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Thread: Joint pain and weakness! Please help!

  1. #1

    Joint pain and weakness! Please help!

    I'm getting VERY strong and big and look great. Problem is that my strength is coming along much faster than my joints have the ability to deal with the weight. I'm limited in the gym not by my ability to push the big weights, but by my elbows and wrists! Can anyone recommend anyhting to help with joint pain and/or building up my joints so they can deal with the increased weight in the gym? I was told that Glutamine can help. Any idea how to take it? Dose, etc...? Any help would be appreciated. BTW, I'm 39 years old... maybe that's part of my problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    I dont think glutamine would help any? They probably told you to get glucosamine. Just go down to your trusty wal mart and they will have it and prob even have a multi supplement with stuff that strengthens and lubricates the joints.

  3. #3

    Thank you

    Thanks for that... I'll give it a shot!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by manaman
    I'm getting VERY strong and big and look great. Problem is that my strength is coming along much faster than my joints have the ability to deal with the weight. I'm limited in the gym not by my ability to push the big weights, but by my elbows and wrists! Can anyone recommend anyhting to help with joint pain and/or building up my joints so they can deal with the increased weight in the gym? I was told that Glutamine can help. Any idea how to take it? Dose, etc...? Any help would be appreciated. BTW, I'm 39 years old... maybe that's part of my problem?
    Pay very close attention especially to your wrists Bro. The older you get -- and I'm a little older than you -- they get weaker structurally and cannot sustain the increased pressures of lifting heavy weights. You should do forearm curls and grip exercises religiously.

    I pushed my carpals through my radius and ulna and permanently displaced (separated) them and tore the carpal ligaments. There is no surgical fix except for joint replacement, which then will limit how much weight you can place on the artificial joint to 50lbs. In other words the most you'll be able to bench press with the artificial joint will be 100lbs.

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