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Thread: Tren or Masteron

  1. #1

    Tren or Masteron

    I thinking of running one of these two compounds but im not sure which one yet so i'm looking for some advise from people who have ran both.

    I did a search for masteron and found that most people have said you need to have single didget body fat in order to see good results. And most say its one of the best hardners, but no one really ever talks about LBM gained. Why? Is it that you dont gain much weight from it?

    The reason i was thinking of running masteron over tren is because of what i read in the steroid profiles of tren saying it can effect thyroid functions and either T3 or T4 should be ran (i dont remember which). Thyroid disease runs in the family so i would rather not mess with it. I just wasnt sure if most people that have ran tren have even had a problem with thyroid function?

    So i guess my questions would be which compound to run and why? Which has the better possibility of LBM gains?

    Stats: 20 yrs. old, 5'9" 190lbs. @ 10% bf
    I've done 4 cycles usually consisting of test. This is my first time using either masteron or tren.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    4 cycles at 20 years of age............... .................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    4 cycles at 20 years of age............... .................
    Just about to say the same, boy thats alot at your age,

  4. #4
    Sorry guys.......typo. im 25. Not sure why i typed 20

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Haha no but really im 46...

  6. #6
    I think the posts abotu masteron here are mostly old wives tales.

    I am running 100mg eod along with other stuff though, so it is hard to tell exactly what the masteron is doing itself. All I know is if I stopped right now I would be happy and I have 10+ weeks to go.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I think the posts abotu masteron here are mostly old wives tales.

    I am running 100mg eod along with other stuff though, so it is hard to tell exactly what the masteron is doing itself. All I know is if I stopped right now I would be happy and I have 10+ weeks to go.

    So you arent too impressed with the Masteron then?
    Any advise on Tren or do you know the effects on thyroid function?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    So you arent too impressed with the Masteron then?
    Any advise on Tren or do you know the effects on thyroid function?

    Well I am not sure really, I cant say.

    As for th etren I have no actual experience with it so I will shut up.

  9. #9
    No worries. Thanks for the help though. I just dont have any experience with either compound so I'm looking at getting the best bang for the buck, you know? I want as much LBM gain as possible

  10. #10
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    tren or masteron

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I think the posts abotu masteron here are mostly old wives tales.

    I am running 100mg eod along with other stuff though, so it is hard to tell exactly what the masteron is doing itself. All I know is if I stopped right now I would be happy and I have 10+ weeks to go.
    skull how s your diet bro???..what Bf were you when you started it???Most of all what are you using it for??By the way i love Masteron!!!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    skull how s your diet bro???..what Bf were you when you started it???Most of all what are you using it for??By the way i love Masteron!!!

    I guess I am using masteron to possibly aid in BF reduction besides just trying something different.

    My diet is solid but not very very clean, for example I ate hamburger helper throughout today and yesterday I ate a lot of breaded chicken. No junkfood like candy or soda and bullshit like that but still like I said...

    I suppose I have lost bodyfat simply becuase of the LBM I have gained, I have in a sense "Grown out of" some fat. ?

    I am pleased thus far, I will never ever use slower esters again without faster ones as well. I will probly run this until gains stop or until I think I have gained enough. Or if I die lol.

    I was @ 17%-18% bf before this and I must be what, I guess 15-16% now ? I don't have my calipurs anymore so it is merely an estimation. I have gained approx 15 lbs. in 5 weeks if I rememebr correctly, Im nto really keeping track of my weight, more what I look like. The greatest thing about this cycle is how much it has helped my shoulder.
    Last edited by guest589745; 01-14-2007 at 10:38 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I guess I am using masteron to possibly aid in BF reduction besides just trying something different.

    My diet is solid but not very very clean, for example I ate hamburger helper throughout today and yesterday I ate a lot of breaded chicken. No junkfood like candy or soda and bullshit like that but still like I said...

    I suppose I have lost bodyfat simply becuase of the LBM I have gained, I have in a sense "Grown out of" some fat. ?

    I am pleased thus far, I will never ever use slower esters again without faster ones as well. I will probly run this until gains stop or until I think I have gained enough. Or if I die lol.

