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  1. #1
    gottibme is offline Associate Member
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    How long can I stay on test?

    Since it is my first time on tren I am only doing 8 weeks of it,but since this is my 3rd cycle with Test prop and eq do you think it would be ok to stay on test for 16 to 20 weeks?and if you stay on gear longer than your suppose to does that mean that your pct has to be longer also?

  2. #2
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    if u think that ull still see gains from runing 16-20 week cycle then ur mistaken gains always diminsh after 12-13 weeks all what u r doing here is justk making the recover harder

  3. #3
    gottibme is offline Associate Member
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    alright thanks

  4. #4
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I wouldn't run it longer than 12.

  5. #5
    THE PUMP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    if u think that ull still see gains from runing 16-20 week cycle then ur mistaken gains always diminsh after 12-13 weeks all what u r doing here is justk making the recover harder
    spot on. 15 weeks is longest id go, with long esters ofcourse

  6. #6
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gottibme
    Since it is my first time on tren I am only doing 8 weeks of it,but since this is my 3rd cycle with Test prop and eq do you think it would be ok to stay on test for 16 to 20 weeks?and if you stay on gear longer than your suppose to does that mean that your pct has to be longer also?
    Depending on your total dosage....Obviously you not doing 2-5 grams a week...500mgs to 1 gram total, If you don't have to up the dosage and are still getting results, stay on.

    Take myself...I'll br 60yrs old this yr..I stay on 400 mgs yr round and do 2-3 heavy cycles with about 2grs a week for 6 weeks ea

  7. #7
    ghoul000's Avatar
    ghoul000 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm about to start a 16 week cycle of Prop for HRT. To run it that long you have to increase your dosages. GL. Oh, also throwing in a little tren for fun, only 7 weeks though. I have had the cycle completely planned out by someone who well educated with it. If you want to see it let me know.

  8. #8
    odix's Avatar
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    2 grams a week, thats ridiculous man.

  9. #9
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    2 grams a week, thats ridiculous man.
    I have over a hundred cycles in 30yrs plus...So I don't think so...2 grams is the most I have ever used...This is small compared to a lot of others

  10. #10
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    I'm about to start a 16 week cycle of Prop for HRT. To run it that long you have to increase your dosages. GL. Oh, also throwing in a little tren for fun, only 7 weeks though. I have had the cycle completely planned out by someone who well educated with it. If you want to see it let me know.
    I don't understand the prop for HRT...200 mgs of Test a week will do...That's one shot......Prop need to be injected at least Eod...This means you would need 4 injections EOD @ 57 mgs....Doesn't make since to me...But hey your body...Adding tren then turns this into a cycle and is no longer HRT, and now I understand...the PROP

  11. #11
    HOLLYWOOD's Avatar
    HOLLYWOOD is offline Senior Member
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    IMO, if you come off right, there shouldn't be any reason for anyone to be up at 2grams/week.

    At doses that high I htink you're askin for problems in the present and future.

  12. #12
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gottibme
    Since it is my first time on tren I am only doing 8 weeks of it,but since this is my 3rd cycle with Test prop and eq do you think it would be ok to stay on test for 16 to 20 weeks?and if you stay on gear longer than your suppose to does that mean that your pct has to be longer also?
    My first 2 were kinda long ~20wks.
    And they were both test only cycles..

    And yes,I did an aggresive PCT
    for each one,it wen't very well.

    Quote Originally Posted by HOLLYWOOD
    IMO, if you come off right, there shouldn't be any reason for anyone to be up at 2grams/week.

    At doses that high I htink you're askin for problems in the present and future.

    I agree with that.

    BTW..nice Desert Eagle,I cant wait to get one.

  13. #13
    ghoul000's Avatar
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    Pro body builders and such do a couple grams of test a week vs the avergae joes 400-600. Has nothing to do with coming off right. The more and more cycles you do the higher they have to dose it for it to take effect.

