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  1. #1
    KickBoxer's Avatar
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    Bicep injections

    Hey guys,

    Doing my first cycle and im really startiung to get used to the shots. i havent shot bi's yet, but wanted to ask would it make any difference in my biceps if i shot them? i know it will probly hurt like hell, but i dont think it will hurt as much as my quads!!!

    Btw, my cycleis 150mg prop eod (from 2moro im sooting 75mg ed) and 100mg winny ed..

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Any differece as in growth??? No not at all.

  3. #3
    KickBoxer's Avatar
    KickBoxer is offline Junior Member
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    damn! i want to see more growth in my bi's.. im not seeing anything except mass, its not really cut that well...

  4. #4
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    I'm gonna advise AGAINST putting 150mg of prop into a virgin muscle. I put 200mg into my quad witch i hit all the time and it killed for 3 days. But you may have better results. Let us know

  5. #5
    ghoul000's Avatar
    ghoul000 is offline Associate Member
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    Actually your biceps WILL grow. Spot injections has kinda been here say. Long lasting esters will not work with spot injections. Takes too long to take effect. But short esters like Prop will work for spot injections.
    Depends on what oil your prop was made with is how painful your injections are. Im useing prop that is painless, with that in mind your quad would hurt much more then your bicep. Quad for me was a beautiful injection, painless. But followed with 5 days of pain in the leg. hurts to lift your arm but too me pain in the legs is the worse.

  6. #6
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    man, i don't know why you guys wanna go sticking yourselves everywhere like that. the reason doctors use the shoulder and glutes (and very rarely, the thighs) for shots is because they're the safest injection sites as far as avoiding nerves. shooting other places is just asking to hit a nerve IMO. though there are safe injection areas on those other muscles such as the biceps as well, the odds of hitting a nerve are far greater.

    as far as the thigh really hurting you, you sure you got the right spot? have you checked into the right spot injections? also, what gauge needle you use? i use 25g and those things go in my thighs like nothing. you feel a tiny pinch and that's it. just quick in, inject, and pull out.

  7. #7
    KickBoxer's Avatar
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    Im shooting 75mg ed now, and i need to rotate more with the spots. ive shot glutes, delts and quads (although i wont be doing quads again coz it was very painful) buti want to do biceps as well that way i have 5days or so before i hit the same spot again.. im using 23g needle for glutes, and 25g for delts and bi's.. will let u guys know how i go.

  8. #8
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    I hardly ever feel pain when injecting into my quads.... It always goes in easy. Then again I have only shot in my quad and glute, never in the delt or bicep.

  9. #9
    KickBoxer's Avatar
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    Just shot the left bi... wasnt to bad... i sort of flexed my arms to get the veins out and made sure i didnt hit ne when shooting

  10. #10
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ya I did it a few times when the glutes and delts were getting tired of the pins.. Wasnt anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be.. just used a 25g for it, seemed pretty easy. Dont think Id do it all the time though.. Normal rotation maybe...

  11. #11
    Selene's Avatar
    Selene is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KickBoxer
    Hey guys,

    Doing my first cycle and im really startiung to get used to the shots. i havent shot bi's yet, but wanted to ask would it make any difference in my biceps if i shot them? i know it will probly hurt like hell, but i dont think it will hurt as much as my quads!!!

    Btw, my cycleis 150mg prop eod (from 2moro im sooting 75mg ed) and 100mg winny ed..

    I always do bicep shots when using test prop, I find that I enjoy the pump I get from it and biceps always respond very well and look great.

  12. #12
    Jason865's Avatar
    Jason865 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Actually your biceps WILL grow. Spot injections has kinda been here say. Long lasting esters will not work with spot injections. Takes too long to take effect. But short esters like Prop will work for spot injections.
    100% false!

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