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  1. #1
    hocoathlete's Avatar
    hocoathlete is offline Associate Member
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    DNP transdermal??!?!?!

    do you think i could "pop" a 200mg dnp cap open and mix it in with some type of muscle soothing cream like icyhot, flexall, or tigerbalm?? and possibly see any effects??

  2. #2
    goose is offline Banned
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    Thats not possible with DNP .

    It`s possible with pgf2a .

    If your looking for that type of thing your best bet is targex.

  3. #3
    Snrf's Avatar
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    DNP is a very strong dye, you might end up with some nice yellow patches that won't go away for a few weeks

  4. #4
    BIG_T_MC06's Avatar
    BIG_T_MC06 is offline Associate Member
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    You will be left with a nasty yellow stain that looks like someones had a piss on you!


  5. #5
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
    Jay-Ace is offline Member
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    I thought this was a wind up!!

    Bro you really should see how nasty yellow the stuff is!! You'd look like you're suffering from Jaundice!!

  6. #6
    BIG_T_MC06's Avatar
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    Jaundice and
    Thats gunna be an attractive look

    Last edited by BIG_T_MC06; 01-10-2007 at 09:22 AM.

  7. #7
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    do you think i could "pop" a 200mg dnp cap open and mix it in with some type of muscle soothing cream like icyhot, flexall, or tigerbalm?? and possibly see any effects??
    Technically speaking it will work. DNP has multiple absorption routes including digestion, inhalation, and tactile (by touch) / transdermal exposure.

    However, as expressed above, it literally stains the skin.


  8. #8
    liftin4life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Technically speaking it will work. DNP has multiple absorption routes including digestion, inhalation, and tactile (by touch) / transdermal exposure.

    However, as expressed above, it literally stains the skin.

    Hahaha, you guys beat me to it. Yeah can take it many ways, but even bleach has a hard time getting the yellow out.

  9. #9
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    hahaha i tried it last night, but yeah good think im asian and already have yellow skin, for some reason it didnt stain my body skin, but my palms are pretty yellow, but i dont think ima do it again lol..

    what about spot injecting it?? also i have crystal not pwdered..i opened one up and it looks totally different...sorta liek a dark brown sugar kinda.

  10. #10
    liftin4life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    hahaha i tried it last night, but yeah good think im asian and already have yellow skin, for some reason it didnt stain my body skin, but my palms are pretty yellow, but i dont think ima do it again lol..

    what about spot injecting it?? also i have crystal not pwdered..i opened one up and it looks totally different...sorta liek a dark brown sugar kinda.
    Why would you spot inject it? C'mon now man. Just take the capsules, jeez. lose a POUND of fat per day on average...what more could you want? If you spot inject, get some bacteriostatic water, some liquid clen (unflavored in bact water), and some yohimbine HCL 99.9% pure and make some Helios at 4.5mg Yohimbine and 40mcg clen per ML. You can spot inject that at 1/2ml 2-3x per day with 1" in between spots and the fat should literally melt away. I'm thinking of doing that at some point since it is so easy to make. But SERIOUSLY...there is absolutely no reason to spot inject DNP .

    ***DNP passes through everything meaning....that it will leach out of the area where you inject it and burn fat EVERYWHERE...and leave a subQ lump for no reason. yourself the trouble.

  11. #11
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    hahaha thanks bro. yeah man this stuff is awesome!!! it makes me so much more inspired because you see results on a daily basis...and it isnt soo dangerous as people say...just read on it, learn how it works, eat right, stay hydrated and youll be fine!

    but how does the fat cells die?? like people say that youll lose the fat because the cells are being emptied and its much harder to gain the weight again if the fatty cells are destroyed like liposuction...but how can they peopel completely removed??? maybe staying on dnp for a longer period of time at a lower dose???

