I've heard if a guy does a lot of shoulder shots their shoulders get huge. No idea if there's truth to it or not but it would kinda make sense? Whata you guys think?
I've heard if a guy does a lot of shoulder shots their shoulders get huge. No idea if there's truth to it or not but it would kinda make sense? Whata you guys think?
Lets say compared to a guy that does no shoulder shots at all!
IGF and MGF into the shoulder would make a difference, but not AAS
NOt even IGF makes a difference. MGF might, but I havent tried that. I shot IGF for 2 four week cycles into my lagging left bicep. Each and every injection, 2 per day, was done into that left bicep. It didnt grow any more than my right! I dont believe in local effects from injections at all, it affects your entire body. Only thing that would work to bring up the size of the muscle you are injecting would be synthol. Sure you get some swelling after you shot that muscle and it looks bigger, but within a few days when the swelling is gone its back to normal.
Let me correct my statement by saying it's not neccessarily localized growth that the IGF will give you but potentially more muscle cells which will result in larger shoulders.
The only thing I know that works 100% for site growth is synthol.
no such thing as spot injection for growth except for special oils ie Syntherol ECT
Do a search on localised growth or site injections.
No AAS does unless you consider scar tissue buildup growth.
NO!!!!..spot injections will not give you localized growth...synthol will not either....There has been stories scar tissue build up in certain areas that have given the appearance of the muscle being bigger but thats about it...synthol is temporary, again its been said to stretch the fascia tissue and give the muscle more room for growth.
1. Bent lat raises. HEAVY 5 X 5. Perfect form. Rest your head on something
if you need to. Don't use lower back. You should bend to 60 degrees.
2. Side raises. Up AND down the rack. Each set to failure:
30,40,50,60-60,50,40,30 One arm at a time. Perfect form
3. Behind the head seated Military Press HEAVY 5 X 5. Don't go too low.
This nails the rear and lateral delts. Front delts get worked to shit
when doing chest, and other body parts, so don't worry about front delts.
Did I mention to go HEAVY. GO HEAVY!
EAT, Take AAS, Sleep, repeat once a week.
BOWLING BALLS in 12 weeks. I gar-rone-tee.
bumpOriginally Posted by Halfcenturian
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