1-8 wk 500mg of sustanon 250 (2 shots a week)
21/m/178lbs/16% bf 5ft 11 i have discussed this b4,but just double onfirming to be on the safe side. thanks
1-8 wk 500mg of sustanon 250 (2 shots a week)
21/m/178lbs/16% bf 5ft 11 i have discussed this b4,but just double onfirming to be on the safe side. thanks
do you allready have this gear?
yes i got this about 2 days ago but he's ordered me deca as well the **** so im stuck
are you going to work in the deca or same it for another run?
dunno i loved to but dont know what cycle i could use?
maybe save it for when you have more test. I run deca for 6 weeks but its for my joints and nothing more. if you want more you'd probably need to run it longer. 8 weeks is fine for sust. you'll see gains and recover quicker then recovery from longer cycles
so what cycle shall i use? just sus250 2 shots a week for 8 week? or get deca involved as well?
I recommend the test by itself. just so you know, sust is almost 50:50 w/ long chain to short chain esters. for this reason, most recommend eod. but I have known many who go twice a week w/o probs.
well ive got the sus,what shall i do (which cycle) and deca shall i not use it?
your going to love it! i love test<3
what shall i do? how shall i run this sus or deca which 1?
sust, 500mg/week, 8 weeks.
so thats 2 shots a week right?
so shall i leave the deca alone?or shall i use deca instead of sus?
if your not going to get anymore test than yep. two shots a week of sust. let us know how it goes
so no deca? some 1 recomended stack them both together and shoot?
deca instead of sust would totally anhilate your sex drive. it shuts you down fast and hard.
whats test?
whcih 1 will i get more gains out of and loose a bit of fat?
which 1 will i get more gains out of? sus or deca and loose a bit of fat
dont run the deca unless you plan on getting more test or you are usuing it for your joints only. if your going w/ the gear you got do it like I said earlier.
some 1 told me stack it deca and sus and which 1 of these 2 compounds is strong on gains and looses a bit of fat?
You do not need the deca for a first cycle.
what will i gain with this sus ? and will it loose a bit of fat too?
Know one knows what you will gain. Fat loss is diet and cardio. Shoot sus EOD.Originally Posted by wini
Also how many threads are you gonna start asking this question?
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