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Thread: Oasis has smoke in the air

  1. #1

    Oasis has smoke in the air

    I have been calling for my package for weeks, and I just found out that all the sales reps have left the company. why is this???? something is def not right. I have been told by someone who answeres phones that I have to do new bloodwork if it is not 60 day current, before they ship my gear. thats crap, not to mention they want 400.00 for the test. has anyone else found out whats going on. please private message me some info. this site is defending oasis when they are ripping people off. my thread will probably be gone by today. I suggests you find out for yourself and take your business elsewhere. i have to call my bank to charge back the gear which i never recieved. I was told they were bought out

  2. #2
    Is far I understand they are in the process of getting acquired by GHI medical.

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericimage
    Is far I understand they are in the process of getting acquired by GHI medical.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    There is a thread on this. The system admin said thay had a problem and are now getting back on track. Find that thread and read it.

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