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  1. #1
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col


    We have all seen my Chest pics and well MY CHEST SUCKS!!! (*if you havent seen them, trust me they do...and if you dont trust me they are on the members pics forum )

    I was considering doing the pec injection as i am curious as to if site injections work and all of the hoopla' that surrounds it. Anyway my chest sucks and is not thick. I have seen the pics for where to inject and it is almost at the "root" of the pec near the bicep..My only question is from my pics (*please reference if you give advice) What size pin and length should i shoot it with?????

    My chest is where i want the most improvenment....out of all the body parts..

    any help is appreciated!

  2. #2
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    from 4/1/02
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails question/problem-relaxed.jpg  

  3. #3
    metzger66's Avatar
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    We both share a common problem so I am interested in what others have to say!


  4. #4
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Whether site injections really work or not is still up to debate but even if there is some benefit from stretching the Fascia I would think the chest would be to big a muscle to benefit much from it. I have never tried one so that is purely guess work on my part. Sometimes genetics just suck.

  5. #5
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    XBIKER???? we will leave this one for the pro!

  6. #6
    Medicine Man's Avatar
    Medicine Man is offline Associate Member
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    honestly the best thing you can do is change up your routine... there is much you can do to get a more adequate or developed chest... its the easiest muscle group to build IMO.

  7. #7
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    that pic is a bit older and I have changed up my routine greatly in the past as well as now in the present.

    I currently do strictly DB work and concentrate on the Incline more than the flat. Also mix it up with heavy fly's and other movenments to isolate the pec and keep the secondary muscles out of it.

    My problem is my shoulders are broad and they like to do the work. Trust me I WORK OUT HARD and DO change up the routines...

  8. #8
    jamotech's Avatar
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    Hey kunipshunfit, my chest sucks too but it used to suck even worse. Our problems sound very similar, try this- on dumbell movements such as incline and flat press imagine your hugging a tree with the movement. By doing this your focusing on the movement of bringing your elbows across your chest. Another way to think of it is your just doing flys but with the form of a press. Another idea would be to do heavy weight with presses and lower weight/high rep with flys. Along with trying this new technique use lighter weight. No flame but your chest isnt big enough to move heavy weight. If the light weights all of a sudden feel heavy that means youve found the right form thats isolating your small chest muscles. Like I said no flame but its the truth just as it is for me and it wasnt until I started using lighter weights and proper form that my chest started to look like other peoples. Hope my suggestions make helpful sense!

  9. #9
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    I appreciate the advice, and no offense is taken on your assumption that my chest isnt big enough to move any heavy weight but you are wrong.

    I can move heavy weight just fine....when i was bulking 16 weeks ago I was benching 315 for reps of 4..

    Just yesterday i got the 100DB's on incline and flat, which is good considering i'm just comming off a cutting cycle where I got the lightest I've been in 8 years.....

    Anyway, I appreciate your advice, I'll try the hugging the tree thing.

    My problem has never been the weight, I can throw heavy weight on almost every exercise i do....I dont care about the weight though...I care about the inches on my chest...

  10. #10
    jamotech's Avatar
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    Heavy weight wont make your chest grow. Your a shoulder pusher when it comes to benching, you can still move weight but your not using your chest muscles enough in order to stimulate growth/development. If you do a search you should find some other guys also saying to go lighter and focus more on using your chest muscles. Im not saying you cant lift heavy weights, just that your chest isnt being given enough attention. Also make sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together during motions, this will help isolate chest muscles.

  11. #11
    Braski is offline Junior Member
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    Work more flat BB bench into your routine (try every third workout) Keep your group a bit wider than shoulder...don't go too wide. Flare your lats as your press and do not touch the bar to your chest stop about one inch from your pec. Control the upward press but explode and do NOT lock out. Do this with weights that you can handle for 6-8 reps and your should notice growth. I also like to follow up this exercise with a pre-exhaust flye movement before moving onto a dumbell incline press. (this gives your tris a chance to rest). What about dips and/or 10 degree decline press for your lower region?????

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