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  1. #1
    santero's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Deca/ SUSTA Cycle

    Quick question. I am doing 400mg every 4 days and sustanon every 4 days also. I am currently supplementing, protein, creatine, nitric, amino, glutamine and all that other good stuff. Any recommendations.

    I weighed 136 when I started a month ago and I am currently at 151. I have been using the DECA and SUS for about 3 weeks now.

    I guess I will post pics soon. Should I be doing anything else?

    I am using Deca 400 and Sustanon 300 from Best Labs. Highly doubt they are fakes with the 16 pound gain...but has anybody heard of these.
    Last edited by santero; 01-11-2007 at 11:56 AM.

  2. #2
    GotGuns is offline Junior Member
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    Sus - shoot EOD (every other day) not every 4! Stats?

  3. #3
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by santero
    Quick question. I am doing 400mg every 4 days and sustanon every 4 days also. I am currently supplementing, protein, creatine, nitric, amino, glutamine and all that other good stuff. Any recommendations.

    I weighed 136 when I started a month ago and I am currently at 151. I have been using the DECA and SUS for about 3 weeks now.

    I guess I will post pics soon. Should I be doing anything else?

    I am using Deca 400 and Sustanon 300 from Best Labs. Highly doubt they are fakes with the 16 pound gain...but has anybody heard of these.
    Edit name of UGL!!

  4. #4
    santero's Avatar
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    Well this is me when i started 4 weeks ago. Kind of embarrassed but i needed the pic to actually see the progress. I am taking a pic weekly to see how i am doing. That way I don't fool myself.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Deca/ SUSTA Cycle-front-start.jpg   Deca/ SUSTA Cycle-img_1686.jpg  

  5. #5
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    you weighed 136 when you started? Hows your diet?

  6. #6
    BladesOfBlood's Avatar
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    Great gains - What is your nutritional split? i.e. Carbs, Fats, Proteins

  7. #7
    santero's Avatar
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    Well basically I have a normal protein intake of about 35 to 40 grams every 3 hours. 0 Fat and about 100g of carbs daily. During the day I eat basically fish or chicken Brast and twice a week I eat some lean red meat
    (ask the butcher to clean up the meat and remove the fat, BUT MEAT AT THE MEAT STORE, the quality is leaner), no fast food unless there is nothing else to eat and then I'll eat only the chicken.

    Protein shake every 3 hours with no-fat milk
    BCAA before workout and after and before sleep
    Glutamine before sleep and after workout
    Creatine and AMPED NOS before workout
    16oz apple or grape juice immediately after the workout. It gives me a huge insulin spike and I feel the pump throughout the day.

    I also do not touch alcohol at all and I consume large amounts of water

    As for my workout it is one body part per day only 5 exercises, 3 sets 4-6 reps, very very heavy. Spotter never touches my weights only to help me remove then when I reach positive failure.

    I guess that pretty much sums it all up.

    I have 10 more weeks to go on the Deca /susta cycle. I'll keep monitoring my progress.

  8. #8
    Snrf's Avatar
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    man no offense you look like a crackhead in that first picture! much improved already tho!

    You should have waited really but you seem to be doing well for a first cycle, I'd up your carbs though mate. if you're only eating 100g of carbs a day your body is using protein for energy, you want all the protein to be used for GROWING! Also you NEED fats, you can't grow w/o fat. You're obviously getting some because it's in all meat but I'd still look at adding some in.

    go here for diet tips...
    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

    Your diet is pretty good for a noob! Just keep up the hardwork, I'm impressed it's worked this well for you considering your starting weight/knowledge.

  9. #9
    santero's Avatar
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    No offense on the crackhead comment, I personally couldn't believe it. I had been over a year out of the gym. I had done a cycle before of test/equis for about 10 weeks and gained about 20 pounds.

    Thanks for the diet. Lately I have been stuck at 151 and I have changed my diet to 4000 calories with 361g pro/ 100g fat and 400g carbs. I know this will definitely make a difference.

    I will continue to take pics every week to note my progress and I plan to take measurements. I don;t want to change to much in what I am doing since I do see good progress and then it would make it difficult to know what actually did what.

    Thanks for all the tips guys and if you guys are ever in puerto rico, pass by my shop cause u got the anabolic

  10. #10
    santero's Avatar
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    oh another much sustanon should I take every other day?
    I am using sustanon 300.

