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Thread: Vitamin B6

  1. #1
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Vitamin B6

    How much of this do you take to control progesterone/prolactin. Is the B6 the regular tablet form from health shops?...PLEASE HELP.

  2. #2
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    there have been numerous threads already addresing this situation.

    go to the top bar in the Q and A forum. click on search, then type in "vitamin B6". those threads will answer your question.

    try to make it a habit that any time you have a question, it's already been answered.

  3. #3
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    I did that already, I've been looking for the last hour. You know it would have taken the same amount of time to actually answer the question as it did for you to write that crap. Thanks brother!.

  4. #4
    Kevinjg is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankmarvin
    I did that already, I've been looking for the last hour. You know it would have taken the same amount of time to actually answer the question as it did for you to write that crap. Thanks brother!.

  5. #5
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    excuse me?

    i was trying to help you out, and actually you would have recieved much more info by searching than having a question just answered.

    i'll let that one slide. i won't hold it against you

  6. #6
    Kevinjg is offline Associate Member
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    He must be English- No Manners!!!

  7. #7
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mista Massive
    excuse me?

    i was trying to help you out, and actually you would have recieved much more info by searching than having a question just answered.

    i'll let that one slide. i won't hold it against you
    Thanks, I am 100% being a prick and apologise, I have found the thread you mean now.

  8. #8
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    Vit. B6 and Fina/Tren Gyno?

    read this one. the member named "Pheedno" has the answers you want

  9. #9
    hankmarvin is offline New Member
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    Thanks a million and sorry again.

  10. #10
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    that's alright, just try not to get upset.

    tones of voice and things can't be expressed on the net and ppl take things the wrong way.

    try to think as if everyone is trying to help you

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I think it's better when people ask questions that have been answered already.


    Because for years people here talked about B6 to control Progesterone...then I told everyone that it reduces androgen transcription levels about as much as it does progesterone...and now, a question that has been answered a million times is starting to be answered a different way. But that only happens when we ask it a million times.

  12. #12
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Can you post the article that you have on b-6 and it's effects???

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr

    Can you post the article that you have on b-6 and it's effects???
    Do a search!

    (Just kidding)

    Basically (although this particular study is rodent data), what we have is evidence that B6 acts on several members of the steroid hormone superfamily. In short, it would seem that if we were to make the argument that B6 is good for progesterone lowering, we would have to make the same argument that it does the same for androgen levels. If you check out SSB, there was a member there who did a cycle with a high dose of B6, to keep his prog. levels in check while on Deca , and the cycle had extremely reduced effectiveness (this has been anecdotally reported to me via interaction with several people via e-mail, which is what made me research B6 and androgen transcription levels).

    Vitamin B6 modulates transcriptional activation by multiple members of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily.

    Department of Physiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27599-7545.
    Recent studies have shown that vitamin B6 modulates transcriptional activation by the human glucocorticoid receptor in HeLa S3 cells. We have now examined the possibility that vitamin B6 might similarly influence transcriptional activation by the glucocorticoid receptor in other cell types, as well as gene expression mediated by other members of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily. We show that elevated vitamin B6 concentrations suppress by 40-65% the level of transcription mediated through the endogenous murine L cell glucocorticoid receptor, as well as the human receptor transfected into E8.2 and T47D cells. In contrast, glucocorticoid receptor-mediated transcription was enhanced 60-110% in mild vitamin deficiency. The level of hormone-independent constitutive gene expression was not affected by these same alterations in vitamin B6 concentration. These studies indicated that the transcriptional modulatory effects of the vitamin were neither restricted to specific cell types nor limited to the human form of the glucocorticoid receptor. We next determined if hormone-induced transcription by several other steroid receptors (androgen, progesterone, and estrogen receptors) was analogously affected by alterations in vitamin B6 concentration. Analysis of gene expression mediated through the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter revealed that transcriptional activation of both the androgen and progesterone receptors was reduced by 35-40% under conditions of elevated vitamin B6 and enhanced by 60-90% in deficiency, again under conditions where constitutive expression was unaffected. Using a different promoter, the estrogen-regulated vitellogenin promoter, we found that transcriptional activation of the estrogen receptor was similarly affected. Estrogen-induced gene expression was reduced by 30% under conditions of elevated intracellular vitamin B6 and enhanced by 85% in vitamin deficiency. Thus, vitamin B6 modulates transcriptional activation by multiple classes of steroid hormone receptors. The similarities in vitamin B6 effects on transcription mediated through different promoters, the mouse mammary tumor virus and vitellogenin promoters, suggest that this vitamin may modulate the expression of a diverse array of hormonally responsive genes. These observations together support the hypothesis that vitamin B6 represents a physiological modulator of steroid hormone action.

  14. #14
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Thank you.

  15. #15
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    When you said the member was taking a high dose, what was the does he takeing???

    To me a high dose would be 500-600mg day.

    I will also try and find the his study and link.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    When you said the member was taking a high dose, what was the does he takeing???

    To me a high dose would be 500-600mg day.

    I will also try and find the his study and link.
    I forget...i don't even remember if it was that high...really, for optimal results, we'd be in a slightly B6 deficicient state...

  17. #17
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    From what i have found is with 200mg i did not loss any gains. But i run tren not deca . I like the b6 over bromo are carb because i get no sides from it.. And letro i just dislike.

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