have been pacing the floor on this one, my ****ing luck.

  24. #24
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
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    Had a friend once ordered some pot seeds when he got them had a note wrapped around the package saying something to the effect that the contents of the package was illegal in the United States...had the seeds in it though...none the less i would chill out u make more mistakes when ur nervous bro...I've never order overseas BUT...i would think all packages from overseas would have to go through customs and would be "held for government inspection"...i dont find anything funny about how long its taking...i would expect everything in the info above...they know people like you/us, when seeing that, are going to be like wtf and flip out and probably never order again...but as i said i never ordered overseas so u might need to ask someone who has...just chill out bro and use ur head....i hope u did ur checks on these people though

  25. #25
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
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    and u might not want to check that tracking info on ur computer either...go to a friends house...or the library...i would suspect they might be tracking any IP addresses to whomever logs in...they find its you, makes it easier to prove u authorised the buy and pin u with it regardless of signiture...see what i mean bro?...then again i dont know hardly anything about IPs and shit...just think like they think...u dont have to prove innocense u just have to keep them from proving ur guilty haha

  26. #26
    nephilim666's Avatar
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    IMHO if i were you i would have shit my pants already, and completely givin up on the package .. and then cleaned my pants thouroughly.

  27. #27
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    man you just gave up a lot of info. If customs or the police is looking at this your not going to get this package.

  28. #28
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    i wouldnt keep checking the tracking info from your computer.
    if the item does get delivered, write not known at this address ( if you didnt use your name), and write return to sender on it and leave it for a few days.
    get rid of any pins you have, just for a few days till you start.

  29. #29
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's probably too late but you need to edit the origional post and get rid of stuff like, it was here at this exact time. that will ruin it for anyone else wanting to use your supplier.

  30. #30
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    Not for sure what you mean by giving up a lot of info. I have thought a lot about what I post and what I say on all boards just for that reason. I just wanted some opinions and advice on what to do. Oh yes I did shit my pants, once I started reading some replies and watched this package sit for so long. I just find it hard to believe with that amount they would come after me. I can understand a letter if they have opened the package.

  31. #31
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPain
    Not for sure what you mean by giving up a lot of info. I have thought a lot about what I post and what I say on all boards just for that reason. I just wanted some opinions and advice on what to do. Oh yes I did shit my pants, once I started reading some replies and watched this package sit for so long. I just find it hard to believe with that amount they would come after me. I can understand a letter if they have opened the package.
    Think about it from a cops point of view. you know exactly when it was in a given location. how many packages are there currently in customs that was here at exactly this time, and then there at exactly that time. and so on and so forth. if there is a cop reading this I dont know how they cannot put this together.

  32. #32
    Getbig06's Avatar
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    I'm wondering if this is a problem with overseas orders only/mostly? Or is this also a common thing with domestic orders 2?

  33. #33
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    Think about it from a cops point of view. you know exactly when it was in a given location. how many packages are there currently in customs that was here at exactly this time, and then there at exactly that time. and so on and so forth. if there is a cop reading this I dont know how they cannot put this together.

    How many packages are in customs? A FU#K load! Dude there are like 2 million pieces of mail that come through daily, and that is not on a holiday either. The police are not going to go to all that effort to track down a package and coordinate with customs for a small amount of juice. Customs will just laugh at them, they have so much work to do it is not even funny.

  34. #34
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
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    this place is getting too damn liberal lol...there could be anyone reading these threads but we post away on the information super highway lol no seriously good luck bro if something goes down though dont come back here and talk about it for our sake...look out for #1

  35. #35
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
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    you know i never thought of it this way but sharing information on smuggling procedures and advice of the nature with a new member named "major pain" probably isnt the best judgement ive used

  36. #36
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    I had 3 packages from overseas that never arrived and I never got a seizure letter. This means that

    A. US Customs, like the rest of our government, is severely flawed
    B. My old international source is a bigger douche than I thought and never even sent the packages

  37. #37
    MajorPain's Avatar
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    Nadro what advice have you shared with me that you would be worried about? Your the newbie, look at your join date a then look at mine. We are not that far apart you just seem to post alot of dumb shit for your count to be higher. If your that worried stop posting here.

  38. #38
    Kev_325's Avatar
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    call a lawyer from a pay phone and ask him what they are likely to do, also find a payphone that isnt near any place taht would have a camera, or get a friend to call LA customs from a pay phone and do it a reasonable distance from your house.

  39. #39
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    I Seriously Woudnt Worry About It.

    No Need To Change Your Identity Or Go Underground, Just Dont Sign For It. Period.

  40. #40
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
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    kiss my ass major i am a newbie too all im simply sayin is it was your ****-up that landed you on this board freakin out, how comfortable should any of us feel posting in here...or on any other board for that matter about how not to get ****ed up by the law....dont get defensive your shit got snatched up bro

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