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Thread: Why Do People stop Their Cycle COLD TURKEY? Why not just Wein Off it? To avoid crash?

  1. #81
    Yeah, this taper to PCT - esp. when on a heavy cycle, and perhaps with a short acting ester bridge looks interesting. Like I said, maybe the genesis of "PCT II"?

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    This thread is interesting,I would never do another pct without hgh ever again,(IMO)Its the king of retaining gains while recovery is in progress,I base this on the fact my brother never did a pct he just ran hgh and proverin a mild androgen to pick up slack for his libido.(a type of taper in a sense being a mild androgen)Then went back on and continued his cycles.I myself use a pct and hgh stack and been pretty good.if i can only eat enough good food in a day to break a clean 245,for me this has proven to be my greatest obstacle.I also do a type of taper using mild orals till long esters clear before starting my pct(anvr)once again i add to this post, im not telling anyone to do anything this is what i have seen and base my opinion on,also as for the boost post above im not so sure 400mg of primo will allow recovery,I have tryed 200mg with some succusses just a side note..

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Oh ok, so for instance if your cycle is 12 weeks of Test E @ 500mg

    1-12 Test E @ 500mg
    13 Test E @ 300mg
    14 Test E @ 100mg
    15 PCT?
    Marcus could you add to this? I'd like to see a sample in a typical 500mg EW Test E cycle, like above.

    I wanted zk7 to put his ideas in a practical format, becuase I was getting the feeling that timing would be an issue here. I don't neccessarily disagree with what he is saying...Just the EXTENT at which he is taking it.

    As Warrior mentioned, I think extending the taper that far out would just delay a full and healthy recovery. It MAY help smooth the transition (and thats a BIG "MAY") but it looks more like a 2-3 month PCT regimine...which still counts as "on" time, remember? Regardless if you are "shut down" you are still INTERFERRING with your natty hormonal balance.

  4. #84
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ftony
    This thread is interesting,I would never do another pct without hgh ever again,(IMO)Its the king of retaining gains while recovery is in progress,I base this on the fact my brother never did a pct he just ran hgh and proverin a mild androgen to pick up slack for his libido.(a type of taper in a sense being a mild androgen)Then went back on and continued his cycles.I myself use a pct and hgh stack and been pretty good.if i can only eat enough good food in a day to break a clean 245,for me this has proven to be my greatest obstacle.I also do a type of taper using mild orals till long esters clear before starting my pct(anvr)once again i add to this post, im not telling anyone to do anything this is what i have seen and base my opinion on,also as for the boost post above im not so sure 400mg of primo will allow recovery,I have tryed 200mg with some succusses just a side note..
    See above at my earlier post. I did the same, running Var about 3-4 weeks after my last shot of test e, and then using HCG the last 10 days...Then PCT. Smoothest one yet...The IGF helped too

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    Interesting some indicated, it would be logical that once you suppress you natural test production, there would be no point to tapering as nothing would kick start test production other than running PCT. I understand the point for the other side as well.

    I think it is important to note that we are dealing with external and internal sides and for one, tapering seems to help with some of the external sides. For internal, bloodwork would be necessary.

    It would be interesting to see blood work of the same individual running two cycles, one with tapering and one without. Of course, an experiment like this would take some time. Then again, I'm sure some people have already ran a 'regular' cycle with bloodwork and all they have to do is run another one with tapering and compare. Anyone up to it?

  6. #86
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Marcus could you add to this? I'd like to see a sample in a typical 500mg EW Test E cycle, like above.
    It would depend on how bad the withdrawal symptom's are to how quickly you taper down, i know 1 guy who does a very slow taper because his depression and sex drive suffers alot if he doesn't, but if the symptom's are not all that bad a nice taper down for 3 wks normally does the job, now if your doing a 10 wks cycle of test e id swap the test e to prop for the 3 wk taper so pct can be started straight away after 3 wks, also taper down to around 100mg again personal choice on how you feel and react, suppose if you do suffer just give it a try and go from there and adjust accordingly

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by VinceRKG
    Hmmm.....I am about to start my Test E 500mg a week and Dbol at 20mg a day, That would be a good thing to do with this cycle, So you would stop start the HCG and Clomid when you hit the 100mg spot? I see. Thanks for the info.

    How long are you going to take Dbol while on Test E? Iam gonna do the same thing but iam gonna be on Test Cyp. i was planning on doing 30mg a day.
    27/205lbs/6'1"/12% bf/

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mustanggt23
    How long are you going to take Dbol while on Test E? Iam gonna do the same thing but iam gonna be on Test Cyp. i was planning on doing 30mg a day.
    27/205lbs/6'1"/12% bf/

    hey bro, this is called hijacking, you'd get a lot more responses if you start a seperate thread dedicated to that specific question

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    i like my last shot to always be EQ. It's very mild, and releases slowly dropping to baseline in about 30 days. drop a few lbs of bloat from heavy androgens but no real "crash".

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mustanggt23
    How long are you going to take Dbol while on Test E? Iam gonna do the same thing but iam gonna be on Test Cyp. i was planning on doing 30mg a day.
    27/205lbs/6'1"/12% bf/

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