  12. #12
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    hahaha thanks bro. yeah man this stuff is awesome!!! it makes me so much more inspired because you see results on a daily basis...and it isnt soo dangerous as people say...just read on it, learn how it works, eat right, stay hydrated and youll be fine!

    but how does the fat cells die?? like people say that youll lose the fat because the cells are being emptied and its much harder to gain the weight again if the fatty cells are destroyed like liposuction...but how can they peopel completely removed??? maybe staying on dnp for a longer period of time at a lower dose???
    All very good questions.
    1. No form of aas, dietary chemicals (DNP , Clen , Eph, etc.), diet, or exercise will effectively kill or destroy fat cells regardless of cycle duration. These methods ONLY work to remove fat itself from the cells, like deflating a balloon. The later consumption of fat causes them to reinflate.

    2. Liposuction completely removes fat cells much like a vacumn cleaner removes dirt and debris from carpet. It literally sucks fat cells out of the body.

    3. There is a new injectable product that goes by several names one of which is LipoDissolve (See 'Bellyfat' thread) which literally dissolves fat cells, completely eliminating them from the body, as in Liposuction.


  13. #13
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    All very good questions.
    1. No form of aas, dietary chemicals (DNP , Clen , Eph, etc.), diet, or exercise will effectively kill or destroy fat cells regardless of cycle duration. These methods ONLY work to remove fat itself from the cells, like deflating a balloon. The later consumption of fat causes them to reinflate.

    2. Liposuction completely removes fat cells much like a vacumn cleaner removes dirt and debris from carpet. It literally sucks fat cells out of the body.

    3. There is a new injectable product that goes by several names one of which is LipoDissolve (See 'Bellyfat' thread) which literally dissolves fat cells, completely eliminating them from the body, as in Liposuction.


    pgf2a kills fat cells.

  14. #14
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    pgf2a kills fat cells.
    Then I stand corrected.
    Thanks for the info, I'll certainly look into it.


  15. #15
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Then I stand corrected.
    Thanks for the info, I'll certainly look into it.

    hi magic did you find any info to support i did just a fast google but haven't jumped into it here is a little read from

    DNP : This is the most powerful uncoupler known. It is also the most deadly fat burning compound known. Most often cause of death from use is overheating. When you use DNP, it pretty much prevents your body from using carbs, period. You burn fat like crazy, but any time your body attempt to use carbs, it will increase body temp. People who have died from DNP usage have had POST-MORTEM body temps exceeding 130 degrees in some cases. They literally cooked their internal organs. The first to be affected is your liver. Aside from this effect, DNP causes gradual damage to various organs in your body with use. It is a carcinogen which causes several forms of liver cancer. It also shuts down your thyroid and with it has the potential to permanently damage your thyroid. You may say "with all the danger, why would anyone ever take it?" The answer is that it burns fat like you wouldn't believe. Folks have gone from 20% to 5% bodyfat in a matter of weeks on this stuff, all without losing any muscle. Some are willing to risk their lives for that.

    3) fat storage and fat burning hormones

    A) Fat storage hormones
    B) Fat burning hormones

    A) fat storage hormones:
    There are hormones in your body which store fat. For the purpose of fat loss, obviously you want to lower these or limit their ability to store fat.


    Cortisol breaks down muscle and stores fat. It is a stress hormone that is released during psychologicla stress as well as physical stress. Your cortisol levels are highest in the morning and during a heavy workout. The longer your workouts the more cortisol you will produce. That is why it is important to keep workouts short. These compounds inhibit Cortisol:

    7-OH (Lean Xtreme)
    most anabolic steroids

    Insulin -

    Insulin is your body's most powerful storage hormone. It is anabolic to all tissues. That means it builds muscle, but it also builds fat. Basically, anything insulin gets its hands on, it stores. You don't really want to limit insulin though. Decreasing insulin causes diabetes. Increasing it causes hypoglycemia. Neither are good. The trick is to make sure insulin is storing what you want it to store (protein and carbs) and not what you don't want it to store (fat).

    KR-ALA: What is an anti-oxidant doing here? Well it acts as an insulin mimmicker and sensitizer. The usage is very specific with respect to diet. Whenever you intake a lot of carb at once, it is good to take some KR-ALA. The reason is that it will shuttle the carbs to your muscles fairly quickly before your blood sugar spikes too high. When your blood sugar spikes, insulin is produced, but some of those carbs are converted to fat. The insulin then stores both the carbs AND the fat. This only works if the fat intake for that meal was fairly low though. If you eat a lot of carbs AND fat in the same meal, you're pretty much screwed. Also note, that IMO Glucophase XR is better than regular KR-ALA for this purpose. Quercitin, Q3D, and Q4D help to target muscle tissue specifically in terms of storage. Using regular KR-ALA may result in a greater amount of liver glycogen storage and may even result in more fat storage than intended.

