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Thread: Injury or juice kicking in?

  1. #1

    Injury or juice kicking in?

    Ok, lemme start over my history, as some of u might know, i had started a d-bol 35mg ed/800 mg per week test 12 weeks followed by pct... Anyways my gym went out of buisness in the 5th week of my cycle, since i wasn't lifting and trying to find another gym, i spent about 5 weeks off cycle, and i pcted.

    Anyways.. I'm restarting it again now, at about 500mg Test E for 10 weeks... Followed by PCT.

    Anyways when i was lifting the first day on my new cycle i did notice some oddities lifting, for one when i lifted, it felt like when i did my usual 8 sets on the biceps.... It felt like i just did 30 sets... Now, 4 days later, my biceps still haven't completely recovered... Now if i am guessing, this is the bodys shock response to the 500mgs, my libido also disappeared, and just today it is starting to come back,, and also just in the past 1 1/2 days it finally feels like my biceps are starting to recover, basicly it felt like my body was in a complete loss of anabolic ability... Now i'm guessing this is a good sign the gear is legit right? Now... is this is a sign the gear is kicking in or, is it just an injury? i have to be sure..

    I have done two injections so far... one at 500mgs being the kick start for the first injection and one 250 mg dose 3 days later.. The rest of the injections will be 2 250 mgs once a week to equal 500mgs weekly for 10 weeks.

    Anyways anybody ever experinced this before?
    Last edited by Alex Rodriguez; 01-14-2007 at 01:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    typically there are oftentime many kinds of injuries, many of these injuries can be physical due to improper workout technique, or it could injuries due to infection related to mishandling of your gear. The most common physical injuries associated with poor workout technique are joint injuries, sore muscle, fatique and swellinhs etc. Injuries associated with gear besided the know side effect IMO includes asbcess, kidney pain, liver pain , heart-attack, etc. Now, where do u think is your trouble?

  3. #3
    are u sure it couldn't be related to the steroids though? i mean, the muscle thing happend about the same time my libido roughly disappeared. I'm sure i wasn't lifting wrong.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Rodriguez
    are u sure it couldn't be related to the steroids though? i mean, the muscle thing happend about the same time my libido roughly disappeared. I'm sure i wasn't lifting wrong.
    all i'm saying, maybe it's because i had to restart my cycle only 5 weeks after?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    The AAS will help your muscles recover FASTER not slower, its is not the AAS

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    Its taken you five weeks to find a new gym?
    Did the old gym give you your money back?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You were off lifting for 5 weeks and just started? Did you try to lift the same weight you were lifting before? I am not in your skin to know what you are feeling, but I think its just muscle soreness after being stopped that long.

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