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  1. #1
    mikal1221 is offline New Member
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    1st Time Cycle - What To Use??

    Hey all, I'm 170 lbs. 12% bf, 6' tall. I was thinking about doing a cycle of Testosterone , Deca -Durabolin , Dianabol , and Nolvadex . My goal is to be at 190 - 195 @ 12% bf or lower. I have been training for a couple years but have never taken steroids . I have been doing a lot of reading and found this stack to be one of the most popular. Is this the best stack to use? How much should I take and how often should it be taken?
    Last edited by mikal1221; 01-02-2007 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #2
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikal1221
    Hey all, I'm 170 lbs. 12% bf, 6' tall. I was thinking about doing a cycle of Testosterone , Deca -Durabolin , Dianabol , and Nolvadex . My goal is to be at 190 - 195 @ 12% bf or lower. I have been training for a couple years but have never taken steroids . I have been doing a lot of reading and found this stack to be one of the most popular. Is this the best stack to use? How much should I take and how often should it be taken? Also, I have read that one of the biggest problems is that most steroids sold are fakes, where do I get the real deal?
    read the rules buddy..cant ask for sources in the forums..also how old are you you need to give all the info in order to recieve accurate information

    yea you may want to take that out of your post

  3. #3
    wini is offline Banned
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    you only need 1 compound as this being ure fisrt cycle i would use 250mg sus for 10 week then followed by a pct

  4. #4
    KickBoxer's Avatar
    KickBoxer is offline Junior Member
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    correct me if im wrong mate, but it seems to me that u havent really done ur research ? which test do u wanna use? u obviously want to bulk - my suggestion would be test e... but we need more info from u to be able to tell u how to spread ur cycle out and what to use.. this is ur first cycle.. keep it simple. test e and dbol .. and a good pct will give u good re4sults

  5. #5
    wini is offline Banned
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    like kick says a good good pct

  6. #6
    mikal1221 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    read the rules buddy..cant ask for sources in the forums..also how old are you you need to give all the info in order to recieve accurate information

    yea you may want to take that out of your post
    Sorry about that, I'm 22

  7. #7
    mikal1221 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KickBoxer
    correct me if im wrong mate, but it seems to me that u havent really done ur research ? which test do u wanna use? u obviously want to bulk - my suggestion would be test e... but we need more info from u to be able to tell u how to spread ur cycle out and what to use.. this is ur first cycle.. keep it simple. test e and dbol.. and a good pct will give u good re4sults
    Testaviron I was thinking, you recommend test e and dbol though? What does pct stand for?

  8. #8
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikal1221
    Testaviron I was thinking, you recommend test e and dbol though? What does pct stand for?
    pct = post cycle therepy

    what happens when you inject test with more test your body creates more estrogen now you need estrogen its not necessarly a bad thing..

    but when you come 'off' now the test drops until your natural test comes back but all that estrogen is still there and will eat and eat all of that new muscle and you'll pretty much go back to the same size as you were before the cycle.

    now i dont think clomid is necessay with every cycle but some people will tell you otherwise..also i think it also varies person to person with what will work best...a simple test only 500mg per week for 10 weeks may not need clomid and nolvadex will be suffciant but that depends on what you want to do, again people will argue this but its my opinion so i think you should read read read take everyones opinions and build your own. also clen at the end of a cycle is known to keep muscle because of its anticatabolic effects..ability to keep mass..gluck and keep reading

  9. #9
    Jason865's Avatar
    Jason865 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikal1221
    Hey all, I'm 170 lbs. 12% bf, 6' tall. I was thinking about doing a cycle of Testosterone, Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol, and Nolvadex. My goal is to be at 190 - 195 @ 12% bf or lower. I have been training for a couple years but have never taken steroids. I have been doing a lot of reading and found this stack to be one of the most popular. Is this the best stack to use? How much should I take and how often should it be taken?

    Train 2-3 more years naturally and eat!!!! 170 at 6' is much too small for you to be doing a cycle. You can hit 190-200lbs naturally if you work hard and put in the time.

  10. #10
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    170 is pretty thin at your height.

    I'd train naturally longer. AT your age, you should have no probably reaching your goal of 190-195 naturally.

  11. #11
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Jason and cfiler hit it spot on, i couldnt agree more

  12. #12
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
    KeepingItBalanced is offline Associate Member
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    6' and 170 is thin as a rail. I am the same height and I'm at about 213 right now, and I still think I am thin. I could definitely use some more thickness. I started training (outside of my physical job, and in a few weight lifting classes in highschool) I was about 6'1" and 170-ish--6' now!

    my advice to you, is you probably have a fast metabolism...i do/did too.(slowed down in late 20's)...but you might be overtraining, and not eating enough for your body. I overtrained like hell for a long time. don't know why I felt so inclined to say all that, but I did.
    Last edited by KeepingItBalanced; 01-05-2007 at 12:38 AM.

  13. #13
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    i am 190 and 5'7" at 12%. and shit, i feel tiny as hell.

    you really need to take yourself over to the diet and training forums. settle yourself in there, then when you're all grown up, time to move out and come play with the big boys.

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