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Thread: Test Prop Cycle

  1. #1
    pwrlftr2 is offline Junior Member
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    Test Prop Cycle

    I am a powerlifter so not really interested in gaining a lot of weight. I decided on a Test prop/anavar cycle for my first injectible cycle. I am 5'10", 195 now and 44yoa. Did oral only cycles in past with primary being anavar.

    Here are my experiences. I am using Farmak prop so it is pretty painless. No problem with injections, I am rotating from quads to delts to glutes. Glutes are a pain in the Ass (no pun intended). I can do right side but left is pretty impossible for my flexibility. Any suggestions on glute injections is appreciated.

    Everything I read says you should not gain weight on anavar and estimates for a ten week cycle of prop I've seen are between 10-20 pounds eating about 4000 calories a day. Well I say bull. My cycle is listed below. In my first two weeks of prop I gained 8 pounds and had to restrict my diet to 2200 calories a day with a 50% protein, 30%carbs, 20% fat ratio. to maintain wt. for awhile. No strength gain really as of yet. During week three I start anavar and hope the two together yeild some nice strength gains.

    I have had similiar experience with anavar alone at 60mg ed. Big weight gain at first and then level off but have to watch calories or I know I could gain 30 pounds easy.

    Now my questions:

    Anyone else that sensitive to AAS? And how long does it take before you start getting some strength gains? Always took a few weeks for even the Anavar to kick in. Does prop work that fast? Read a lot of conflicting information. Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    pwrlftr2 is offline Junior Member
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    Opps I forgot to list cycle. It is as follows:

    Test prop 100mg eod wks 1-10
    Anavar 50mg ed wks 3-10
    Nolva 10mg ed
    Adex as needed

    Standard PCT of Nolva/Clomid/Adex

    remember my focus is on strength without moving up weight classes.

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Responses in red:

    Quote Originally Posted by pwrlftr2
    Opps I forgot to list cycle. It is as follows:

    Test prop 100mg eod wks 1-10 Week 1-8: Test Prop @ 150 mg/eod
    Anavar 50mg ed wks 3-10 Week 1-8: Anavar @ 50 mg/ed
    Nolva 10mg ed Save the Nolva for pct. you dont need it while on esp. if your
    using a-dex.

    Adex as needed

    Standard PCT of Nolva/Clomid/Adex

    remember my focus is on strength without moving up weight classes.

  4. #4
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    There are alot of other cycles that will give you way better strength gains that prop/anavar .

  5. #5
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    true, and you should not need adex for that cycle, too strong IMO...get some proviron (for added free test benefit if nothing else), and keep nolva on hand in case, but like mentioned, save for pct.

    or, use adex, scratch var, get some drol instead, run some deca (npp if you prefer), and finish off with'll put the power back in your lifting for sure


  6. #6
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male

    or, use adex, scratch var, get some drol instead, run some deca (npp if you prefer), and finish off with'll put the power back in your lifting for sure

    Exactly, I couldn't have said it better myself....

  7. #7
    Taurus is offline Member
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    but he says he doesnt want to gain any mass. he just wants strength without the mass. for a beginner, i think prop/var is fine. that will give him great strength gains without putting on any water weight. prop/masteron would hav been cheaper.

  8. #8
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    strength, without mass...goodluck with that...

  9. #9
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    strength, without mass...goodluck with that...
    that's exactly what ran through my mind....MASS = STRENGTH Study the Doggcrapp training routine and you'll understand this better.

  10. #10
    pwrlftr2 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the advice guys. One thing I should say is I seem to be very sensitive to AS. I already have one sore nipple using .5 mg Adex and 10 mg Nolva to combat the gyno. Also I used anavar only at 60 mg. for an eight week cycle and gained 10 lbs. on 2400 calories a day. Putting on mass is pretty easy for me and I don't think I'll have any problems with that in this cycle. I have already gained 8 lbs. in 10 days and reduced bodyfat which was already average. I have not noted the strength gain yet so I was wondering when I should expect this to kick in. Like I said I've been using only the prop for 10 days. I may increase the dosages later on to the 150 mg. per day as advised. As for Deca suggestion and halo I don't like Deca because if I ever want to lift in a Drug tested meet it stays in the body for years and the halo scares the hell out of me. Anavar is expensive and strength gains do not last but boy does it work for peaking stength. Just hoping the prop gives me a little more lasting strength but being over 40 does not help.

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