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Thread: A few prop questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY

    A few prop questions


    A few prop questions:

    (1) What's your experience with prop?

    (2) Is it common to "cut it" with something to lesson prop concentration? I injected prop (half cc) with one cc of test E and I felt no soreness. I have some bogus test e from a UGL and I'm thinking I can use it to "water down" the prop and avoid the pain and inflamation.

    (3) Do you think it would be adequate rotation to do glutes and shoulders only EOD?
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 01-04-2007 at 12:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura

    A few prop questions:

    (1) What's your experience with prop?

    (2) Is it common to "cut it" with something to lesson prop concentration? I injected prop (half cc) with one cc of test E and I felt no soreness. I have some bogus test e from nectar and I'm thinking I can use it to "water down" the prop and avoid the pain and inflamation.

    (3) Do you think it would be adequate rotation to do glutes and shoulders only EOD?
    I've done a couple of prop cycles and into one now. The first two were no big deal and just minor pain. This cycle though has been much more painful.

    Six weeks in and had been doing the prop eod and deca 2x week and rotating between 6 sites and by the time I returned to the first site it was still sore.

    I'm not interested in decreasing the concentration of the prop I'm using, I want to maintain a certain weekly mg level of prop. What I did was go to ed injections with lesser volume per injection, including deca ed and it is working just fine.

    With lesser volume it is much easier to do the delt's than trying to comfortably inject over 2cc's in them at one time.

    As you described above I don't think you are cutting the prop, decreasing the concentration, by adding the test e. If you are adjusting the amount of prop you add to your test e you are decreasing the volume and not the concentration, but you are also adding the volume and concentration of another ester along with the prop. In other words, if you are decreasing the amount of prop you are injecting along with the test e, if you eliminate the test e the concentration of the prop is still going to be the same, just not as many mg's per week, which you'd need, unless you want to stack the prop and e.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    im on a prop/winny cycle now.. im currently shooting 100mg ed (1cc) without too much pain.. regardless it does hurt and is soar.. its not unbareable.. I would try to stick it out a week and see what happens.. or as you put rotate to different places.. if your shooting eod that would be a shot in your (lets say left glute) every 9 days.. which is ok IMO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    You can use B12 to cut the prop if necessary...

  5. #5
    i run prop & deca, i rotate between glutes and mostly quads, with sometimes delts.. i have no problems, but my ugl's prop is almost painless and the deca helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Quads? Ouch! Isn't it painful? And with more blood vessels there, do you often find you're on a vessel when you aspirate? I got my prop from a UGL too.

    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    i run prop & deca, i rotate between glutes and mostly quads, with sometimes delts.. i have no problems, but my ugl's prop is almost painless and the deca helps.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    I've heard that as well. That's the idea behind using my bogus test E (oil) from a scammer.

    Quote Originally Posted by lawsey000
    You can use B12 to cut the prop if necessary...

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