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  1. #1
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Question Short Cycle suitable for a 1st???

    Hi Guys!

    Reading through the current posts regarding short cycles has me rethinkin my planned 1st cycle (a beginners "classic" of Test E/EQ for 12weeks).

    The reasons behind reconsidering are the very positive outlook and results as stated by some of the very experienced pro's here but also the fact that my job keeps me on biz travels so much that I constantly have to keep postponing my planned 12weeker - an 8 weeker looks great in comparison with ref to time frame!

    So what do u guys reckon in terms of suitability of a short cycle for a Novice like myself? What compounds would u suggest? (long esters like EQ are obvioulsy out of question)

    It will be my first cycle like said and since I am in pretty good shape atm I am planning 2start by mid/end feb.

    My stats are:

    28yo/86,5kgs at 177cm/ 16% bf

    liftin 4days/wk

    goals are:

    quality mass & good strength gains - would like to go up to approx 93-95kgs with as little water weight as possible

    I am really looking forward to your input and advice!

    Thank you in advance!

  2. #2
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    i would do a test cycle(enanthate ,sus or cycp).fronload it by doing a gram of test the first week and then 500mg there after.fronloading will get your levels stable and high much quicker,this leads to a reduction in the length of the cycle,8-10 weeks max.i hit max weight at just over 6 weeks then notta.

    upto you just my xp.

  3. #3
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    so for example 1g of Test E for the 1st week and 500mg/wk for the following 7 - right?
    besides the advice that one should use 1 compound only for the 1st cycle is there any other reason why only 1 compound should be used for a short cycle as I thought that especially in terms of a 6 or 8 weeker a stack of 2 each other complementing compounds would reap great benefits ... i.e. Test Prop/Tren Ace?

    Please give me as much in deph info and advice on this issue as possible - you guys will really help me lots!

  4. #4
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    I wouldn't frontload on my first cycle....You need to know how your going to respond to the test first.....Just do a short cycle of 8 weeks with Test only at 500mgs...You'll do fine on that if your diet and training are at par..If you want to frontload, do test prop for the first 2 weeks.

  5. #5
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for your input so far - keep the posts comin guys!

    I am very interested to hear what take the pro's like Beast, Marcus, Nark, etc ... have on this issue...

  6. #6
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    Hi Guys!

    Reading through the current posts regarding short cycles has me rethinkin my planned 1st cycle (a beginners "classic" of Test E/EQ for 12weeks).

    The reasons behind reconsidering are the very positive outlook and results as stated by some of the very experienced pro's here but also the fact that my job keeps me on biz travels so much that I constantly have to keep postponing my planned 12weeker - an 8 weeker looks great in comparison with ref to time frame!

    So what do u guys reckon in terms of suitability of a short cycle for a Novice like myself? What compounds would u suggest? (long esters like EQ are obvioulsy out of question)

    It will be my first cycle like said and since I am in pretty good shape atm I am planning 2start by mid/end feb.

    My stats are:

    28yo/86,5kgs at 177cm/ 16% bf

    liftin 4days/wk

    goals are:

    quality mass & good strength gains - would like to go up to approx 93-95kgs with as little water weight as possible

    I am really looking forward to your input and advice!

    Thank you in advance!
    To get optimal results from a short cycle, the one you are refering to. The type that has been discussed here by some of the very experienced bros, would require alot of work on your part.

    Aspects like priming before your cycle, right combo of compounds, correct but high dosages, and a very good understanding of your body, these aspects have to be considered when running a short cycle.

    As you can see many of these dont fit the picture since its your first cycle, its not advised that you use more than one compound, its not advised that you use high dosages, and you dont have a good understanding of how your body reacts to AAS, since its your first cycle.

    So therefore its recommended that for a first cycle, Test E is used for 12 weeks, b/c it the Test is enough to help you gain, alongside a spot on diet and solid training regime, and the dosage is kept to 500mg/wk, being just right for a 1st cycle, duration is kept to 12 weeks, giving the user sufficient time to gain from the Test.

    However, IMO one can do a short cycle for ones first cycle, simply using Test Prop at about 75mg/ed for about 8 weeks. Its a faster acting form of Test and you dont have to wait 5-6 weeks for it to kick in. Prop however does require ED administration to get optimal results from and to keep blood levels stable and keep sides to a minimum. I wouldnt advise the use of any other compound, and IMO no other compounds needs to be incorporated into a first cycle, as the Test alongside a spot on diet and solid training is enough to make great gains.

  7. #7
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    so for example 1g of Test E for the 1st week and 500mg/wk for the following 7 - right?
    besides the advice that one should use 1 compound only for the 1st cycle is there any other reason why only 1 compound should be used for a short cycle as I thought that especially in terms of a 6 or 8 weeker a stack of 2 each other complementing compounds would reap great benefits ... i.e. Test Prop/Tren Ace?