    Insulin sensitizing amino acids (Arginine, Lysine, Taurine, etc.): Increasing insulin sensitivity decreases liklihood of your blood sugar spiking. It results in a more sustained release of insulin instead of reaction only when blood sugar levels rise too high. This means less of the sugar gets a chance to be converted to fat before it is stored.

    B) Fat burning hormones:
    There are hormones in your body which burn fat directly.

    Growth Hormone -

    GH burns fat whenever it comes into contact with a fat cell. It releases fatty acids from fat cells so the fat can be burned. Here are ways to increase GH:

    Arginine + Lysine: These are growth hormone potentiators. Take these pre-workout and right before sleeping. The reason for this is that those are the two times you produce the most growth hormone; during your workout, and while sleeping.

    GHRP-6: You can take a Ghrelin agonist OR antagonist. It tells your body to produce gortwh hormone. However a Ghrelin agonist will increase your appetite like nobody's business.

    GHRP-2: Similar in action to GHRP-6. It tells your body to produce growth hormone.

    P-GH: This one BECOMES growth hormone via a chemical process in the body. I'm not to sure of this one though. Most pre-hormones don't get converted.

    recombinant GH (rGH): If you have the cash, the source, and don't mind circumventing the law, you can take GH directly. It burns fat wherever your inject it. Side effects are typically only seen when high doses taken. However side effects can include aggravation of acr*****lly (growth of brow, jaw, hands, feet, and internal organs, as well as enlarged heart), increased organ thickness (especially intestines), carpal tunnel syndrome, joint soreness, numbness in fingers and toes.


    PGF2a is a prostaglandin. It is a fatty acid based hormone in your body. PGF2a is both anabolic AND fat burning. PGF2a however does something very special. It doesn't just release fatty acids from fat cells. It actually kills fat cells outright. Dieting doesn't kill fat cells, it just shrinks them. Typically fat cells only die if they store nothing for a very long time. It is very difficult to get a fat cell to die; which is why it is so easy to have weight rebound after a diet. Any place PGF2a kills fat cells, it makes it very difficult for fat to increase in that area because it requires that entirely new fat cells be generated. Your body prefers to store fat in existing fat cells. This is the reason for fat distribution in people; why some people have fat stomachs while others have fat butts.

    PGF2a however has some very nasty side effects. For one thing it should NEVER EVER be taken by a woman. EVER. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. In women it causes intense and unbearable pain in the uterus. The reason is that PGF2a causes spontaneous abortion in women. So even if you aren't pregnant, if you take PGF2a your body will try to give birth anyway. For men, this is a non-issue; we don't have a uterus.

    PGF2a, when injected causes INTENSE muscle soreness. I've hear dthe pain is akin to having someone take a baseball bat the the area. Additionally PGF2a relaxes smooth muscles. That means minutes after taking it, your body will empty out the entire contents of your colon. This effect lasts for several hours. It is highly recommended that anyone taking PGF2a have unrestricted access to a bathroom for the next 3 hours. People react differently to it. SOme take it and experience a little soreness and some stomach upset. Others take it and can barely move the injected muscle and proceed to vomit and crap for the next 3 hours non-stop.

    PGF2a can be taken transdermally instead of intramuscularly. This reduces the negatives somewhat. However it require MUCH higher doses in this form, and in this form it proves absolutely no anabolic benefit whatsoever. It also means you have to under any and all conditions make sure the area where the transdermal solution was applied doesn't come into contact with a woman.

  16. #16
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Thanks CJ,

    I haven't gotten around to it yet, but PGF2a sounds quite impressive. Are there any criterion to follow (i.e. carb or protein loading, VLCD, etc.) or does taking it just work, like DNP .

    Can you speak to this Goose?

    Last edited by magic32; 01-29-2007 at 08:29 AM.

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