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Thread: need some advise to deal with gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    need some advise to deal with gyno

    I will be right to the point,folks. I think I'm developing gyno, I need to know if I should start taking my 50mg of clomid daily for the next 3 to 4 wks. I'm currently in wk 8 of test-E-and-dbol cycle. I'm left with 4 more wks to go, and eventaully to start my clomid rgiment on wk 15 thru wk 17. I'm expecting to get some nolva at the begining of Feburary. Unfortunately--since in the past week my nipple begun to harden and now it seems like it is turning into a full blown bitch breast, I was wondering If I should start taking the clomid I got on hand to minimize theses bitch tities development regardless of that fact that I still have 4 more weeks of 500mg injection of test E to end my cycle. Your advise will be appreaciated. Thanks
    Last edited by S431M7; 01-15-2007 at 09:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    My advice is to read this thread..........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks for the infolink, Horsey. Please correct me if understood the artcle well, only letro would prevent or reverse gyno, is that correct

    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE
    My advice is to read this thread..........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    Thanks for the infolink, Horsey. Please correct me if understood the artcle well, only letro would prevent or reverse gyno, is that correct
    Get letro ASAP..Do not wait until its too late

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I would recomend arimidex in this senario due to the fact that it will build up quicker and will be less complicated to use along with PCT.

    Go to ARR.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    *Okay Horse, another question to u: According to Bino' article it is also ok to run SERM which are basically clomid or nolva "while" on cycle (but not really required), is that correct?

    *Another disturbing question is that he recommended the use letro 2 weeks before the begining of the actual cycle, since I already started my cycle more than 8wks ago, what I'm suppose to do now?

    * Okay in the event that if i decide to use letro, there will be no need for the clomid and nolva, is that correct?
    Last edited by S431M7; 01-15-2007 at 09:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by getpaid
    Get letro ASAP..Do not wait until its too late
    I will go for letro, but since Bino's article suggest it is better to run it prior to the start of the cycle, when do u think I should start letro regiment since I'm already in wk 8 of 12 wk cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I'll take a stab at it cause I'm bored. (in bold)

    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    *Okay Horse, another question to u: According Bino' article it is also ok to run SERM which are basically clomid or nolva while on cycle (but not really required), is that correct?
    Nolva reduces the effectivness of Letro and Arimidex. However, letro is so strong that using Nolva along with it, probably wouldn't make a difference in the effectivness. Arimidex might be a different story.

    *Another disturbing question is that he recommended the use letro 2 weeks before the begining of the actual cycle, since I already started my cycle more than 8wks ago, what I'm suppose to do now?
    This is because Letro takes longer to build up to appropriate levels in your body...Hence my I recomended Arimidex for your situation.

    * Okay in the event that if i decide to use letro, the will no need to for clomid and nolva to be added, right?
    Probably not.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    up !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    I will go for letro, but since Bino's article suggest it is better to run it prior to the start of the cycle, when do u think I should start letro regiment since I'm already in wk 8 of 12 wk cycle?

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