    Please give me as much in deph info and advice on this issue as possible - you guys will really help me lots!
    If you get side effects you will have no idea which compound is causing it if you use more than one. Once you experience the sides of a compound you will then bring that experience into your next cycle, and this will help you deferentiate those sides from the sides of a 2nd compound. If you can tell whats causing sides, you can lower your dose of that compound.
    If this is your first cycle you dont need more than one compound to make great gains. Almost everyone blosoms from using just 500 mg/wk of test. In fact, you could run that cycle several times and make great gains. I would do like suggested and front load the first week at 1g or use test prop instead, and then just 500 mg/wk the following weeks. this would work just fine for 8 weeks. 8 weeks is usually when I bottom out on gains. A long ester would be nice for you since it sounds like you travel a lot. Youll only need to inject 2x per week, and be able to plan around your travels that way. You could probably avoid having to drag the test with you. I would go with test cyp or test enanthate .

  8. #8
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Great! Thanks for the solid advice to both of you guys - Ghost and Maldorf!

    @Ghost - thanks for your detailed input mate! I understand the reasoning behind ur advice to use Test Prop, however Maldorf is spot on with my troubs bout too frequent injects due to my biz travels so the idea o frontloading on Test E for the 1st week and running it a total of 8 sounds great to me ...

    @Maldorf - thanks mate! great advice, I am very inclined to go with the method u suggested!

    @Ghost - u r absolutely correct about my lack of understanding how priming works, other then being aware that it is meant to be a vital part of short cycles ....

    so please can u bro's out there shed some light on the issue ... i think there's a thread by Marcus somewhere about it - has anybody got the link or can u tell me how 2search for it please?

  9. #9
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    another question just hit regarding the short cycle guys - PCT!

    for my 12 weeker I had PCT planned out usin Adex all the way from start of cycle to end of PCT, adding Nolva and HCG for PCT as well as havin Letro and Provi/Cialis on hand for possible sides and probs.

    how would PCT protocoll differ in case of running an 8 weeker of Test E only considering frontloadin at 1g for the 1st week?

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldnt do a short cycle for the first cycle, if you have been training for some time and have build a good soild base and you have a good understanding of diet you wont need to, you should if you have done all them be like a dried sponge and will produce soom serious gains, so a standard 10-12 wk cycle will give you good gains, i would bother with a short cycle just yet get to know how AAS react with you first before contemplating doing such a thing,

  11. #11
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    honoured to have you read my post marcus!
    10 weeker would still be doable regarding my travels - would you also suggest frontloading 1g of Test E and continue running 500gms/wk for the remaining 9 or should I go for Prop if doing 10weeks only?

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    honoured to have you read my post marcus!
    10 weeker would still be doable regarding my travels - would you also suggest frontloading 1g of Test E and continue running 500gms/wk for the remaining 9 or should I go for Prop if doing 10weeks only?
    No i wouldnt if this is your first time cycling you should recieve great gains if the training and diet is spot on, i would just do a standard cycle nothing more or less, 500mg per wk for 10-12 wks,

    which test to use depneds if you are not bothered about injection, peop would have to be ED or EOD AND TEST E twice a wk,

  13. #13
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    thank you marcus!
    500gms/wk of Test E for 10wks it will be then - will go with Test E rather than Prop simply cos it ll b easier to deal with 2injects/wk round all the biz trips...

    are there any major changes to PCT if doing a 10week cycle rather than 12?

    my initial plans were to run Adex throughout cycle and PCT, as well as adding Nolva and HCG for PCT with Letro and Provi/Cialis on hand for possible gyno and libido probs!

  14. #14
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    thank you marcus!
    500gms/wk of Test E for 10wks it will be then - will go with Test E rather than Prop simply cos it ll b easier to deal with 2injects/wk round all the biz trips...

    are there any major changes to PCT if doing a 10week cycle rather than 12?

    my initial plans were to run Adex throughout cycle and PCT, as well as adding Nolva and HCG for PCT with Letro and Provi/Cialis on hand for possible gyno and libido probs!
    you don't need letro and Adex, one or the other is fine. You may not need hcg at low dose like that but keep it on hand in case the balls shrink!

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    thank you marcus!
    500gms/wk of Test E for 10wks it will be then - will go with Test E rather than Prop simply cos it ll b easier to deal with 2injects/wk round all the biz trips...

    are there any major changes to PCT if doing a 10week cycle rather than 12?

    my initial plans were to run Adex throughout cycle and PCT, as well as adding Nolva and HCG for PCT with Letro and Provi/Cialis on hand for possible gyno and libido probs!
    That looks good to me well done

  16. #16
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    hey beast matey! thanks for your input ... was already wondering where u hangin round ;-)

    marcus - I am thrilled by your approval ... looks like I am finally on track!