    I was @ 17%-18% bf before this and I must be what, I guess 15-16% now ? I don't have my calipurs anymore so it is merely an estimation. I have gained approx 15 lbs. in 5 weeks if I rememebr correctly, Im nto really keeping track of my weight, more what I look like. The greatest thing about this cycle is how much it has helped my shoulder.

    What compounds are you using? Doses?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    What compounds are you using? Doses?

    Right now its nandroloen prop, drostanolone prop, test prop and a littel adequan. Had dbol but rarely using it right now.

    Only about 800mg total for the week but it was higher, I just felt shitty and had to lower everything.

  14. #14
    How many milligrams of Masteron is that per week?
    Thanks for the help Skullsmasher

    Does anyone know if stacking masteron and tren yields good results? or is it over kill? And which of the following do you think would yeaild the best results......?

    test, masteron, and tren
    test and masteron
    test and tren

    ??? any input is greatly appreciated.

  15. #15
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    Jan 2007
    even in a low dose in my last cycle, tren was harsh. it was the first time id used it and i wont use it again. it for sure changed my body comp more than other compounds ive used but its just too harsh.

    its like 10 weeks or so since the cycle and i still have acne on my back/shoulders. if i used it again i wouldn't use the enanthate version, just to long to get out of your system if you start noticing unwanted sides.

    im interested in masteron too and plan on using it in the second of two short cycles.

    in my opinion test and tren were very synergistic but if you do this keep the mg/week of test higher than tren for health. masteron may help with some of the progestin related sides aswell. From the profile on masteron...

    "Clearly it won’t aromatize at all nor will it have progesteronic sides…remember, Nolvadex (and most ancillaries) are used to reduce estrogen for breast cancer patients, so a drug used to treat breast cancer obviously wouldn’t convert to estrogen...and in fact Masteron may interact with the aromatase enzymes to inhibit aromatization of other steroids into estrogen, and may additionally interact with estrogen (as a “blocker” of sorts) at the receptor site. (4)(5) This is how it helps to combat breast cancer, obviously, but this could also be part of the reason that Masteron is considered a “cutting” or “Pre-contest” drug. Masteron may actually be very useful for combating estrogenic/progesteronic side effects yes, you read that right….if you include Masteron in your cycle, you may not need other “ancillary” drugs like Arimidex or Letrozole). "

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Canada & Europe
    Try Propionate, Masteron and Tren.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    Sorry guys.......typo. im 25. Not sure why i typed 20
    well if the 0 was closer to the 5 then maybe..So I know why you said such.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by armbar83
    even in a low dose in my last cycle, tren was harsh. it was the first time id used it and i wont use it again. it for sure changed my body comp more than other compounds ive used but its just too harsh.

    its like 10 weeks or so since the cycle and i still have acne on my back/shoulders. if i used it again i wouldn't use the enanthate version, just to long to get out of your system if you start noticing unwanted sides.

    in my opinion test and tren were very synergistic but if you do this keep the mg/week of test higher than tren for health. masteron may help with some of the progestin related sides aswell.
    Thats the information im looking for. What was the dose of tren?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    well if the 0 was closer to the 5 then maybe..So I know why you said such.
    I can go back and find an old post where i gave all my stats and then everyone can do the math to see i'm not lying if that will help? Like i said, typo. Not sure why i put a 0 and not a 5

  20. #20
    Anybody else have an idea which compound is best for weight gain when stacked with test? Most people that I have read posts from about Masteron only report hardness and strength gains, not weight gain.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tren is one of the strongest agents out there. It`ll build mass while also aid in burning BF. Everybody reacts diffrent to Tren, same with test prop ect. When doing Tren for the first time do Tren Ace,if you react bad to it, its out of your system 2-3 days. Personally it doesnt bother me. I have never tried Masteron but I know people that use to aid in your test cycle. Masteron its not a building agent. Fights neg side effects of your test basically which gives you better gains off your test. Test is like a school yard bully vs Tren is like the kid that just got out of jail kinda deal. haha

  22. #22
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    Jan 2007
    i actually messed up the dosage during the cycle. i accidentally ran 100 mg/wk tren enth for the first 6 weeks of the cycle (miscalculated mg/ml) and then corrected my mistake. the last 6 weeks i ran 200 mg/wk.

    i would say the sides vs. gains ratio was dead equal. doubling the dose greatly increased gains aswell as sides (in my case acne, and who knows what else biochemically). i increased the test entanth from 250 to 350 throughout the cycle.

    tren is strong stuff though...

