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Thread: mini-cycle....???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    hey guys have a quick question, im am currently on a cutting cycle that has helped me lean up quite a bit, my girl says i have lost some size, she like me when i was a bit bigger, so i was wondering, i am currently on a cutting diet along with ECA, does anyone think if i take sust 250 for about 8 weeks, would hinder any gains of my cutting cycle, i still am trying to get that six pack, but my girls want some size back, maybe 5 pounds of muscle? will sust help me or will it just get me bloated, the reason i am choosing sust is cuz i have some laying around from my last cycle.... about 15 shots, maybe 8 week cycle.. or should i just save it?? any thoughts, thanks so much!!

  2. #2
    i don't think it would get you too bloated. also, i don't know about you, but whenever i'm on a bulking cycle, i tend to lean out as well. most of it has to do with my body type (mesomorph) and the way i work out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i think ur rite, the past 2 cycles i have done, Dbol & Sust, i did notice that i leaned out a bit, so maybe ur rite, anyone else on this subject??

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