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Thread: summer cycle prep for lineman

  1. #1

    summer cycle prep for lineman

    Whats up guys, im going to be entering my senior year and looking to do my first cycle; I've been researching this for a while, i was actually going to run a test cycle last summer but instead i ran a superdrol cycle since i didn't know if i was ready for the 'plunge'..I play d1 ball and since we get tested during spring ball and not for a while i have a good time frame where i wont be tested..I was planning on starting right after spring ball into summer. I've been considering different ideas, but i have narrowed it down to a test prop / turinabol cycle since i do not want to bloat up and im not looking to gain huge amounts of weight but quality weight....heres my stats

    Age: 20, will be 21 in the spring
    6'5 300 - BF: 18-19%

    Squat: 575 (500x5)
    Clean: 345 (315x3)
    Bench: 320 - yeah i cant bench for shit - long ass arm syndrome
    Pro Agility: 4.5 electronic (last year on turf)
    40 yard: 5.3 electronic (^^)

    Cycle Ideas
    1-8 Test Prop 150mg EOD
    1-8 Turinabol 50mg/ED

    With the turinabol im not sure if i want to go 8 weeks @ 50mg/ED or 6 weeks and taper the dosage with around 30mg first week and then end 80mg the 6th week, what would you guys suggest?

    Also, I am planning on running nolvadex or arimidex throughout the cycle, what would you guys suggest? 10mg nolvadex ED or arimidex .25mg/ED ?

    Post Cycle

    start 3 days after last injection
    week 9 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
    week 10 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    week 11 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

    Thanks, If i left out any information please let me know, i tried to be as precise as possible.

    **Edit** Just wanted to add that right now im on a pretty strict diet to lose bodyfat before i do cycle, in the winter we have a pretty intense conditioning program so with the way im eating the fat should burn right ive been going 2 weeks on/off with ECA stack and ive noticed improvements already with just diet & lifting with minimal cardio
    Last edited by football65; 01-07-2007 at 06:11 PM.

  2. #2
    You're going to be 21 and still in highschool?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    You're going to be 21 and still in highschool?
    senior year in college!

  4. #4
    If yer in high school, you shouldn't **** your body up potentially by using steroids.

    If you mean senior in college then try a simple test cycle, 10-12 weeks.

    Hope you have a good diet/training regimen going or you won't reap the full benefits of steroids.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    If yer in high school, you shouldn't **** your body up potentially by using steroids.

    If you mean senior in college then try a simple test cycle, 10-12 weeks.

    Hope you have a good diet/training regimen going or you won't reap the full benefits of steroids.
    Senior year in college school wise, Redshirt-Junior football wise, so this year and the next year i have left eligibility wise, might not be able to come back for my 5th year though, but well performance this next year is a big indicator if im coming back for my 5th year.

    My diet and training is pretty intense, right now im tryin to lean up so i cycle carbs depending on if im training or rest day and tons of lean meat - I've really learned how to eat in the past year, so my diet is on point. Training wise im on a serious college s&c program, so thats on point, Full of cleans,squats,presses..

    You said simple test cycle 10-12 weeks, you mean test enthenate? When i was thinking of cycle ideas i was thinking of possibly just 500mg test e for 10 weeks and just arimidex to keep the bloat down. Thanks for the recommendation

  6. #6

    got a good head start out of Highschool then to be 21 and graduating.

    Anyhow, cycle looks ok but I don't think the L-dex or nolva will be necessary during the cycle and could hinder gains. I'd save it for PCT.
    Keep them on hand though incase signs of gyno arise.

    I'd stick with Test Prop

  7. #7
    Yea just try a cypioante if you dont want to do so many injections but prop is going to be much better and faster.

    I use .4mg arimidex during all my cycles but, you might want to see if you need to use any AIs on such a simple and rather safe cycle. You should at least use the arimidex I would say, 2 weeks before your last shot and up to PCT. Not using any AI on cycle could be problematic but like I said, its all about experimentation in the beginning, as far as finding out what is best for you compound wise.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr

    got a good head start out of Highschool then to be 21 and graduating.

    Anyhow, cycle looks ok but I don't think the L-dex or nolva will be necessary during the cycle and could hinder gains. I'd save it for PCT.
    Keep them on hand though incase signs of gyno arise.

    I'd stick with Test Prop
    What would you recommend with the turinabol, 8 weeks at a medium dosage or 6 weeks and taper it? Also would running nolvadex @ 10mg a day really hinder gains that much? The only reason why im afraid of gyno is because since ill be holding more bodyfat then regular people that juice (my goal is to be around 15% or so bf in the spring), i feel ill be more prone to it.. Also one of my teammates ran a test e cycle this summer and got gyno, he didnt run any anti-e during the cycle like an idiot so i rather just play it safe?

  9. #9
    10mg of nolva shouldnt effect gains, arimidex, maybe (though probly not) but nolva, I don't understand how it would. It should help you recover if anything.

    I dont knwo about the tbol.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Yea just try a cypioante if you dont want to do so many injections but prop is going to be much better and faster.

    I use .4mg arimidex during all my cycles but, you might want to see if you need to use any AIs on such a simple and rather safe cycle. You should at least use the arimidex I would say, 2 weeks before your last shot and up to PCT. Not using any AI on cycle could be problematic but like I said, its all about experimentation in the beginning, as far as finding out what is best for you compound wise.
    Thanks, im leaning towards prop just because of the ester length and dont really want to bloat. Theres pretty much a 99.9% chance that i wont get tested, but you never know with the NCAA, so thats why i want to keep the detection time not too long.

  11. #11
    Then prop it is.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by football65
    Whats up guys, im going to be entering my senior year and looking to do my first cycle; I've been researching this for a while, i was actually going to run a test cycle last summer but instead i ran a superdrol cycle since i didn't know if i was ready for the 'plunge'..I play d1 ball and since we get tested during spring ball and not for a while i have a good time frame where i wont be tested..I was planning on starting right after spring ball into summer. I've been considering different ideas, but i have narrowed it down to a test prop / turinabol cycle since i do not want to bloat up and im not looking to gain huge amounts of weight but quality weight....heres my stats

    Age: 20, will be 21 in the spring
    6'5 300 - BF: 18-19%

    Squat: 575 (500x5)
    Clean: 345 (315x3)
    Bench: 320 - yeah i cant bench for shit - long ass arm syndrome
    Pro Agility: 4.5 electronic (last year on turf)
    40 yard: 5.3 electronic (^^)

    Cycle Ideas
    1-8 Test Prop 150mg EOD
    1-8 Turinabol 50mg/ED

    With the turinabol im not sure if i want to go 8 weeks @ 50mg/ED or 6 weeks and taper the dosage with around 30mg first week and then end 80mg the 6th week, what would you guys suggest?

    Also, I am planning on running nolvadex or arimidex throughout the cycle, what would you guys suggest? 10mg nolvadex ED or arimidex .25mg/ED ?

    Post Cycle

    start 3 days after last injection
    week 9 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
    week 10 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    week 11 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

    Thanks, If i left out any information please let me know, i tried to be as precise as possible.

    **Edit** Just wanted to add that right now im on a pretty strict diet to lose bodyfat before i do cycle, in the winter we have a pretty intense conditioning program so with the way im eating the fat should burn right ive been going 2 weeks on/off with ECA stack and ive noticed improvements already with just diet & lifting with minimal cardio
    I like that squat bro. Good work. I'm heavier in my legs too.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Tbone1975
    I like that squat bro. Good work. I'm heavier in my legs too.
    Thanks, squat has always been my #1 lift..its also funny because i power jerk almost more than i bench

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