Originally Posted by
I never mention the word medical study I stated in one thread study and in another post personal studies, “study” doesn’t belong to medical journals like you have stated, for your attention the explanation of the word study in the Oxford English Dictionary is - 1 The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge, 2 a detailed investigation of a subject or situation, 3 piece of work done for practice or as a experiment, there is no mention of the word medical, but come on Anthony this issue is a play on words to try and discredit, mine relates to 2 and 3.
I havent got medical studies, i have reports /cycles from bodybuilders going back yrs and all of them together is one large study of this system, its not medical its real life bodybuilders who conduct their lifestyles as bodybuilders, the medical profession have nothing to do with real life BB's, i have no idea were that word came from within your head butthen again you have mention my studies/cycle log's/reports as Anecodotes, your choice of words really amuses me alot, let me explain,Anecodotes in the Oxford English Dic is a short entertaining story about a real incident or person!!! trust me my studies are not entertaining nor are they a story or any incidents, i can say your further than the truth than anything infact, you have entertained me with your storys today,simple words for you it doesnt matter what your call them or choose to say, you will never change the outcome of the results,
I have been in this game for 18yrs and over time ive accumulated loads of studies/ reports/cycle logs or what ever you would like to call them to back this method up that it works, for me and many other people MEDICAL studies are not worth the paper its written on normally they are done on mice, Aids victims or the average man who as never done any kind of training or ever used any kind of AAS, You an educated man and understand medical studies are worth not as much as real life experiences, real life reports/studies/cycle logs or what ever you want to call them from many Bodybuilders are worth far more than some Medical studies done on the average man or mouse, real life experiences from Bodybuilders who run their life as Bodybuilders is what I take more note of and I don’t care for MEDICAL studies because with every medical study comes another contradicting one,
I will state again this system is used widely in the pro ranks and amateur’s and is not something new, it is here and is used with great success its been around for years even in the Mentzer, Dillet,Yates and Nasser days all have reported this as been a way of cycling for them at some stage, I am a big believer in doing what works and for me short cycling is a part of me building muscle when it suits,
I have nothing to gain infact it was Warrior who told me to post his study/cycle log and if you read it and understand what he did it worked for him also, I don’t have to prove anything am just telling you what works for many, I have nothing to gain I am not selling anything nor do I have some magic pill what does wonders, i have nothing to gain what so ever I don’t have to discredit people to generate more business nor do I want more clients, am just passing information on what ive gathered over the years regarding BB,
I have never mentioned any dosages so were ever you got 4000mgs a wk from heavens knows prob same place as your choice of words regarding BB's reports/cycle logs, the dosages are worked off the individuals cycle history and this way of short cycling can be adapted to any level and in some cases low dose is required, you have to understand the whole process of priming, designing a cycle what works and use dosages to suit, a very intense training program and diet and not to be disrespectful I remember about 2-3 wks ago you posting that you didn’t understand the priming issue or fully understood what I meant so I do find it hard to take anything you say on this issue with any credability because you don’t fully understand or have never have tried it, on the overhand I have read plenty of your work and have practised many things you have said with success, remember we are not always right all the time and we dont know everything about everything, and sometimes we all need to stop,listen and learn!
Also regarding sides effects the body as substantial sides if you are using chemicals for some length of time the body adjust itself and the longer you are on the harder for you to recover, I have found and yet again many state who use this method sides are a lot less using short cycling weather heavy/light or moderate, the body can regenerate itself in a short period of time, if BB’s are using a system what builds muscle tissue and they recover and maintain the gains with good time off then your on the right track, your doing what works for you but if gains are few and far between and maintanance is hard work or you lose all gains, then try something different, find something what works and stick with it,
Warrior's results speaks for itself and if everyone is honest with themselves how much do you gain and keep after cycle? Its impossible to discredit warriors report/cycle log its there in black and white, all I can say is try it for yourself you might just be shocked and to be honest it’s the only way your going to give it any credibility is to try it, if you need any help planning send us a PM if your willing to try it, I will stress again do you have any idea how much muscle you can gain in a short period of time if you open the growth window? Ask any comp guy after show how much he gains if he goes on a cycle and uses this window, if this window is used and you couple this with a cycle what works and compounds and then incorporate this into a very heavy intense training program the gains are hugh and many pro’s use this to spring board themselves into the next phase and that’s just a comp diet just think what it would achieve if your primed properly,