these flu like symptoms get me every time. what is it about the introduction of test to your body, that creates this down time?
these flu like symptoms get me every time. what is it about the introduction of test to your body, that creates this down time?
wish i knew i have the same problem
When you are shooting test as a compound your body reacts to it as if you were sick....Thats all i remember from when i read about it
its from the big jump in hormone levels in your blody... your body acts on homeostatis, trying to maintain normal levels of everythign, and sees it as an inbalance to the body and tries to "get rid" of it as if it were a bacteria or something like that that gets you sick... hence the flu like symptoms... thats a very simple way to put it i believe
hey crash how far in are you?
Yea i got that once for 2 days feeling farely ill, than the 2nd day at night it disapeard like that.
yeah it goes away within a few days
It comes and goes youll be fine
Im getting the same exact symptoms when I shoot sus 350, only mine lasts for about one day, but my fever gets really high!? It's really weird.
Originally Posted by ironvinny16
temp rise == possible infection
white blood cell count increases...thus a flulike reaction occours...increased body temp / feverish / chills / nausea etc etc.
Originally Posted by rafael
thats what i was looking for.
The Test flu seems to come in the first couple of weeks due to your body trying to accept it, i got it in week3 of a sus cycle.
yeah thats great...but i want the hows and whys of this...not just, "your body is trying to accept it."
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