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Thread: endocrinologist visit

  1. #1

    endocrinologist visit

    I am going to an Endocrinologist on Tuesday, and wanted to know what kind of tests I should request.

    I am currently off cycle, have been off for almost 4 months. And I want to make sure everything hormone wise is ok, before I start a new cycle. (under advise of this board)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Brooklyn...NY f@ckin'C
    damn bro...i've been "off cycle" for about 5 months and gonna be seeing an endo soon as well before i start my next cycle. i was just gonna start the same thread. you gonna tell the doc about your use of anabolics?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    well not knowing your stats its kind of hard to tell you what the doc might say. ive seen guys be off for 4 to 5 months and look like they were in the middle of a cycle. what were you taking befor you came off??? did you pct??, age?? bodyfat??? libido???these are must knows befor i can give you help. answer these or maybe someone else can help you!!!! goodluck ive been to dndo so ill help with what ever i can

  4. #4
    No, i am not worried what he will say, I just want to ask him to perform the right tests.
    I went today and told him I was on a cycle 4 months ago, and I requested that he do blood work to make sure my hormones are back to normal.
    When I recieve them, I will post them on this board.

    Did I request the right tests?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    if your not worried about it then why drag us into the equation???? not knowing your relationship with the doctor or anyother info about you, your on your own. next time i would at least go into detail about how much you were taking, age, etc???? there is alot more to it then just going to the doc and asking for a test , maybe you have the type doc that will just do whatever you need him to. if thats the case you dont need are help

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