Originally Posted by
*Okay Horse, another question to u: According Bino' article it is also ok to run SERM which are basically clomid or nolva while on cycle (but not really required), is that correct?
Nolva reduces the effectivness of Letro and Arimidex. However, letro is so strong that using Nolva along with it, probably wouldn't make a difference in the effectivness. Arimidex might be a different story.
*Another disturbing question is that he recommended the use letro 2 weeks before the begining of the actual cycle, since I already started my cycle more than 8wks ago, what I'm suppose to do now?
This is because Letro takes longer to build up to appropriate levels in your body...Hence my I recomended Arimidex for your situation.
* Okay in the event that if i decide to use letro, the will no need to for clomid and nolva to be added, right?
Probably not.