  14. #14
    HOLLYWOOD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Pro body builders and such do a couple grams of test a week vs the avergae joes 400-600. Has nothing to do with coming off right. The more and more cycles you do the higher they have to dose it for it to take effect.
    coming off right and staying off for the recommended amount of time will flush receptors.

    Pro's need that much because they are on 365 days a year

  15. #15
    Wizeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    I have over a hundred cycles in 30yrs plus...So I don't think so...2 grams is the most I have ever used...This is small compared to a lot of others
    Jeff, do you stay on all year round even after your incresed dosage cycles? Do you do any PCT?
    Have you been on for 30 Years straight?

  16. #16
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizeguy
    Jeff, do you stay on all year round even after your incresed dosage cycles? Do you do any PCT?
    Have you been on for 30 Years straight?
    Id like to bump this for a response from Jeff. I would like to hear from someone old school that has 30 years of aas experience. So tired of hearing people talk so much about things they know so little, it would be refreshing to hear more from someone that has actually lived the lifestyle that long!

  17. #17
    bd50's Avatar
    bd50 is offline Associate Member
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    bump for jeff

  18. #18
    hdftby100 is offline New Member
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    I ran a HRT cycle of Test Cyp for 20 weeks, then PCT for 3. Bad move in my opinion to run that long. Test level prior to starting was 397. 4 weeks out of PCT it came up as 85. Estridiol was at 40. Switched to a different plan now.

  19. #19
    Wizeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdftby100
    I ran a HRT cycle of Test Cyp for 20 weeks, then PCT for 3. Bad move in my opinion to run that long. Test level prior to starting was 397. 4 weeks out of PCT it came up as 85. Estridiol was at 40. Switched to a different plan now.
    why did you do a PCT?
    Do you know what your test level was while running the 20 weeker?

  20. #20
    hdftby100 is offline New Member
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    I did a PCT because I wanted to come off the therapy for a month or so, give my body some clean-up time. I did not get my test level tested towards the end of the 20 weeker, but I would hazard to say it was close if not over 1000, cause I was gaining about a pound of muscle a week and very strong lifting in the gym.

  21. #21
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I've done cycles of 16 weeks and bounced back fairly well. With an agggressive PCT you should be ok. Get BW done proir to longer cycles to see what you T levels are and go from there IMHO.

  22. #22
    Columbus's Avatar
    Columbus is offline Anabolic Member
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    WHY WOULD YOUR test levels drop so much duuring pct? what was your protocol? Doesnt make sense, should stay elevated, no?

  23. #23
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdftby100
    I ran a HRT cycle of Test Cyp for 20 weeks, then PCT for 3. Bad move in my opinion to run that long. Test level prior to starting was 397. 4 weeks out of PCT it came up as 85. Estridiol was at 40. Switched to a different plan now.
    I did a Test Cyp for 40 weeks with GH and Deca and Anvar off and
    on with an AI. My natural test went from 300+ to 600+ with blood
    drawn 3 months after last shot. Tapered off everything but test and
    GH. then tapered down arimidex to avoid estro rebound. Went
    on a cruise for 3 weeks so I would not be tempted. Did an hour on
    treadmill every day while lifting weights. Hey I'm back at it.

    I think you got to stop once in a while; it just takes more and more
    to get less and less.

  24. #24
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    WHY WOULD YOUR test levels drop so much duuring pct? what was your protocol? Doesnt make sense, should stay elevated, no?

  25. #25
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    To much estrogen. He should have been takina an AI like arimidex . It's
    the ratio of test to est that counts. I take AI's after cycle to avoid
    estro rebound. GH help big time as well.

  26. #26
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    To much estrogen. He should have been takina an AI like arimidex . It's
    the ratio of test to est that counts. I take AI's after cycle to avoid
    estro rebound. GH help big time as well. like 1/2 an armidex pct would have helped him immensely? Also, I heard AIMF was a solid product for that as well.

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