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  1. #1
    KickBoxer's Avatar
    KickBoxer is offline Junior Member
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    Winny - tab or inject?

    Hey guys,

    Im currently in my 4th week of cycle - 75mg ed prop, and 100mg winny ed (capsule form). Im not sure on the quality of my winny as it is homebrew, and was wondering if it would make a difference if i injected proper legit winny from another supplier who i trust?

    Also, would i shoot the winny and prop seperately or together in the same syringe?

  2. #2
    zipster_dude's Avatar
    zipster_dude is offline Associate Member
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    Land of the Free(kind of)
    Are you having any pain with the prop when you inject? My experience with injecting winny has been pretty painful. I would drink the winny if you go with the injectable.

    What makes you think the tabs are bunk?

  3. #3
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by KickBoxer
    Hey guys,

    Im currently in my 4th week of cycle - 75mg ed prop, and 100mg winny ed (capsule form). Im not sure on the quality of my winny as it is homebrew, and was wondering if it would make a difference if i injected proper legit winny from another supplier who i trust?

    Also, would i shoot the winny and prop seperately or together in the same syringe?
    Not a problem. Simply drop the suspect oral, and add the Winny oil in the same Prop syringe.


  4. #4
    KickBoxer's Avatar
    KickBoxer is offline Junior Member
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by zipster_dude
    Are you having any pain with the prop when you inject? My experience with injecting winny has been pretty painful. I would drink the winny if you go with the injectable.

    What makes you think the tabs are bunk?
    Prop is painful, but as they say, no pain no gain - im shooting ed, and sort of getting used to the shots - although i shot my left bi yesterday and it hurt like hell!!!

    The reason i think the winny is fake, im just not seeing any results wat so ever and my diet and program r more than in tune!.. from experiance, would u guys say prop or winny is more painful?

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