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  1. #1
    ThizzKing is offline Associate Member
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    Just ordered some gear, need help on deciding how much to take etc.

    21 years old
    190 lbs

    I just ordered some Test Enanthanate, Decabol 200, and anapolen....I am looking for some help on how to go about taking my cycle (how much per week of each) Any help would be appreciated, thank you

  2. #2
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    if its ur 1st cycle just do 250mg test per week 2x so 500 total. 250 fri 250 tues. if not 1st then add deca 400 a week

  3. #3
    ThizzKing is offline Associate Member
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    Its my second cycle, i did a cycle of decca before but i didnt know anything so I didnt gain a lot. Since its my second, would 250mg twice per week of test , and 400mg of decca once a week sound good?

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    The basic bread and butter cycle with those compounds would be

    1-13 test 500mg EW
    1-12 deca 400mg EW
    1-4 Anapolon 50mg ED

    wether you should be doing any sort of cycle is another matter. Read the "things to consider" in my sig.

  5. #5
    THE PUMP's Avatar
    THE PUMP is offline Member
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    rip off Ireland
    no, you should run the test e at a high dose than the deca ,
    wk 1-13 test e 500
    wk 1-11 deca 400
    and maybe a d'bol kickstart

  6. #6
    ThizzKing is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2006
    Thanks for the advice. I'll be following PERFECTBEASTS info. Anybody have any advice on PCT?

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThizzKing
    Thanks for the advice. I'll be following PERFECTBEASTS info. Anybody have any advice on PCT?

    Yes, READ the PCT forum so you know what you are doing adn make suer you have ALL pct compounds before you ever start any cycle !!!

    PCT varies from person to person, things to look into are , Proviron , HCG , Clomid, Nolvadex , Arimidex , Letro

    You will NOT use all of these, but you shousl learn what is best for your type of cycle and how your body will react

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    If you do the cycle beast suggested, then I would also have an AI on hand in case bloating becomes and issue something like Arimidex or Letro, If you are prone to Gyno, then you may need to look into running letro prior to start of cycle, if you don't know if you are prone to gyno then have it on hand in case signs of gyno appear, Nolvaldex is also a good one to have on hand in case.

    PCT would start 14 days after last test E shot

    I would suggest Clomid for at least 30 days if not longer
    Nolvadex for the 30 days
    and its up to you if you want to use HCG to help get your balls back up and running, since Deca shuts you down hard!. There are many ways to run HCG

    There are TOO many ways to run PCT for us to give you an exact way, that is why I suggested reading the PCT forum. Also, until you have a basic understanding of PCT compounds and can decide what is right for you, then you really shouldn't be messing with AAS because PCT is the most important part of ANY cycle.

  9. #9
    ThizzKing is offline Associate Member
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    Think I'd be good if I order some nolvadex , aromasin , clomid, and hcg (5000iu amp+solution) ???

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    yes that should cover you, just don't use the nolvadexd and aromasin together as they are close to the same, use one during the cycle, and the other for PCT

  11. #11
    ThizzKing is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the help. I'll be sure to follow directions.
    If using nolvadex during cycle, would it minimize my gains?

  12. #12
    badER's Avatar
    badER is offline Junior Member
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    I dont get how someone would order steroids and not no what there dosage would be... its catastrophic

  13. #13
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    yes that should cover you, just don't use the nolvadexd and aromasin together as they are close to the same, use one during the cycle, and the other for PCT
    Sman, I thought aromasin and nolvadex were recommended to be used alongside each other. With the inclusion of HCG being optimal. I ask this because my planned PCT is nolva and aromasin.

    As for the original poster, you should clearly hold off any cycles. This is not a flame bro, but if you have to lie about your stats than you are not ready for AAS: Your only fooling yourself man.

  14. #14
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    In a perfect world people would just be honest, instead of using this board to get advice suggested to someone that they are not. Id say everyone should post pics, but they would probably just get those of the net too. Seriously man, why do that? Your only going to hurt yourself in the long run and put another fish in the barrell for someone to pic out and make an example out of! People like that are why steroids are where they are today, if people were educated on them and did them right, they probably wouldn't have the bad rep and media publicity they do, Fact is they work, its obvious look at the stars that are getting caught, all big names, Merriman Defensive player of the year, Spriters, gold medalist in the olympics, Barry Bonds Mcgwire, breaking homerun records. Sorry I just dont know why everyone has to lie, atleast if your going to do it against the advice of the members of this board tell them your true stats so if you have a problem you can get some help if you have problems. Look at Ggallin, he didnt have the support from anyone he did it anyway and was honest about it, and people say that it has helped him, and even he said now he wished he would have waited. Dont mean to pick on you man, you are looking alot better man

  15. #15
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by badER
    I dont get how someone would order steroids and not no what there dosage would be... its catastrophic
    wondering the same thing...

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