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  1. #1
    YouAintKnow330's Avatar
    YouAintKnow330 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2006

    Help with 2nd Cycle

    I am about to start my second cycle and I am wondering what you guys think.

    My Stats:
    21 years old
    5'9" 165lbs
    6% Body Fat

    This was my first plan...
    Week 1-10 750mg Sust 250 EOD MWF
    Week 1-4 30mg Naposim Dbol ED
    Week 1-10 1 mg Arimidex

    My Already have my PCT down with Plenty of Nolvadex and Clomid...
    My Diet is down perfect...

    Now heres where I need your help I am thinking of substituting the Naposim Dbols for 40 mgs of Anavar everyday for 10 weeks.
    The reasoning behind these thoughts are I know alot of people that have used the Dbol and they have gotten great gains but alot of bloat and it was hard to keep the gains...
    Would this be a half a decent swap? What could be the positive and negatives?

  2. #2
    THE PUMP's Avatar
    THE PUMP is offline Member
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    rip off Ireland
    1-13 test e 500mg
    1-11 deca 400mg

    you went a bit high first time round on the test bro.

  3. #3
    YouAintKnow330's Avatar
    YouAintKnow330 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2006
    no my first cycle was just a basic sust 250 250 250 500 500 250 250 250 cycle, that was going to go with for my 2nd untill i got alot of var

  4. #4
    THE PUMP's Avatar
    THE PUMP is offline Member
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    rip off Ireland
    my bad was thinking of test e for some reason,
    yea looks good you could try t'bol week 1-6,

  5. #5
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    Oct 2006
    usa/east coast
    proviron will help cut some water bloat and harden you up

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