  11. #11
    Snrf's Avatar
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    try and get .6 or .7 every other day...that way you're still taking about 2ml a week...

    if its in vials thats easier to do, if its in amps then i'd stick with every 3 days...4 is a long time for sust

  12. #12
    santero's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice...That detail kind slipped my mind.

    As for supplements is there anything else I should be taking?

  13. #13
    santero's Avatar
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    I also have 2 bottles of tren ...any recommendations?

  14. #14
    badboy247's Avatar
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    not sure why you'd shoot sus eod....surely the purpose of the time release and long chain esters in sus enables you to inject less frequently that is the main benefit of multi tes injectables like sus andropen and omnadren ????!!!.. eod shots are only really necessity based with injectables like tes prop tes suspension and tren ace etc..
    u must like being a pin cushion!! ive. never shot sus more than twice in a week.and unless your a monster using 2000mg a week where u have to divide up your shots eod as there would be too much injection pain i cant see the need. if u shoot it too frequently u dont reap the rewards of allowing the long chain esters to reach their peak levels. ie test isocaproate c6h1202 and tes decanoate c10h2002 check them out. this is only my opinion however and i only wanna help if i can. andropen is better test blend than sus for future reference,, the acetate ester is a welcomed addition.

  15. #15
    Snrf's Avatar
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    badboy247...look up the halflife of test prop!

  16. #16
    badboy247's Avatar
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    far as im aware the half life of prop is very short.....
    that is the point im trying to make....
    correct me if im wrong snrfmaster?

    nit picking over eod or ed?? come on.... we both are way beyond that!!!!!
    im well aware or my half lives i may be a junior member but ive been in the game a while !

  17. #17
    Snrf's Avatar
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    badboy...Santero isn't getting the full benefit of sus if he shoots every 4 days...thats what we're telling him.

    we're not nitpicking over ed/eod. We're telling him he'd keep more stable levels by shooting eod as opposed to e4d

  18. #18
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotGuns
    Sus - shoot EOD (every other day) not every 4! Stats?
    ur fine shooting the sus the way u are ur gaines are good as far as weight bet specifi more about the deca are u taking it once a week or everyday?

  19. #19
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    ive had huge gaines on my first sus cycle with only 250mg 1x ew
    the 30 mgs of prope in every 250 mg isnt going to make that much of a difference in a low dose. so even in the 300 mg ur taking every 4 days it isnt going to make that much of a diffence(accept for blood levels).
    now in a cycle consiting of higher doses of sus i would definatly recomend eod doses>IMO

  20. #20
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
    ive had huge gaines on my first sus cycle with only 250mg 1x ew
    the 30 mgs of prope in every 250 mg isnt going to make that much of a difference in a low dose. so even in the 300 mg ur taking every 4 days it isnt going to make that much of a diffence(accept for blood levels).
    now in a cycle consiting of higher doses of sus i would definatly recomend eod doses>IMO
    I agree.

    Unless your using well over 1g/wk its not worth injecting frequently like ED or EOD. Injecting it 2x per week is ok, but not optimal. If sides become evident? Such as water retention or acne, I suggest you change to injecting more frequently.

  21. #21
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    40,000g foodadrol ED would've been your best cycle.

  22. #22
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    40,000g foodadrol ED would've been your best cycle.

    thats 40kg!!!

    he'd be a big fat focker!

  23. #23
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    thats 40kg!!!

    he'd be a big fat focker!

    He needs it!

  24. #24
    santero's Avatar
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    I am doing 400 mg of Deca every 4 days.
    As for sustanon I was also using it every 4 days.

    I have had cosntant gains this way but I do understand about the effect using EOD.

  25. #25
    Tesla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by santero
    I am doing 400 mg of Deca every 4 days.
    As for sustanon I was also using it every 4 days.

    I have had cosntant gains this way but I do understand about the effect using EOD.
    I think your cycle looks need to change're obviously responding well to it.

  26. #26
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by santero
    I am doing 400 mg of Deca every 4 days.
    As for sustanon I was also using it every 4 days.

    I have had cosntant gains this way but I do understand about the effect using EOD.
    keep that up for 10 maybe 12 weeks get ur pct in line for post cycle and u should be vewry happy with ur gaines

    the u have to work on keeping them and thats all diet and sacrafice if u ask me

  27. #27
    santero's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tips guys.

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