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Tren is one of the strongest agents out there. It`ll build mass while also aid in burning BF. Everybody reacts diffrent to Tren, same with test prop ect. When doing Tren for the first time do Tren Ace,if you react bad to it, its out of your system 2-3 days. Personally it doesnt bother me. I have never tried Masteron but I know people that use to aid in your test cycle. Masteron its not a building agent. Fights neg side effects of your test basically which gives you better gains off your test. Test is like a school yard bully vs Tren is like the kid that just got out of jail kinda deal. haha
    I guess what scares me about tren is the effects it can have on thyroid function. Did you notice any of that? What would be a good estimated ballpark figure for LBM gain? any ideas?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    What would be a good estimated ballpark figure for LBM gain? any ideas?
    too many variables...

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    I guess what scares me about tren is the effects it can have on thyroid function. Did you notice any of that? What would be a good estimated ballpark figure for LBM gain? any ideas?
    I jsut can't imagine it influencing thyroid function so much that it cuases health complications. However, in your situation, I would definetly be cautious about using actual t3/t4.

  26. #26
    It is suggested to use a littel T3 in conjunction with your trenbolone.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    It is suggested to use a littel T3 in conjunction with your trenbolone.
    he might have a heriditary thyroid condition.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    he might have a heriditary thyroid condition.

    Oh shit, didnt catch that.

    Well what i sth econdition then ?


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    How did these two compounds end up in the same sentence like this? They are not even remotely close to each other.

  30. #30
    Its on my mothers side. She is either hypo or hyper, i cant remember, but she doesnt have a thyroid anymore. she takes a pill everyday to make her body have a stable dose of the chemical a normal thyroid would produce.

    Thats why im not sure of tren. Im not sure how much effect it has on the thyroid. I figure if its already hereditary, why mess with it and make it worse, you know?

    Could i just do the normal 500mgs a week of test and do a really high dose of masteron? I've read posts of people doing more than a gram a week with test. I'm looking to put on around 10-15 pounds of LBM, not fat or water. I just want quality muscle.

    The main reason im asking about tren and masteron is that test just doesnt do a whole lot for me so im looking for something else to add in there.

    thanks for the help so far guys.

  31. #31
    Go with 5-600 test and 4-500 masteron, see how it goes. Hope you arent pre disposed to MPB.

  32. #32
    Nope! all the men in the family had their hair til the day they died.

  33. #33
    Can anybody that has done a high dose cycle of masteron comment on the LBM gain they got? If you could include the duration of the cycle, the dose, and what you stacked it with that would be awesome.

    thanks guys

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Midwest Biatch
    I love Masteron! Especially when I'm doing frequent injections. Tren ace is so harsh. When you are shootin up EOD you build up scar tissue at the injection site, so when you shoot the tren and knick a blood vessel you are F@cked! I researched the shit before I even used it, and I read threads about ppl getting the tren cough. That $hit F*cking sucks! I thought I was going to die. It took me till I reached the half way mark of a 50ml bottle untill I figured out how to shoot that $hit without getting the cough.

    Masteron, you don't have to worry about that. Keep your diet tight and do cardio you will look good. But masteron will make you bald if you don't take finasteride with it.

  35. #35
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    Fort Lauderdale

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBlack
    Masteron, you don't have to worry about that. Keep your diet tight and do cardio you will look good. But masteron will make you bald if you don't take finasteride with it.
    moreso than other dht aas?

  37. #37
    I dont see why it would be worse than tren but i could be wrong.

  38. #38
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    May 2006
    Tren cough is from crappy tren. Your body rids the impurities through the lungs.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Tren cough is from crappy tren. Your body rids the impurities through the lungs.
    Oh yeah?

    Mainline some Test E...See what happens.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    Can anybody that has done a high dose cycle of masteron comment on the LBM gain they got? If you could include the duration of the cycle, the dose, and what you stacked it with that would be awesome.

    thanks guys

    Quoting my own post!
    Anyone? Bueller? ......Bueller?......Bueller?

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