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  1. #1
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    This BB site NEEDS

    This site needs a 20 yr old or young anabolic forum. This way they can tell ea other how, what and how much gear to use....Half of them that post in this forum no everything and don't listen to what the experience peopl know...Hey if they want to think they know it all, give them ther own forum so some of us can just go in there and look and have a good laugh...

    Just a thought by an old timer

  2. #2
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    That might get alittle dangerous for some guys though, dont you think, granted people are going to be stubborn and do what they want, but why promote that? I know exactly what your saying though, I just think that were trying to educate people here so they dont have problems and that in return will keep the media from fueling the anti steriod movement thats recently gone into effect. It will get alittle redundant after telling 100 18 year olds there not ready. I had to talk my 18yo brother out of doing it, and I had to show him this site just so he would see where I was comming from.

  3. #3
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    grrrrrrrrr, these young wippersnappers think they know everything, bunch of smart asses they are....rabble rabble rabble....*crack* "ohhh my hip".

  4. #4
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    grrrrrrrrr, these young wippersnappers think they know everything, bunch of smart asses they are....rabble rabble rabble....*crack* "ohhh my hip".
    Good for you, someone finally stood up with this old fart...Your the Man..The only reason I even posted this is cause of a post I responded to a few minutes ago..the guy that told everyone that his B/F is so low that he only need a 1/2 pin to inject his gear with and that's the only needles he can get...They know everything and I don't understand why they make post if they are going to argue your replies.

  5. #5
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    I saw that one too, I wasnt not sticking up for you and I know what you mean, I just see alot of them saying, OH i did this cycle and this and that cycle and I didnt have any problems then before you know it every 16yo is getting on here because there is no difference between 18 and 16 in there eyes. Just a vicious cycle!

  6. #6
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    I saw that one too, I wasnt not sticking up for you and I know what you mean, I just see alot of them saying, OH i did this cycle and this and that cycle and I didnt have any problems then before you know it every 16yo is getting on here because there is no difference between 18 and 16 in there eyes. Just a vicious cycle!
    I know bro I was talking to hellmask...Every since I joined I have had a little flack for some of my post...there not meant to be taking as a flame but to be taking as some advice from someone with lots of experience...

  7. #7
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    This site needs a 20 yr old or young anabolic forum. This way they can tell ea other how, what and how much gear to use....Half of them that post in this forum no everything and don't listen to what the experience peopl know...Hey if they want to think they know it all, give them ther own forum so some of us can just go in there and look and have a good laugh...

    Just a thought by an old timer
    they should raise the minimum age requirement for any forum dealing with aas.

  8. #8
    armbar83's Avatar
    armbar83 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    Good for you, someone finally stood up with this old fart...Your the Man..The only reason I even posted this is cause of a post I responded to a few minutes ago..the guy that told everyone that his B/F is so low that he only need a 1/2 pin to inject his gear with and that's the only needles he can get...They know everything and I don't understand why they make post if they are going to argue your replies.

    i think he was making fun of you

    rabble rabble rabble....*crack* "ohhh my hip"

  9. #9
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    they should raise the minimum age requirement for any forum dealing with aas.
    agree but they would all lie....The only way out of this is during reg they have to scan a ID card and sumit it and that is just to much to ask for...

    for me if they didn't want to do this it would be fine...these sites run on sponsers and those who make purchases from such to help the Admin's make money to keep the site up...i just don''t see 15-20 yr old buying anything....But hey if you site has no posters, you have no sponsers...Catch 22...I mod or supermod on 11 different sites....but this is by far the funnest one to be on.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by armbar83
    i think he was making fun of you

    rabble rabble rabble....*crack* "ohhh my hip"
    thats odb in your avy right?

  11. #11
    armbar83's Avatar
    armbar83 is offline Senior Member
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    yah, thought it was more fun than the surfing one...

  12. #12
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by armbar83
    i think he was making fun of you

    rabble rabble rabble....*crack* "ohhh my hip"
    I laugh at those that make fun..Who cares...I have a lot of knowledge and more important things to do then worry about those who make fun at me...If they were sitting along side of me while typing things would be different...this I guarantee...I have ovewr the last 5 yrs met 18 people from the sites who came and visited me here at my house...they no matter what age don't make fun of me and 16 have returned 2 or more times and stayed 3-5 days ea. I do have my own gym at my house...I built a 1200sq foot room approx 45' away from the main house to house all my equipment. Here's part of it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails This BB site NEEDS-10.jpg  

  13. #13
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    thatd b nice to have my own gym

  14. #14
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    I laugh at those that make fun..Who cares...I have a lot of knowledge and more important things to do then worry about those who make fun at me...If they were sitting along side of me while typing things would be different...this I guarantee...I have ovewr the last 5 yrs met 18 people from the sites who came and visited me here at my house...they no matter what age don't make fun of me and 16 have returned 2 or more times and stayed 3-5 days ea. I do have my own gym at my house...I built a 1200sq foot room approx 45' away from the main house to house all my equipment. Here's part of it.
    i am very jealous

  15. #15
    armbar83's Avatar
    armbar83 is offline Senior Member
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    did you frame that all up yourself? it looks good... i wish i had something like that. maybe after school is done and i can afford to...

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