Ok, lemme start over my history, as some of u might know, i had started a d-bol 35mg ed/800 mg per week test 12 weeks followed by pct... Anyways my gym went out of buisness in the 5th week of my cycle, since i wasn't lifting and trying to find another gym, i spent about 5 weeks off cycle, and i pcted.
Anyways.. I'm restarting it again now, at about 500mg Test E for 10 weeks... Followed by PCT.
Anyways when i was lifting the first day on my new cycle i did notice some oddities lifting, for one when i lifted, it felt like when i did my usual 8 sets on the biceps.... It felt like i just did 30 sets... Now, 4 days later, my biceps still haven't completely recovered... Now if i am guessing, this is the bodys shock response to the 500mgs, my libido also disappeared, and just today it is starting to come back,, and also just in the past 1 1/2 days it finally feels like my biceps are starting to recover, basicly it felt like my body was in a complete loss of anabolic ability... Now i'm guessing this is a good sign the gear is legit right? Now... is this is a sign the gear is kicking in or, is it just an injury? i have to be sure..
I have done two injections so far... one at 500mgs being the kick start for the first injection and one 250 mg dose 3 days later.. The rest of the injections will be 2 250 mgs once a week to equal 500mgs weekly for 10 weeks.
Anyways anybody ever experinced this before?