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Although I don't see anything wrong with a cetain amount of tapering, your logic of getting there is pretty flawed.
As AnabolicBoy mentioned, even if you were able to take a "lower than normal" dose of test at the end, the time it would take to get your body to resond would be too long. In addition, the amount of test that you would have wouldn't be enough to save/build any muscle. Basically you are saying that you would drop exogenous test to a 60yr. old man to boost production...Won't happen.
Hence, why we use PCT compounds. Becuase a combination of SERMs and AIs will help boost test levels much more quickly than just stopping or having a "low" amount (which are basically the same if you think about it).
Longhorn also brought up the fact that anytime you have an exogenous source of hormones, you will cause you body to lower its own. Sure, some people use a small dose of DBol or anavar or something like that...But the problem is finding the amount that is enough to "do" anything without "suppressing" anything...And usually, its not worth it.
Your knowledge of SERMs and AIs are also a little lacking...AIs have been shown to greatly boost natty test levels in response to lowered estro levels. Bottom line: They work.
Now, with that said, I think where you are coming from is trying to start PCT with suppressive sompounds still floating around. Two weeks after your test e shot, you will still have exogenous test. But the logic is, as you go through PCT, the exogenous test drops, and the SERMS and AIs will boost endogenous levels.
Personally, having used compounds like tren that seem to linger for a while I prefer a different method. (For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why I was still getting stronger in PCT, then WHAM, felt like shit.) I would prefer to run a light oral (Var) well past the "halflife" of whatever compound you are using. For example after my last shot of Test E, I ran Var three weeks past, while using HCG on my last 10 days. Started PCT the next day, and it went relatively smooth.