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  1. #1
    sasman's Avatar
    sasman is offline Junior Member
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    Aging How To Stop It

    Hey fellas here is the deal i am 23..... I have done about 2-3 cycles a year for 4 years while playing football. Now i am tying to decide how often i can cycle and use gear until i will start to affect the way that my body begins to age..... when i look at guys in the mags and tv(arnold) those guys seem to age well! but i know they used hgh which i will not have the money for until i get out of school.....lil bit down the road can someone help me! can i still continue to use gear for years to come....should i back off a bit. Thanks

  2. #2
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Aging is gentics, not unless you minipulate them with HGH.

  3. #3
    sasman's Avatar
    sasman is offline Junior Member
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    i realize this...but i know that the stress of using gear can seriously effect the aging process. is there a general idea of how long this takes to occur while using. also how long and how often can i continue to use gear. I am very healthy eat healthy.... watch my diet (salt).... my stacks are generally light.... recently i just tried deca and test but only have done 2 stacks. i should be ok for awhile right?

  4. #4
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sasman
    i realize this...but i know that the stress of using gear can seriously effect the aging process. is there a general idea of how long this takes to occur while using. also how long and how often can i continue to use gear. I am very healthy eat healthy.... watch my diet (salt).... my stacks are generally light.... recently i just tried deca and test but only have done 2 stacks. i should be ok for awhile right?
    The extent and speed of which an individual is affected is related to genetics...

    There is no 'general time range'... or 'general dose-response' range established.

  5. #5
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    HGH is a man's best friend...But at 23?

  6. #6
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    hgh at 23????? id say like 40 or 50....unless u have a growth problem, or a disease grubbin ur insides.

  7. #7
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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  8. #8
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sasman
    i realize this...but i know that the stress of using gear can seriously effect the aging process. is there a general idea of how long this takes to occur while using. also how long and how often can i continue to use gear. I am very healthy eat healthy.... watch my diet (salt).... my stacks are generally light.... recently i just tried deca and test but only have done 2 stacks. i should be ok for awhile right?
    how does gear exactly effect the aging process?is there any evidence to support this fact? or do u only mean male pattern baldness or sumin? from looking at old ppl who juice they seem to appear younger rather..

  9. #9
    Gearhead007 is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by Gearhead007; 09-27-2007 at 02:34 PM.

  10. #10
    sasman's Avatar
    sasman is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i understand a lot about how the body works.... i'm doing the med school thing! but i love being big, in fact i am an addict! football gave me a mind set of being unstopable. however i don't need to be that big just want to keep some of my size. just stay around 220 i will need to take gear for that. i have my own thoughts about it all...but its always good to talk to someone who has been there done that! so would you guys say once a year twice a year..... stay off the same time that i was on? just would like some opinions...
    I was thinking of running a cycle of just winny .....

  11. #11
    Gearhead007 is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by Gearhead007; 09-27-2007 at 02:34 PM.

  12. #12
    sasman's Avatar
    sasman is offline Junior Member
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    would you say that you feel this way more b/c of the stress it places on your liver or would you say this b/c of the on/off switch you are playing with for you bodies natural test production.... the second one is what would concern me b/c i could avoid the first by the use of very light cycles and avoiding fatty foods as well as drinking brew, which i do anyways!

  13. #13
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    I am 52 and, I am told, in pretty good shape. Aging is a result of lifestyle IMO. Sure genetics have a part to play but how you live and treat your body is the critical component. I have never smoked, drink very occasionally, I have always eaten well and I have worked out religiously since I was 18.

  14. #14
    sasman's Avatar
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    i realize this..... i am living the same life style....and i am sure there are plenty more people on this message board doing the same....just asking a couple of question.... trying to listen to a couple of people who have used gear for years talk about the way and which the did so... and what they discovered along the way that works best for them.

  15. #15
    Lynn's Avatar
    Lynn is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gearhead007
    Gear will make you look and feel younger if you cycle every year, then coast from time to time, once you get into your 40's. If your normal, your body will produce a good amount of test until right around the time you hit the big 40 though. This is where genetics come in. Some people keep making a good amount of test naturally into their 50's, and some taper off radically in their late 30's. Each is different.

    Once I hit 50, or feel myself starting to shut down, I'll just start taking 100-200 of test a week to keep myself charged up. This should keep me from withering on the vine for as long as I am psychically able to work out.

    Once you pass 40 though, besides hair loss, you need to be careful about your prostate. Test can cause an enlargement, which can cause numerous complications. There are not too many worse ways to go than prostate cancer. If you have to have it removed, you will wish you were dead anyway, because you will never get it off again.

    It has NOT been proven that test has anything to do with prostate enlargement, it has however been proven more to do with Estrogen, and the lack of testostrone!!!!

  16. #16
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn
    It has NOT been proven that test has anything to do with prostate enlargement, it has however been proven more to do with Estrogen, and the lack of testostrone!!!!
    Yeah I remember reading sumin to that direction also.. wasnt LH/FSH + DHT levels involved too.. could u specify a lil more if u happen to know.. too lazy to do research =)

  17. #17
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    but on a side note prostate cancer is treated by halting androgen production so androgens definelty play a role in prostate enlarging. also prostate enlargening has been a big part of determining the androgenic /anabolic ratios for different AAS if I remmeber correctly..

  18. #18
    sasman's Avatar
    sasman is offline Junior Member
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    seriously ....can someone please talk to me about some of the questions i have.... i mean i just see that there are people running stacks twice the size of the ones i have ever even considered. am i ok doing 2 cycles a year .... i would say i would be ok from a liver standpoint.... the big cycel i have ever done is 300mg deca 250mg test / wk.

  19. #19
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Smoking I think is one of the greatest aging factors along with the sun. The skin is damaged by both. It is how your skin looks as to how young you look!

    Generally at work the people who age the most are the smokers!!

  20. #20
    Gearhead007 is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by Gearhead007; 09-27-2007 at 02:34 PM.

  21. #21
    sasman's Avatar
    sasman is offline Junior Member
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    i was talking with an anesthesiologist the other day and he told me he was thinking of using...he said we nearly all get prostate cancer before we die.... it's just that many of us do not realize before we die!
    i know i will use for many years to come..... i just was really wondering if i could get away and be ok with 2 cycles a year!

  22. #22
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    8-12 cycles under ur belt at only 23 years old is going overboard. id chill out on the gear for a while and let ur body recover

  23. #23
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    lynn u have no idea what ur talking about the lack of a prostate isn't the only problem with ur argument. whenever I use test my prostate gets swoll. invariably swoll, there is a direct correlation, that's that

  24. #24
    Gearhead007 is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by Gearhead007; 09-27-2007 at 02:31 PM.

  25. #25
    sasman's Avatar
    sasman is offline Junior Member
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    what would you recommend for "moderation" .... is it going to be safer for me to do a stack of some heavier gear once a year....or would i be safe just to run winny twice a year alone...
    as you can read i have done 2-3 cycle a year for 4 years now....but i didn't do a stack until year four ....i was running test alone or winny alone... just didn't need to put on 30lbs at once ya know.... anyway i appreciate everything guys i am not trying to argue with anyone and i glad i am getting some serious imput on my life and body.

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