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Thread: Oral Tbol cycle!!!

  1. #1

    Oral Tbol cycle!!!

    Is this ok for a 7 week oral turanabol cycle?

    week 1-7...... 60mg tbol ed (30mg am/ 30mg pm)

    indefinately..... hgh 4iu, (6 days on/ 1 off)

    indefinately..... arimidex, .5mg (2 x a week)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    yeah thats ok

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    What compound is the base in your cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    hgh 5 on 2 off.

  5. #5
    what about this?

    week 1-7 50mg tbol/ 40mg var

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mid west
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    what about this?

    week 1-7 50mg tbol/ 40mg var
    Not sure what 40mg of var would do. The people that I see stacking Tbol and var do it like

    60-80 mg tbol

    60-100mg var

    Dosing of course depends on stats, and how you take to the compound. You could start with 40mg of var then gradually up the dose to whatever works.

  7. #7
    why is no one freaking out about 2 orals stacked for 7 weeks lol IM JUST KIDDING

    anywho imo id try the tbol at 60mg and double your var to 80mg see how it goes from there.......i ran the same cycle with winny @50mged instead of var and it worked well for me....might be a bit cheaper.........

  8. #8
    I wanted to keep it under or just aound the 100mg threshold.... (liver purposes)

    how bout

    60 mg Tbol/ 50 mg Var (7 week cycle)

    Im thinking that any amount of var that is added after the 60 mg Tbol is bonus.... from what I have read very good succesful gains have a occured just on 60mg of tbol ed for 6 or more weeks ed.....

    I have just finished my first week (7 days) of using Anavar at 100mg ed and I am definately noticing the tightness and hardening up.. but I want to incorporate a nice lean mass gainer for obviosly some lean size sith the hardening/tightening.... this is my first cycle ever and I dont want to tax my liver too much... thus the 100mg threshold....
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 01-04-2007 at 06:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    Is this ok for a 7 week oral turanabol cycle?

    week 1-7...... 60mg tbol ed (30mg am/ 30mg pm)

    indefinately..... hgh 4iu, (6 days on/ 1 off)

    indefinately..... arimidex, .5mg (2 x a week)

    can you post your stats? age? is this your first cycle?

    turinabol is wonderful to use, I use often with anavar and even with winstrol

    why 7 weeks?

    my concern is your age and the HGH normally run either eod or 5 days on/2 days off.

    you more then likely do not need 4iu/day. 2iu/day should be suffiecient.

    Good luck to you mon cheri

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Selene
    can you post your stats? age? is this your first cycle?
    33yrs, 190lb, 7% body fat......

    I am dropping my hgh from 4iu to 2.5 iu (5on/2off)

    so my cycle will look like this as of tomorrow...

    60mg tbol/ 50mg Var (7week cycle)
    1/2mg arimidex (twice a week)
    2.5iu HGH (5on/2off)
    1mg finasteride ed (through out cycle).... hair insurance, LOL!!!

    Im hoping that this combo will not slam my liver too much...

    as I stated earlier I am 7 days into using var only and the tightening/hardening is insane.. (love it) just need to add a little lean mass with now over the course of the cycle with the TBOL...

    ** ps... how much milk thistle should I be taking and do I need to add anything else such as liv52 etc...
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 01-04-2007 at 06:39 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    If i were 2 run tbol/var again i would dose it,

    100+ Each if going for 7 weeks....

    4 u 60/60 sounds about right or 60 tbol/80 var.

    both take around 4 weeks to kick in.(muscle gain wise)

    So with 7 weeks you gotta slam it.

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