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Thread: 1st Post...Big thanks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.

    1st Post...Big thanks

    I’ve been researching on this website for about 8 months now. After the first 3 months (and enough research to at least build up the nerve) I finally decided to do my first cycle at the young age of 30. I’ve been lifting since I was about 15 consistent till 18 due to high school weight training classes and football. Then, I didn’t pick up a weight again until I was 23, wow too busy partying I guess. I’ve been off and on since, but pretty consistent again for the last 2 years. I was ready for a boost and it wasn’t coming from Cell-Tech anymore…..

    Stats: 5’11
    Start weight 188lbs BF ??
    Chest 41
    Waist 33

    1st Cycle:
    8 weeks test-e 600mg/wk
    I didn’t start seeing results or feeling really strong until week 6 (should of frontloaded I guess) so I decided so bump up the dose and extend the cycle. I feel it was def worth it
    8-12 900mg/wk
    9-14 WinZtrol 200mg ED next time I’ll try the really thing, but I am noticing this working

    Cost $***.**

    I’m currently in week 11 and weight is 202lbs BF 14% and I feel strong like BULL

    Planned PCT:
    2 weeks after last inj. & 24 hrs after WinZtrol:

    Wk 1-2:
    40 mg Nolva ED
    .50mg L-dex ED
    EstroBlock 4 caps ED (newbie mistake bought before reseached)

    Wk 3-4:
    20 mg Nolva
    .25 mg L-dex
    EstroBlock 3 caps ED

    Wk 1-4:
    Retain 3 caps ed… would this be a waist?

    Cost $***.**

    End weight:???

    Net weight gain: I hope at least 15 lbs

    I just wanted to say thanks to all on this site that have helped contribute all the useful and needed info to help all us newbie’s. I was able to finally get my diet in check which has never happened (still a work in progress). I felt comfortable with my decision and had weighed all the pros and cons at hand. I knew how to handle all sides if they accrued… which besides very little acne and increased aggression, all is well. It has been a great experience so far, but without the help of this site I don’t think I would have ever tried AAS at all. I hope one day to be able to contribute and help someone else. Until then I’m a sponge!

    Thinking about next Cutting Cycle prolly about a month after PCT??

    Wk 1-10 L-dex .25 ED
    Wk 2-8 Test Prop. 100mgsEOD (frontload 1st week)
    Wk 2-8 Winnie 100mgsEOD
    Wks 9-10 Nolva 40mg ED

    What do you guy’s think?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Good news...glad you're happy to be here and I'm sure you're at the right place.

    Welcome to AR.

    The only discrepency I find in your post is you only wanting to wait a month after PCT to start another cycle. IMO, you should wait the amount of time you ran your current cycle plus the amount of time you were on PCT before you jump into another cycle.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    So 16 weeks right? Thanks bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    rip off Ireland
    time on time off bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    I wasn't to sure about that but now I know and that's what I'll do. What about the Retain during PCT is it worth it or should I cut it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    dont skip your pct...

    also 14 weeks "on" + 4 weeks pct = 18 weeks before next cycle (at least)

    thats how long i would wait...

    another thing, on your cutting cycle, and im not totally sure about this but i dont think you really need dex

    your not taking any highly aromatizeable compounds and prop doesnt make you bloat like enanthate, so imo you wouldnt really need it. but thats just me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    Thanks Armbar your right math error. Definitely not going to skip think what I have is good?
    Should I drop the dose of L-dex to .25mg wk 1-4?
    Is it worth adding the Retain from Anabolic Xtreme?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JROKK26
    Thanks Armbar your right math error. Definitely not going to skip think what I have is good?
    Should I drop the dose of L-dex to .25mg wk 1-4?
    Is it worth adding the Retain from Anabolic Xtreme?

    you might want to throw in some hcg...and use aromasin instead of dex.
    nolva reduces dex's effectiveness but doesnt hurt aromasin.

    i dont know what retain is and ive never personally used estroblock so i dont know about those...

    you should read this...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    I know what HCG is and the benefits but how do I get it, the Doc?
    No Clomid, I have already bad eyesight and I drive alot can't risk it.
    I thought aromasin or dex could (and was basically that same thing) be used, but it was letro that reduced the effectiveness???
    Should I drop the dose of L-dex to .25mg wk 1-4?
    Is it worth adding the Retain from Anabolic Xtreme?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    ^^ HCG and other ancillaries should typically be available from the source of your AAS's.

    Avoiding the clomid, which isn't all that bad of an idea, sounds like a PCT consisting of proviron and/or nolva may be in the works...
    Maybe some adex or aromasin in the mix too...but based on your cycle, probably not necessary.

    Dig around in the PCT forum. There is a ton of PCT info there.

    Good luck,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    Shrpskn, thanks for you opinions. I'll do some more reseaching in the PCT forum. Do you think I should be fine with with what my original PCT listed above? Proviron I can get from the dr., right?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    take winny ed. too short a half life for eod

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    LA County, Ca
    Welcome to the Darkside

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