    I have to thank Beast though for all his advice and info on PCT since I ve joined this forum - it would have taken me a lot longer to figure it out without his help!

  17. #17
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    thank you marcus!
    500gms/wk of Test E for 10wks it will be then - will go with Test E rather than Prop simply cos it ll b easier to deal with 2injects/wk round all the biz trips...

    are there any major changes to PCT if doing a 10week cycle rather than 12?

    my initial plans were to run Adex throughout cycle and PCT, as well as adding Nolva and HCG for PCT with Letro and Provi/Cialis on hand for possible gyno and libido probs!
    In all honesty bro, i dont think you should start a cycle yet.

    To me it seems like your a very busy bro, and as you stated your job requires you to do alot of traveling due to business. IMO because of these aspects of your job, IMO it will be hard to keep your diet spot on and your training solid, let alone stay consistent with your cycle as you travel alot due to business and your job.

    AAS usage and cycling requires 100% dedication from the user in order to get optimal results. I think you should consider holding off for now, and find a time frame where you have sufficient time and can easily cycle without having to worry about making business trips or traveling, and you can strictly focus on AAS, diet, and your training, which IMO would be more beneficial to you.

  18. #18
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    I really appreciate your advice Ghost and I believe that in general you have a very valid point. Luckily enough though I am in a position where - though I travel a lot - I am able to plan my working hours very flexible, and usually have a gym branch of my local gym close by .... in terms of nutrition I have gotten myself used to travelling with loads a tupper ware, cooked rice and chicken as well as being the 1st one down the Hotel buffet for all the goodies like seafood, fish, veggies, fruit and oats .... so that's in check so far ;-)

  19. #19
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    In all honesty bro, i dont think you should start a cycle yet.

    To me it seems like your a very busy bro, and as you stated your job requires you to do alot of traveling due to business. IMO because of these aspects of your job, IMO it will be hard to keep your diet spot on and your training solid, let alone stay consistent with your cycle as you travel alot due to business and your job.

    AAS usage and cycling requires 100% dedication from the user in order to get optimal results. I think you should consider holding off for now, and find a time frame where you have sufficient time and can easily cycle without having to worry about making business trips or traveling, and you can strictly focus on AAS, diet, and your training, which IMO would be more beneficial to you.
    this is also something to seriously consider, but if this is going to be your lifestyle for a long long time then there isnt any way around it. 500 mg/wk of test cyp or test enanthate for 12 weeks would work great and you wouldnt need to frontload. The frontloading can be a bit touchy, since you run the risk of doing too much and getting side effects that are uncomfortable. SInce youll be using long esters, those side will hang with you for a week or more too, this is why most would urge you not to frontload when youre not experienced. Much safer for you to go with a longer cycle if youre using long esters.

  20. #20
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    I really appreciate your advice Ghost and I believe that in general you have a very valid point. Luckily enough though I am in a position where - though I travel a lot - I am able to plan my working hours very flexible, and usually have a gym branch of my local gym close by .... in terms of nutrition I have gotten myself used to travelling with loads a tupper ware, cooked rice and chicken as well as being the 1st one down the Hotel buffet for all the goodies like seafood, fish, veggies, fruit and oats .... so that's in check so far ;-)
    Sounds good bro, as long as you can keep your diet and training spot on, you should have no trouble gaining and reaching your specific goals for the cycle. You seem like a dedicated bro, so im sure you will get some great results from the cycle.

    Keep us posted on how everything goes, and best of luck to you

  21. #21
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    I d love to do the "classic" 12 but unfortunately 10 is about as far as I can stretch it for now - simple reason is that I can plan my work in a way that I will be able to hold off from the longer trips for 10weeks but 12 is critical - not impossible but critical and I just dont wana run the risk of messing my 1st cycle up .... and yes it looks like this is gona be part of my life for a while to come.

  22. #22
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Ghost mate!

    I will defo put all the info - training routine, before/after stats, as well as possible sides, PCT and gains made/kept - on here for all you guys to read .... after all I wouldn't have made it that far without the help and advice of you all!

  23. #23
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    Thanks Ghost mate!

    I will defo put all the info - training routine, before/after stats, as well as possible sides, PCT and gains made/kept - on here for all you guys to read .... after all I wouldn't have made it that far without the help and advice of you all!
    Sounds good, 10 weeks will do. Keep us posted. As far as ancillaries while on, all I would run would be .25 -.5 mg/day of arimidex .

  24. #24
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    yea Adex at .25/.5 was what I was planning to run all the way throughout as well as PCT plus the other ancillaries added for PCT as mentioned before

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