01-14-2007, 03:36 PM #1
Yet another DNP question (Supplements)
Okay bros,
I'm going to run a 20 day DNP cycle at 200mg every 24 hours and I just want to make sure I will be using the proper supplements with it. So here a the run down of the supplements on hand.
DNP 200mg/day
**WATER** 2-4 gallons/day
Vitamin E 2 X 500iu/day
Vitamin C 2 X 1000mgs/day
Pyruvate 3 X 1g/day
Potassium Gluconate 3 X 1g/day
Glycerol 3 X 1tbs/day
ECA Stack (as needed)/day
Benadryl (as needed)/sleep or other
Let me know if I'm missing anything or if there is anything I should consider adding (OTC wise).
01-14-2007, 04:55 PM #2
4 gallons a day is WAY overkill man....i'm running 250mg crystal a day right now and im peeing clear on 5 litres water 2 litres fruit juice...i'm only on day 3 so ill probably have to bump it up a bit, but not to 4 gallons if ur only on 200mg a day
01-14-2007, 05:54 PM #3
It may be overkill but it's only water lol and 2 gallons a day is my usual intake. What kind of supplements are you using for your cycle?
01-14-2007, 07:31 PM #4
Anyone else have any insight into my question?
01-14-2007, 08:14 PM #5
better do some reading about water toxicity!!!! I just finished 20 days at half them being 250mg a day and the other half 500mg day of crystal. Certainly didn't need that much water. and NO it isn't just water, read about it.
01-14-2007, 08:18 PM #6
found a site for you http://www.hhp.ufl.edu/faculty/pbird...omuchwater.htm
You will be loosing enough salt from sweating, don't need to loose any more. make sure to drink V8 juice.
01-14-2007, 08:33 PM #7Banned
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Yeah 4 gallons is completely un-necessary!!
Just don't forget your multi-vitamin and multi-mineral
01-14-2007, 08:35 PM #8
Thanks for the input Lynn, but I already know of "water intoxication" as the study you sent me calls it. Sodium levels that are offset in my body can easily be replaced by means of diet and sodium supplements. So, YES, it is only water.
My original question was regarding my supplements and not about water. So would anyone else have any insight on my supplement choices and not about water?
01-14-2007, 08:39 PM #9Banned
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Originally Posted by tommy0677
01-14-2007, 08:41 PM #10
Thanks for the response SVT. Do the other supps look good, along with the addittion to my regular multi (AnimalPak 2 X day)? My usual water intake of 2 gallons should be good enough then and I hope this will put an end to the water sub topic going on here?
01-14-2007, 08:55 PM #11
BUMP again
01-14-2007, 10:02 PM #12
This is what I have found to be the most recommended supplements for a low dose DNP cycle. All additions to the supplements I'll be taking are in RED.
DNP 200mg/day (every 24 hours)
**WATER** 2 gallons/day
Calcium 2000mg (before bedtime)
Magnesium 1500mg (not taken with calcium)
Potassium 1 X 200mg
L-Taurine 2 X 500mg/day
Lutein 1 X 20mg
Vitamin E 2 X 400iu/day
Vitamin C 3 X 1000mgs/day
T3 1 X 100mcg/day
Pyruvate 3 X 1g/day
Glycerol 3 X 1tbs/day
Alpha-Lipoic Acid 1000mg (in divided doses)
ECA Stack (as needed)/day
Benadryl (as needed)/sleep or other
Does this look better?Last edited by tommy0677; 01-23-2007 at 04:11 PM. Reason: Updating Supplements List
01-15-2007, 02:26 PM #13
BUMP for more info
01-15-2007, 08:52 PM #14
lutein esters
those wouldnt hurt
01-16-2007, 09:35 PM #15
Thanks for the response iNvid. Would those have to do with cramping and rehydrating properly? From what I've read on here and other boards is that taurine and potassium supplements aren't really required for the "low & slow" method of dosing, but on the other hand I want to make sure I'm using this compound with safety.
01-16-2007, 10:42 PM #16Originally Posted by tommy0677
im on my 6th cycle right now at 600mg for about 3 weeks and im running all those
01-16-2007, 11:22 PM #17
Thanks again for responding iNvid. Consider those supps added to my list.
Thanks again bro.
01-17-2007, 12:37 AM #18
Vitamin C is cheap...up it to 5000 (5g/day)
01-17-2007, 10:57 PM #19
Hey iNvid,
I forgot to ask you what you would recommend for dosing of the supplements you listed?
To liftin,
True Vitamin C is cheap, bumping it up a couple of grams wouldn't hurt and will also help with hydrating too
01-18-2007, 08:15 PM #20Originally Posted by tommy0677
taurine - 1g
forgot to mention in my last post that most of the taurine thats lowered/depleted while on dnp is in the liver, contrary to some belief that its usually spread out within the body. just thought you should know what body part you are mainly helping out...
on a side note im down 7.5pounds in 4 days at 600mg/3 days and 400mg/1 day
01-18-2007, 10:20 PM #21
You're awsome bro and sounds like your cycle is off to a great start. Once I start mine I'll keep it posted. Thanks to everyone for all the input. Gotta love this board!!
01-25-2007, 07:03 PM #22
Here is my final list of ingredients for my DNP cycle. Once I get my T3 + L-taurine from AR-R my DNP cycle will begin and a log started.
DNP 2 X 200mg/day (every 12 hours)
Multi-Vitamin Pack/day
Calcium Pyruvate 2 X 2000mg/day
Cal-Mag Tabs 2 X C1000mg-M500mg/day
Potassium 2 X 100mg
L-Taurine 2 X 500mg/day
Lutein 1 X 50mg
Vitamin E 2 X 400iu/day
Vitamin C 2 X 2000mgs/day
T3 1 X 100mcg/day (morning)
Glycerol (Glycerin) 3 X 1tbs/day
Alpha-Lipoic Acid 2 X 500mg
ECA Stack (as needed)/day
Benadryl (as needed)/sleep or otherLast edited by tommy0677; 01-26-2007 at 08:13 PM.
02-04-2007, 10:24 PM #23
hows it going bro? have you started yet
02-05-2007, 12:19 AM #24
your running 100mcgs t-3? are you carrying that past the DNP cycle?
02-18-2007, 02:38 PM #25
Been awhile since my last post. iNvid, I haven't started yet (just got my AR-R stuff couple of days ago) but will be doing so in the next day or so and plan on starting a log on here as well. Test, Yeah I plan on running 100mcg of liquid T-3 and no I only plan on running it with the DNP cycle. I plan on doing 2 lose dose 3 week cycles (3 weeks on, 3 weeks off, 3 weeks on), so maybe it might be a good idea to run 9-12 weeks of the T-3??? Any suggestions?
Oh yeah, I will only be doing a 200mg daily dose, not 400mg as stated in my last post (typo).
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